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    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2014
    Hi everybody.

    I am reaching out to you today because I, a totally stranger to most of you, need a helping hand in the most difficult time of my entire life.
    Recently I lost my husband very tragically and with that many things came falling down putting me in a extreme need of help.

    Please check the whole story here:


    Thats a campaign I created for anybody willing and able to help...

    Your generosity, whatever it'd be, it would be highly appreciated and never forgotten. It will make a difference in my life...

    Thanks for your attention today..

    May your life be filled with happiness and joy today and forever.

    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2014
    Of course.

    One question, Robinson: is there any possibility you add a Paypal payment option?
    Much as I want to help, I am exceedingly hesitant entering my credit card details.

    In the meantime I wish you all the strength in the world.

    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2014
    Dear Robinson, any chance for paypal for me too?
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2014
    Hi Demetris & Martijn.
    I dont have a pay pal acct but if you want you could send any proceeds by Western Union so I can get them directly where I am here. I could tell you where to send it.
    Whatever your final decision would be, be known that your compassion, interest and generosity has touched me deeply and made me cry today...
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2014
    no worries, Roninson.
    I'll have a dig into the security setup of GoFundMe, and see how reliable their services are.
    Shouldn't really take too long.

    Again: all the very best in these incredibly dark times. Know that you have friends here.
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2014
    Actually, its much better for me if I receive proceeds by western union Martijn. I know that as reliable some of these sites would be there would always be doubts so if youre not completely sure try the other way..
    And yes Martijn, you guys are and have always been good people no matter the distance.. Thanks.
  1. If I wasn't broke, I'd totally help. I've been there myself, and a couple people -- who shall remain annonymous -- helped me a tad.
    The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else.
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2014
    Thanks Justin, your intention and words are as well priceless.. Thanks!!
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2014
    Well, Western Union is actually the least safe option (if anything goes wrong, the money is [i)gone[/i] without a single option for recourse for either party).

    However it's definitely preferable for the receiving party as the transfer costs are borne by the sender rather than the recipient. Did you see by the way that GoFundMe will charge you 5% PLUS an additional 2.9% & 30 cents PER donation? shocked Damn!

    Anyway, I'll have a look into wiring money through W.U.
    Never worked with them before (it's a very unusual transaction type in West Europe), so no idea how complicated that is. smile
    I assume I would need quite a few details from you for any such transaction, so I'll take subsequent conversations to PM.
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2014
    Yes Martjin, they host the donations and they take a piece of the cake. I just did not have any options... Damn I wish this would not be this complicated.. Sigh... Thanks a million Martjin for your interest, that itself its priceless for me.
    If you need anything from me just let me know.
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2014 edited
    I'm very sorry to hear about your loss, Robinson, and your troubling times. You have my deepest condolences.

    I recommend setting up a Paypal account. It's free, as far as I know. All you need is information about your credit card/bank account. It's the most reliable online transfer system in the world.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2014 edited
    Gofundme was very easy truth to be told, but you have to take into account they take around 10% total from whatever amount you donate. cheers
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2014
    Robinson, I wish I could help but I'm in no position to do so right now.

    I'm truly sorry to hear about the loss of your Husband, this must have been an awful shock. All I can give right now is give my sincerest best wishes and thoughts to you.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2014
    Tim, Im so happy to hear from you and your warm wishes. Youve always been a great friend of mine here and im thankful of that. Thanks Tim!!!
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2014
    You're most welcome.

    When and if I can do more I will.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2015
    Some good news: I spoke to Robinson the other day and he confirmed that the last audit of his papers and last interview went well. So he's now a legal resident. Which means he's finally free to look for a structural job.

    After a pretty dark period, I'm really happy that this particularly gruelling road has finally come to a positive close for him!
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2015
    It's great to hear this good news.

    All the best Robinson hug
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2015
    Great news, thanks for sharing, Martijn.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2015 edited
    Wooow! That is fantastic Martijn!!! How cool it is that this forum offered an option for Robinson to have a better future!

    Even though I chat with Robinson now and then, I am baffled that I seem to have completely missed this thread!!! shame
    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2015
    Me too
    listen to more classical music!
    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2015
    I appreciate the interest of some of you about all Ive gone through... This is another prove that communities and people go beyond the usual activities, intetests, topics and sometimes go to a deeper, more human and real touch that could sometimes help changing lives...

    I am very lucky and proud that a few years ago I found a website called scorereviews, started talking about my passion of film scores and most important that I found a group of great, amazing people to make lifetime friendships that in some cases proved me, more than ever that famous phrase in one of my most favorite movies which states "Remember no man is a failure who has friends"...

    Life is short, sometimes very unfair to others and if you can help to change a misfortune, be compassionate and give a hand. Trust me that it will make a big difference in the life of a human being... What could ever be more satisfying than that? And if you dont yet believe me, just think you were that person in need...

    Thanks to Demetris and Bregt. You guys are very special and since the very first day I exchanged a word with both of you, I was sure of the gorgeous nature of your human condition...

    And to you Martjin, I could say a lot of things but Im just going to cut it to the chase instead, you proved me that sometimes the word family doesnt necessarily have to do with blood, physical distance and other ties...

    I am happy to be part of this family, thanks...
  2. Congradulations.

    Which country are you now a part of?
    The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else.