Cherry 2000

Basil Poledouris

" once purchased for the then record sum of two thousand five hundred dollars "

Written by Thomas Glorieux - Review of the limited release

Cherry 2000 is a 1987 science fiction cult film, starring Melanie Griffith and David Andrew. Musically Basil Poledouris was responsible for the sound of the cult classic. Considering everyone said it had to be modern, hip and cool, Poledouris used for the very first time the electronics so strongly in the forefront of the acoustic instrumentation. In the end it makes the experience of Cherry 2000 a noteworthy one.

Cherry 2000 is also noteworthy for being the debut release of Varese's CD club in 1987. Considering a 1.500 copies couldn't stop the demand of this particular soundtrack, copies were offered by other means. And it became notorious for costing a certain fan a measly 2.500 dollars. The limited edition was not without its faults however, and Prometheus Records reissued an expanded release many years later. This is the review of the Varese CD club release of 1987.

Cherry 2000 is hip, bouncy and extremely fun to listen to. It might not be worthy of this 2.500 dollars tag, it nonetheless makes for one of Poledouris' eclectic experiences. The score itself is extremely pleasant to follow due to the fact Poledouris has 4 themes ready for you. The prologue theme, the main theme and 2 love themes, and all return frequently throughout the score.

We open with the prologue theme in "Prologue" and this one is a typical Poledouris tune that's easy on the ears. It returns in "The Barricades" and with beats in "Photograb", but the best listening experiences arrives when it receives a clever variation. This most notably with the help of an electric guitar in "Drive to Gloryhole" and in a heroic manner in "Magneto".

The main theme itself fits the best with the sound of Cherry 2000, and that's because it has the same bouncy attitude of the entire score. It opens and closes the soundtrack with "Lights On" and "Lights Out", and it receives a more than bouncing attitude in "Lester on the Move". The best versions are however the heroic versions of this particular theme, and it's in these moments that Cherry 2000 becomes the most entertaining. I mean "Thrashing of Sky Ranch" and "Ambush in the Cave / Truck Fight" are fun heroic encores that show us the true voice of Poledouris.

The 2 love themes in the end are the counterpart to the whole story. Both its lovely string theme ("Main Title", "Drive to Gloryhole", "Cherry Shorts Out" and "Flashback") and the floating secondary love theme ("Hooded Love", "Ambush in the Cave / Truck Fight" and its fanfare version in "The End") make the score all the more entertaining.

You see, like most of Poledouris' scores, you don't need much to like what's coming your way. Cherry 2000 is just one of the many reasons why Basil Poledouris was so beloved by fans and directors. The lovely ear for thematic consistency, the easy like able tunes and the charming experience make this another easy going listen. I would never buy it for 2.500 dollars, but true Poledouris devotees will see the charm and bounciness as a good reason to spend some 20 dollars on it instead.


1. Prologue (1.02)
2. Lights on (1.49)
3. Main Title (1.55)
4. Lester (5.05)
5. Randa (0.42)
6. Hooded Love (1.13)
7. The Barricades (1.50)
8. Magneto (4.18)
9. Drive to Gloryhole (1.23)
10. Thrashing of Sky Ranch (3.21) Excellent track
11. Sam Flips (1.13)
12. Cherry Shorts Out (1.30)
13. Lester on the Move (0.36)
14. Drive (1.52)
15. Photograb (1.09)
16. Plane to Vegas (1.00)
17. Rope Down (0.58)
18. Ambush in the Cave / Truck Fight (2.09) Excellent track
19. Flashback (1.05)
20. Lights Out (1.47)
21. The End (0.35)

Total Length: 35.34
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(total of 10 votes - average 4.35/5)

Released by

Varèse Sarabande CD Club VCL 8903.1 (limited release 1987)

Orchestrations by

Steven Scott Smalley