Haunted Summer

Christopher Young

" Young's Haunted Summers "

Written by Thomas Glorieux - Review of the regular release

Based on the infamous summer of 1816 when Mary Shelley wrote "Frankenstein", the movie goes about the manipulative games that turn into drugs and sex between the authors Lord Byron, Percy Shelley and Mary Shelley. Frankly a movie I never heard of, and if it wasn't for the music of one Christopher Young, it would have stayed that way. Young's score (which was recently re released by La-La Land, but this is the Silva Screen version) gives us a small suggestion to what film we would be looking at. In a way, Young's score is spot on the money. At one end drama, at another mysterious and atmospheric, and at another classic. All featured in a soundtrack that functions better on the background.

Truth is, there's a lovely theme ("Menage", "Alby" and portions of the long "Hauntings"), a theme that required more attention than the brief moments it receives here. But the few moments are noteworthy and demand attention. The rest is a combination between the more atmospheric moments (of which the long "Hauntings" has plenty of). Then I favor more the tingling moments of "Confrères" and the tantalizing beauty of "The Night Was Made for Loving". All in all, Haunted Summer is not a top 10 Young soundtrack (unfortunately that ultra long cue at the end detracts a bit from the experience), but it has enough riches to function perfectly on the background (with an occasional mini highlight here and there).

Track Listing

1. Haunted Summer (2.57)
2. Menage (4.45)
3. Villa Diodati (3.43)
4. The Night Was Made For Loving (7.12)
5. Polidori's Potions (4.19)
6. Ariel (2.11)
7. Confrères (2.12)
8. Geneva (1.34)
9. Alby (2.41)
10. An Unqiet Dream (5.34)
11. Hauntings: Hotel d'Angleterre / In the Caves of Chillon / Incubus / Mont Blanc (18.26)

Total Length: 55.34
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(total of 4 votes - average 4.5/5)

Released by

Silva Screen FILMCD 037 (regular release 1989)