Judge Dredd

Alan Silvestri

" I Am The Law, hear my Alan Silvestri score!!! "

Written by Thomas Glorieux - Review of the regular release

If I would had known that Jerry Goldsmith was originally the first composer on board, I would have been disappointed that he didn't do it. Sort of the same genre as Total Recall. But after listening to Alan Silvestri’s effort I didn’t mind that much anymore. It's strange to say this but the truth is, Alan Silvestri's effort is one amazing kick ass score. And now, it's available in the long format. Before existing with various songs, Intrada released the big and full picture of it in 2015. Be cautious because this isn't the version you've grown to love. Various highlights will sound slightly different now since they are the film versions. Anyway, it remains a kick ass experience in no matter way version you hear it (even though I personally prefer the more ballsy original soundtrack). Silvestri made Dredd sound thundering, and his music never failed to inspire. It's a bit weird and sad to hear the almighty track "Judgement Day" now separated in 2 tracks, but the idea is still the same. Make music that overpowers Stallone's cry for justice in the film. Back is the Predator jungle sounds for "Angel Family Values" (with new and improved bass) and "We Created You" continues to sound as impressive as it has always been. I mean, Judge Dredd has impressive fanfare eruptions, and subtlety is not a word that's apparent here. True, most of the highlights were already on the original album, so it was always a kick ass experience. But now this expanded score gives us even more ruckus and even more thunder. As said before, various tracks are different, so don't act surprised if you hear a small difference here and there. Like for instance the track "Say It isn't So" and "Judgement Day" (the incredible moment where Silvestri's music overpowers even Stallone's voice shouting for justice). Now this track is divided, something I rather had in its original format. Anyway, quibbles at one end considering the music is still amazing to behold. Like the many heroic eruptions of the theme in "Council Chaos" and "New World - Revised. Sadly the film was not the success it was destined to be, but I liked it anyway, because it was fun. And of course because it housed this score. Silvestri fans will of course chew it up. Goldsmith enthusiasts will dig the bonus trailer track very much. And fans of powerful music will have several orgasms for sure, considering we just do not get this type of music anymore. Recommended if you don't mind a few decibels here and there.

Powerful no nonsense music, having an incredible main theme as cherry on the cake.
Subtlety is not important here, so people who crave this powerful sound will surely love it.
Fanfares and choral eruptions, Silvestri matches the power of the scenes in the film.
Main theme works as a subtle love theme, or as a big gun ho macho statement.
No more songs, hooray!!
Several tracks (especially the end of "New World - Revised") worked better on the orginal score, at least for me.

Judge Dredd (1995 release) *****
Judge Dredd 2 CD (2015 release) *****


CD 1: 68.22
1. Main Title – Revised (5.00) Excellent track
2. Block War – Revised (5.02) Excellent track
3. I've Heard It All – Revised + (2.25)
4. Aspen – Revised (3.28)
5. It Ends (0.42)
6. The Law (1.46)
7. Pawn Shop (1.45)
8. Parking Penalty (0.56)
9. Dredd's Arrest (1.34)
10. Say It Ain't So (2.24) Excellent track
11. Judgment Day + (4.26) Excellent track
12. Hidden Photo (0.40)
13. Shuttle Crash (2.38)
14. Access Denied (1.07)
15. Angel Family Values (6.02)
16. We Created You (3.48) Excellent track
17. New Order Montage (2.14)
18. Hershey's Close Call (0.17)
19. Janus! (0.57)
20. Council Chaos – Revised (7.32) Excellent track
21. Hershey's Apartment (1.15)
22. Twice You Owe Me + (1.18)
23. Griffin Gets It (1.00)
24. Send in the Clones (1.18)
25. New World – Revised (7.50) Excellent track
26. Judge Dredd – Trailer * / ** (0.58) Excellent track

CD 2: 70.08
Original and Alternate Takes
1. Main Title +* (4.56)
2. Block War + (3.05)
3. I've Heard it All + (0.36)
4. Dredd and Fargo + (0.33)
5. You're a Legend + (0.23)
6. Aspen + (2.27)
7. Aspen – Alternate + (2.27)
8. I Judged Him + (0.56)
9. Hershey Objects + (0.21)
10. Bon Appetite + (1.42)
11. Brief Reunion + (1.32)
12. Council Chaos +* (5.46)
13. Choose + (5.17)
14. Choose – Alternate + (4.42)
15. Choose – Revised + (5.14)
16. New World + (2.25)
17. New World – Alternate + (2.25)

Original 1995 Soundtrack Assemblies
18. Judgement Day + (5.53)
19. Block War + (4.39)
20. Angel Family + (5.36)
21. New World + (9.13)

+ Not featured in film
* Previously unreleased
** Composed by Jerry Goldsmith
(click to rate this score)  
(total of 31 votes - average 4.15/5)

Released by

Intrada Special Collection Volume ISC 316 (regular release 2015)

Conducted by

Alan Silvestri

Orchestrations by

William Ross

Performed by

The Sinfonia of London