
Danny Elfman

" The most beautiful non Elfman sounding Elfman score "

Written by Thomas Glorieux - Review of the regular release

How many people can point out Danny Elfman out from of the mass populas, when he's not doing Danny Elfman stuff? It is perhaps a weird question but if you ever listened to Sommersby, you'll understand why I'm asking this. It is not only a score that sounds completely non Elfman like, it also captures musical material one wouldn't place alongside Elfman back in those days. Because back then he was quirky, zany and gothic, and barely emotional. Yet today we know better, and today we can honestly say he is maybe better at emotional than at being quirky, zany, gothic.

Perhaps the one sad thing about all this emotional brilliance is the absence of the choir, the typical Elfman choir. But do not be disappointed, because Elfman throws in some guitars and flutes and a hell of a main theme. This theme is a perfect, majestic theme and you'll surely love it each time it delivers its encore. So the main theme is repeated a lot but when right, you will not bother anymore. Sommersby is everything what Elfman fans perhaps didn't want but in the end wished more of. Meaning an Elfman showing something not dark but beautifully and emotionally laden.

First of all, this theme or at least a brief part of this theme has been used countless times before, it features as the logo music of New Regency. The main theme opens the score strong with "'Main Titles", continues the enchantment heartfelt but still powerful in "First Love", brilliantly in "Return Montage" and mere fantastically in the final track cleverly entitled "Finale". These tracks are stunning, and then I'm even forgetting to mention its timeless performance during "Going to Nashville".

That doesn't mean however that Sommersby is just the main theme and nothing else. There's a lovely batch of playful music. These tracks are just plain good old Danny Elfman, meaning no matter how different they may feel from the rest, they still remain goddamn excellent. Their performance in "Welcoming", "At Work" and especially in the last track "End Credits" are just plain brilliant.

Overall, this score is so non Elfman like, I consider this still to be the best possible thing of the entire score. The sole tiny complaint I might be having is the fact it's all a bit moody. But the sudden change of emotional to bouncy wit will just lighten the mood every time from then on, and you'll just continue its smashing listening experience once again. Sommersby is a must, plain and simple. There's nothing I have to add to that.


1. Main Titles (4.42) Excellent track
2. The Homecoming (1.58)
3. Welcoming (1.34)
4. First Love (3.55) Excellent track
5. At Work (2.01)
6. Alone (4.22)
7. Return Montage (5.19) Excellent track
8. Mortal Sin (4.38)
9. Homer (1.07)
10. Going to Nashville (1.42) Excellent track
11. Baby (2.13)
12. Tea Cups (1.42)
13. Townsend's Tale (6.08)
14. Death (2.09)
15. Finale (4.02) Excellent track
16. End Credits (3.16) Excellent track

Total Length: 51.31
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(total of 34 votes - average 4.21/5)

Released by

Elektra 961491-2 (regular release 1993)

Conducted by

Jonathan Sheffer

Orchestrations by

Danny Elfman