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What Would You Ask? (composer interviews)
- CommentTimeJan 13th 2010
- Will there be a Lost Season 5 album? Would be great to have Miles's theme and the music from the finale.
- Any plans to record & release the Lost Symphony? Disappointed that it's not on the DVD of Season 4.
Totally aside: anybody know why he scored the Walt-Michael scene in the Season 2 finale with Desmond's theme? -
- CommentTimeJan 13th 2010
I don't think there's going to be a season 5 album, it's re-takes on older material, nothing worth releasing.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJan 13th 2010
Well, I just rewatched it and there were some noteworthy cues to be had, especially in the finale. They could also take the opportunity and release some cues from previous seasons with it of course. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJan 13th 2010
fommes wrote
Totally aside: anybody know why he scored the Walt-Michael scene in the Season 2 finale with Desmond's theme?
I do want to ask something along these lines as well, but I would expect it comes down to time. I think in that instance the theme wasn't established as Desmond's (that was the first episode it was introduced in). For example the Kate/Sawyer love theme originally started out in "...In Translation" for a bunch of different characters.
The strangest however is probably the use of Hurley's theme in "Enter 77" when Sayid apologises to the woman he tortured. But again, it probably fit the scene well or MG was struggling for time.
Christodoulides wrote
I don't think there's going to be a season 5 album, it's re-takes on older material, nothing worth releasing.
I wouldn't think so either. There are too many short cues as well. There are a couple of nice pieces from "Some Like It Hoth" I would like however (the final few minutes of the episode contain the best music of the season), and the first scene with Jacob in the finale.
A season 5 and 6 release is more plausible (hoping season 6 is good!), or as mentioned above, releasing more music from previous seasons is a good idea. (I'd really like the variation on the Island theme used in conjunction with Ben's motif in "The Man Behind The Curtain".) -
- CommentTimeJan 15th 2010
Anthony, did you want me to make that post, as asked earlier?
The interview with Chattaway will be up in a few days.The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else. -
- CommentAuthoradam
- CommentTimeJan 15th 2010
I just want to know where he learned about orchestration, because he's so good at it! -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJan 15th 2010
Go for it, Justin -
- CommentTimeJan 15th 2010
I just want to know the usual: what's his favourite score/s, who are his favourite composers, what's his own favourite score.
I know they're not particularly original, but I genuinely want to know! I don't have any questions about his music because it's all self-evident. His approach is self-evident; we can hear it right there in the music! -
- CommentTimeJan 16th 2010
When is the deadline for question taking?The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJan 16th 2010 edited
When Lost finishes. -
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2010
Taking questions for an interview with TV composer Ben Lanzarone, who has worked on series such as:
"The Colbys"
"Happy Days"
"Matt Houston"
(and some more)
Any interesting or good questions might be used. Shooting for two weeks to take questions.The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else. -
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2010
Anthony wrote
Feel free to submit any questions you have about Lost for an upcoming Q&A with Michael Giacchino!
Are only questions about LOST allowed?Labels are for cans, not people. - Anthony Rapp -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2010
What do you want to ask about Pixar? -
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2010
justin boggan wrote
Taking questions for an interview with TV composer Ben Lanzarone, who has worked on series such as:
"The Colbys"
"Happy Days"
"Matt Houston"
(and some more)
Any interesting or good questions might be used. Shooting for two weeks to take questions.
I'd like to know a bit about how he deals with the time pressures of composing for TV shows and whether he had a chance to carry over any ideas between Dynasty and The Colbys.The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentTimeJan 22nd 2010
I should mention, he only scored one episode of "The Colbys" ("The Pact"). And he worked on "Hotel".The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else. -
- CommentTimeJan 23rd 2010
Anthony wrote
What do you want to ask about Pixar?
No not about Pixar!
- How did you get involved in Prep & Landing? How was it working on Disney's new Christmas special?
Labels are for cans, not people. - Anthony Rapp -
- CommentTimeJan 29th 2010
Not taking a break, I am also taking questions for an interview with Charles Gross. Standard two weeks from today for suggestions.
Not heard anything by him, try YouTube and search his name. Find a clip that plays music from "Country". It's definitively worth your time.The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else. -
- CommentTimeJan 29th 2010
YouTube isn't CD quality. I'm not listening to that! -
- CommentTimeJan 29th 2010
Certainly not -- anybody who goes to YouTube for listening experience, is wrong in the head.
Sampling purposes, however...The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else. -
- CommentTimeJan 29th 2010
You better hope koko doesn't read that. He'll voodoo the shit out of you.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJan 29th 2010
Wasn't he that crazy fucker who kept posting about YouTube being all he needed for scores?The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 29th 2010
Yes.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 29th 2010
When did we ever had crazy fuckers in maintitles?Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 29th 2010 edited
Koko's okay in my book, a bit youtube obsessed but that's hardly a crime. I don't think he was ever anything but polite to people.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 29th 2010
Unlike other crazy f's of mtLove Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 29th 2010
My lips are sealed.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 29th 2010
I think you'll find everyone at MT is perfectly polite!
Prick. -
- CommentTimeFeb 26th 2010 edited
Mr. Lanzarone's interview is now up: … rview.htmlThe views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else. -
- CommentAuthoradam
- CommentTimeFeb 26th 2010
Anthony wrote
When Lost finishes.
OK, another question. Does he do mock ups for Lost? In other words, does he create something that you could play that sounds like an approximation of the final result, or does he just come up with something on the piano and notate it? I know he works really quickly on Lost, and it's difficult to mock up glissandi and stuff, so I'm curious about that. And you can extend that question to his other works, too. -
- CommentTimeFeb 26th 2010 edited
<stupid and majorly backfiring effort at joke deleted>'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn