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- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2009
Stavroula wrote
Yes, it's very good when you have already worked something and so you can refer to it.
This year ia have to work with 3 new English books and 2 history courses so I have to prepare lessons every day, afternoon that is, and recap and do anything extra as far as material is concerned during that weekends. I'm struggling with it too and I will confess that there have been times that I have gone to work slightly unprepared and have done everything on the spot.
Like i do too from time to time, at the college. But of course there, i have the advantage of audio visual material plus my own experience on the matter, which can result to hours and hours of lessons.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2009
I find that as long as you are comfortable with the material, it's quite easy to just make it up 'on the fly'.
Just a generic outline of what you want to achieve over a certain period, and a couple of pre-planned excercises/demonstrations, and I have always been able to manage.
Though obviously these were generally just courses and workshops, with the longest continuous period not exceeding four months.
So it might be quite different for a year's curriculum.'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn -
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2009
Well, going unprepared doesn't have to be a bad thing. It can be good and fun. But, more important is how relaxed you are under the circumstances! I had some unprepared lessons too that went really well. But I didn't sleep that well the night before, so...
I know it causes stress with me so I better should have a good preparation. And I should be more relaxed in general. Not worry too much about it all. -
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2009
Well, the more you know the subject, the more fun the lesson will be for the audience, the more transmitting (if that's the word i am looking for really is) you will be and the more relaxed.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2009
Bregje wrote
I had some unprepared lessons too that went really well. But I didn't sleep that well the night before, so...
SO recognisable!
Even knowing you'll probably do well, there's such (perceived) pressure nonetheless!
(I guess we just want/need things to be fully under control. I have lightened up over the years, but it can still be a bad stressor!)'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn -
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2009
Martijn wrote
Bregje wrote
I had some unprepared lessons too that went really well. But I didn't sleep that well the night before, so...
SO recognisable!
Even knowing you'll probably do well, there's such (perceived) pressure nonetheless!
(I guess we just want/need things to be fully under control. I have lightened up over the years, but it can still be a bad stressor!)
I admit that after 10 years of teaching I sleep very well even if I haven't prepared my lessons so well!Whatever you gaze rests on,do not use your vision, but the eyes of your soul...She knows better... -
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2009
Thanks for the encouragement!
Even though I know all of my struggles are normal beginner problems every starter goes through, I still think from time to time perhaps it's not for me. I don't want to give up of course, but I often wonder if I will ever get there in the end!!
Especially after today, it was a tough day and feel I didn't succeed. I'll write a little report tomorrow and focus on what did go well. But first: thursday afternoon has become my lazy afternoon, so... nothing.
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2009
Martijn wrote
SO recognisable!
Even knowing you'll probably do well, there's such (perceived) pressure nonetheless!
(I guess we just want/need things to be fully under control. I have lightened up over the years, but it can still be a bad stressor!)
Perceived pressure, that's a good way of saying it.
A lot of pressure is coming from inside, not from the outside! -
- CommentAuthorPanthera
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009
I think watching TV helps me relax. The noise of a loud fan helps me relax too. -
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009
The sound of a loud fan? First time i hear such a thing!Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009
Panthera wrote
I think watching TV helps me relax. The noise of a loud fan helps me relax too.
A loud fan like this or like this??
In both cases, the monotonous sound can be relaxing indeed.
When I was still in high school I did my home work at the kitchen table and the dish washer sound was just perfect. -
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009
What I also did a lot the last couple of weeks, like right now, is listening to Klendathu Drop really loud to relax!!
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009
Christodoulides wrote
The sound of a loud fan? First time i hear such a thing!
That's because you have LOADS of fans DOn Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009
Steven wrote
That relaxes you!?
...when was the last time you had a CAT scan?
Religion is a comedy gold mine. If you can't have fun and sit back and enjoy the folly of mankind once in a while life can be very depressing.
Have you seen "Religulous"? If not, you'll love it. It's disturbing, but it will hopefully also makes you laugh. ->
Peter -
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009 edited
plindboe wrote
Steven wrote
That relaxes you!?
...when was the last time you had a CAT scan?
Religion is a comedy gold mine. If you can't have fun and sit back and enjoy the folly of mankind once in a while life can be very depressing.
Have you seen "Religulous"? If not, you'll love it. It's disturbing, but it will hopefully also makes you laugh. ->
Yeah, I love that film/documentary.
I agree, it is funny, but it's a double edged sword. As you said, they can be disturbing.
Many beliefs themselves are hilarious, yes, but the fact that people believe them -especially some of the more socially malign beliefs like extreme sexism born of religion- does not amuse me in the least and certainly isn't 'relaxing' to discuss! It's good to laugh at silly beliefs, ridicule is a great weapon against the absurd. But it's also good to genuinely decry the more harmful ones. And because even religious moderation teaches the virtue of faith and therefore toleration of belief, I find it a little hard to have a relaxing conversation with just about anyone of a religious persuasion. -
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009
With such extemist and incredibly idiotic religious actions, you can either laugh your ass of or drown yourself in tears. I tend to do the latter more of the times.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009
Things I do to relax :-
Just not get involved in any religious conversation whatsoever.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009 edited
Humour is a great way of not letting the crap in life get to you. The same way jokes about death and misery makes life more tolerable. Finding something funny doesn't preclude me from fighting against it though.
Having compassion for people who've been brought up to believe in absurdity I find just as important. If I had been born in the Bible belt, or in Iran, chances are I'd hold some very strange ideas. Understanding that critical thinking and skepticism isn't something everyone has been exposed to results in sympathy from my side, rather than condemnation.
Having these outlooks I find makes life much more tolerable and enjoyable than otherwise, and it makes these believers interesting and fun to engage in debate with.
Peter -
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009 edited
Things I do to relax :-
Just not get involved in any religious conversation whatsoever.
You and me both mate! You and me both.Whatever you gaze rests on,do not use your vision, but the eyes of your soul...She knows better... -
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009
Christodoulides wrote
With such extemist and incredibly idiotic religious actions, you can either laugh your ass of or drown yourself in tears. I tend to do the latter more of the times.
I don't drown myself in tears, as you so eloquently put it, and I can certainly see the funny side of religion, but I also take a keen interest in the effect it has on politics and people. I take a keen interest in just about anything that harms societies, nations and living creatures in general (global warming, hunger, disease, animal cruelty, general stupidity etc.), but religion is one that probably interests me most because of its generally backward nature.
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009
plindboe wrote
Humour is a great way of not letting the crap in life get to you. The same way jokes about death and misery makes life more tolerable. Finding something funny doesn't preclude me from fighting against it though.
Having compassion for people who've been brought up to believe in absurdity I find just as important. If I had been born in the Bible belt, or in Iran, chances are I'd hold some very strange ideas. Understanding that critical thinking and skepticism isn't something everyone has been exposed to results in sympathy from my side, rather than condemnation.
Having these outlooks I find makes life much more tolerable and enjoyable than otherwise, and it makes these believers interesting and fun to engage in debate with.
That's especially sound advice for a place like this forum since everyone here (to my knowledge) is very moderate in their religiosity. But I think that kind of philosophy only gets you so far. Particularly in political discourse, I would opt for a more aggressive approach; zero toleration of anything genuinely harmful. I would have a very hard time to keep a debate to tolerable and enjoyable levels if I were having a debate with al-Shabab!
So I agree with you for the most part, but there's a deeper and darker side to religion -faith- that shouldn't go unchallenged IMO. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009 edited
Steven wrote
Christodoulides wrote
With such extemist and incredibly idiotic religious actions, you can either laugh your ass of or drown yourself in tears. I tend to do the latter more of the times.
I don't drown myself in tears, as you so eloquently put it, and I can certainly see the funny side of religion, but I also take a keen interest in the effect it has on politics and people. I take a keen interest in just about anything that harms societies, nations and living creatures in general (global warming, hunger, disease, animal cruelty, general stupidity etc.), but religion is one that probably interests me most because of its generally backward nature.
Keep your mouth shut about the religious bit and with a bit o'slap you'll be a sho-in for the next Miss World.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009
How did you know I'm entering into the competitions!?
Who you been talkin' to? -
- CommentTimeDec 4th 2009 edited
plindboe wrote
Humour is a great way of not letting the crap in life get to you. The same way jokes about death and misery makes life more tolerable. Finding something funny doesn't preclude me from fighting against it though.
Having compassion for people who've been brought up to believe in absurdity I find just as important. If I had been born in the Bible belt, or in Iran, chances are I'd hold some very strange ideas. Understanding that critical thinking and skepticism isn't something everyone has been exposed to results in sympathy from my side, rather than condemnation.
Having these outlooks I find makes life much more tolerable and enjoyable than otherwise, and it makes these believers interesting and fun to engage in debate with.
No matter how you were brought up, there's an OPEN WORLD these days, with internet, worldwide info and knowledge reaching you whenever you are at a click of a mouse, there's libraries, there's vast amounts of data of all kinds easily available in all the forms, to everyone who wants to. So there should be a level of thinking, evaluating, judging and be a sensible, thoughtful human being, with LOGIC, no matter the crap some might feed you. Tolerance due to differences is always the easiest and best excuse, but I think there shouldn’t be any more excuses like that in our times; or at least be used with moderation.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeDec 5th 2009
Steven wrote
How did you know I'm entering into the competitions!?
Who you been talkin' to?
Kelly Brook. Took ages to kick her out tooPersonally I think she just used you to get me in the sack, but hey, the things you have to do for England :shrug:
On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeDec 5th 2009
I did not read all the religion posts, but good thing you bring humour in general up . Laughing is very relaxing. I enjoy watching a good comedy or watch / listen to cabaret. Lately what I do is, when I finished my homework in the evening I watch Comedy Central late in the evening and watch Frasier. A bit earlier in the evening Graham Norton show is on. With internet radio there are new channels like non-stop cabaret / standup comedy. Being able to look at life with a bit of fun is very healthy. I think we laugh a lot here at home. Even the kids are getting good at joking hehehe.
(For the rest, TV sucks a lot lately!! We have digital now and still there are evenings when there's nothing interesting on at all... Time for DVD or reading then) -
- CommentTimeDec 5th 2009
Christodoulides wrote
No matter how you were brought up, there's an OPEN WORLD these days, with internet, worldwide info and knowledge reaching you whenever you are at a click of a mouse, there's libraries, there's vast amounts of data of all kinds easily available in all the forms, to everyone who wants to. So there should be a level of thinking, evaluating, judging and be a sensible, thoughtful human being, with LOGIC, no matter the crap some might feed you. Tolerance due to differences is always the easiest and best excuse, but I think there shouldn’t be any more excuses like that in our times; or at least be used with moderation.
If only it was that simple. There's this thing called psychology though. Prior beliefs has a huge influence in what sources you use and how/whether information will be absorbed. As social animals we also tend to absorb beliefs from those around us, especially during our early years. These cognitive "deficiencies" doesn't just affect the nutcases, it's how all humans operate. If you think upbringing and environment loses all their effect on mental development merely because of increased availability of sources you're deceiving yourself.
It's easy to declare that anyone who disagrees with your views is either stupid or lazy. But it doesn't accomplish anything, it's the exact same behaviour that the nutcases have and there's nothing to learn from it. The hard way is trying to find out why people believe what they do, to try to incorporate some humility into your approach by acknowledging that you might have stuff to learn as well and trying to present valid arguments and evidence.
Peter -
- CommentTimeDec 5th 2009
I don't have a lot of specific beliefs...i believe in logic, logical people who are thinking with their heads in this modern society. I don't care if their beliefs are against mine, since they're thinking individuals.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeDec 5th 2009
- CommentTimeDec 5th 2009
I steer clear of online religious discussions too, but I had a "live one" just last night with a few buddies of mine. Two of us (including me) are Christians, the other two were not. It can be rewarding, but hardly something "relaxing". That's not the word I would use.I am extremely serious.