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    • CommentAuthorKevinSmith
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2010

    As always, comments and suggestions are wanted.
    Revenge is sweet... Revenge is best served cold... Revenge is ice cream.
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2010
    Yay, I love Horner's Troy score! punk
    • CommentAuthorKevinSmith
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2010
    That was a clip from Yared's Troy actually... the wailing woman clip.
    Revenge is sweet... Revenge is best served cold... Revenge is ice cream.
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2010
    Ah, they all sound the same those wailing women.

    Still, Yared's Troy is a sublime score. 5 stars all the way!
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2010
    Hehe. Nice way to put Horner copy-pasting what Yared has done just weeks ago wink But no biggie, i do like both scores as well and given the little time Horner had, it'd be logical to use already existent material for the movie if it was worthy. But i don't understand how they rejected Yared's wailing women and went for the same eventually, but with a different name tag on wink Industry works in such mysterious ways.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2010
    It's certainly an improvement, Kevin.

    To provide some constructive criticism: I think the editing can be improved alot. But much of it probably comes with practice over time. If you look around on youtube, there are many users that are excellent at editing their videos together, and I'm sure you can learn alot from looking around.

    I think something that can be improved upon, is when you show pictures in silence, and then play audioclips while talking, so it becomes difficult to hear you. I think both of these are mistakes. Try to have silence while talking (or perhaps music playing at very low volume could work, I'm not sure), and whenever you show pictures you also play music or some other audio while it's showing.

    It's also important to sound upbeat and talk fast and flawlessly. When one stutters and make mistakes, it turns many people off. Better record the sentences again and again until one has perfected them. You do very good though, I'm sure I'd do terribly if I tried making such a video.

    Last comment is that there's alot of white noise in the silent moments, which is very noticable. I'm not sure if there is software out there that can remove such noise, or whether you have to get a higher quality microphone.

    Just some thoughts. I'm not an expert in this, so don't trust too much in what I say.

    Peter smile
    • CommentAuthorKevinSmith
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2010
    And smile right? Because I apparently sound like a psycho.
    Revenge is sweet... Revenge is best served cold... Revenge is ice cream.
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2010 edited
    No smiles necessary. Most youtubers who upload videos of themselves don't smile, and for good reason, as it can easily appear fake and unnatural. You don't sound like a psycho at all.

    Peter smile
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2010
    I think a smile is in order, or at least try to use a little bit of your charisma. It's perhaps not natural for everyone, but it helps the viewer to identify and sympathize with the reviewer, even if they may disagree with his opinion.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2010
    Talking to a webcam is not a natural social situation though, so a smile won't appear naturally as it would in a real-life conversation. This makes the advice to smile risky imo, because for the vast majority of people it can so easily end up seeming forced and unnatural.

    Of course one shouldn't seem gloomy either, and should indeed try to use one's natural charm to brighten it up. It probably takes alot of practice in any case.

    Peter smile
    • CommentAuthorKevinSmith
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2010
    Well if I'm not passionate about film scores, why would I do the videos?
    Revenge is sweet... Revenge is best served cold... Revenge is ice cream.