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CD / book trade / VHS movies
Market Place » CD / book trade / VHS movies (Posts 1 to 1 of 1)
- CommentTimeApr 15th 2011 edited
Couple used books on Amazon I would like to get. I have some CDs left over that didn't get tossed. If anyone wants to discuss a possible trade, let me know. Probably talking a little over $20.00 (that's including shipping) for the two books.
I also have some VHS tapes of various films, up for offer for a different trade; there's a new CD I want. No cost to them, you just pay shipping. Will compile a list in a few days. But some titles:
"Star Trek: Insurrection"
"Terminator 2"
"The Breakfast Club"
"The Wild, Wild, West" (Will Smith movie)The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else.
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