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    • CommentTimeJul 13th 2014 edited
    Scribe wrote
    Keep expecting this thread to be about how Wintory is getting fined for a back-breakingly massive amount of money for recording an orchestral game score without his union's permission, in violation of how any score fan could possibly want the industry to work...

    http://kotaku.com/journey-banner-saga-c … 1589048563

    Edit fail...
    I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to!
    • CommentTimeJul 13th 2014 edited
    Unions have a huge part in all of those many little things that ended Greece's economy. Be sure, US folks, not to get the same in the end.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeJul 18th 2014
    Wow...what a mess!
    But without understanding why the video music industry is such a mess, it's really hard to make any kind of judgement either way. I agree though it's exceedingly frustrting for those just trying to do their job to be blocked in such a way, and the simple fact that apparently this stalemate is now lasting for TWO years certainly seems to suggest that the current union leadership is not doing its very best to make the situation any better.
    In other words: it must be quite nice riding the moral high ground on someone else's dollar.

    So far at least my sympathy is very much with Austin.
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeJul 18th 2014
    he is truly caught in the middle isn't he?
    listen to more classical music!
  1. My review of ASSASSIN'S CREED: SYNDICATE for anyone who's interested:

    http://moviemusicuk.us/2015/11/20/assas … n-wintory/

    • CommentTimeFeb 21st 2016
    • CommentTimeSep 18th 2016
    Review of Abzu, which is one for anyone who liked Journey:

  2. I was on the fence about listening to this one as I'm one of those who liked but didn't love Journey, but your review has definitely convinced me to give it a shot. Hopefully I can love rather than like this one!
      CommentAuthorErik Woods
    • CommentTimeSep 19th 2016
    Abzu is a brilliant score! Wintory is on fire this year!

    host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | www.cinematicsound.net | www.facebook.com/cinematicsound | I HAVE TINNITUS!
  3. Edmund Meinerts wrote
    I was on the fence about listening to this one as I'm one of those who liked but didn't love Journey, but your review has definitely convinced me to give it a shot. Hopefully I can love rather than like this one!

    Still, if you're hoping for something very different than JOURNEY, you may be disappointed. They're tonally similar, for sure.
  4. I found Journey to be a very nice listen but kind of meandering and unengaging at times. I think it's the promise of choral writing that makes me think I'll like this one more... smile
  5. Great review James, listened to this last night, my first Wintory score, I'm a bit out of the loop the last couple of years... Any other recommendations on where else I should start?
  6. Unfortunately I'm not really able to get on board with Abzu either (choir and all). I don't know what it is with Wintory...I just don't really seem to like or "get" his voice. Some of his harmonic writing is just a little too modern and unusual and nebulous for my taste, and it comes across as semi-random shifting of notes without rhyme or reason (although I know full well that this isn't really an accurate or fair way to describe the music; it's just how it seems to me). I did like the big ten-minute cue towards the end more than the rest of the score, though. Felt a bit more lively and active.
    • CommentAuthorJosh B
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2016
    I love Wintory's harmonic writing *because* it's unpredictable. He definitely takes a lot of influence from 20th century classical music. I think his closing choral cue is the most gorgeous piece of 2016.
  7. Edmund Meinerts wrote
    Unfortunately I'm not really able to get on board with Abzu either (choir and all). I don't know what it is with Wintory...I just don't really seem to like or "get" his voice. Some of his harmonic writing is just a little too modern and unusual and nebulous for my taste, and it comes across as semi-random shifting of notes without rhyme or reason (although I know full well that this isn't really an accurate or fair way to describe the music; it's just how it seems to me). I did like the big ten-minute cue towards the end more than the rest of the score, though. Felt a bit more lively and active.

    Methinks you would come to like it if you gave it several more listens than you are probably willing to give it based on that impression. It takes a while to sink in.
  8. Edmund Meinerts wrote
    Unfortunately I'm not really able to get on board with Abzu either (choir and all). I don't know what it is with Wintory...I just don't really seem to like or "get" his voice. Some of his harmonic writing is just a little too modern and unusual and nebulous for my taste, and it comes across as semi-random shifting of notes without rhyme or reason (although I know full well that this isn't really an accurate or fair way to describe the music; it's just how it seems to me). I did like the big ten-minute cue towards the end more than the rest of the score, though. Felt a bit more lively and active.

    honestly I have the same reaction. It's nice but somehow I don't fully connect to it. It has to be something personal I suppose.
    waaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh
    • CommentTimeJan 29th 2018
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2018
    Nice story about how close he came to doing Star Trek: Discovery. (I wish he had!)

    https://medium.com/@awintory/star-trek- … 695577457a
    • CommentAuthorjb1234
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2018
    Southall wrote
    Nice story about how close he came to doing Star Trek: Discovery. (I wish he had!)

    https://medium.com/@awintory/star-trek- … 695577457a

    Those demos are great. This is a major loss, for sure.
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2019
    I interviewed Austin Wintory and painter Angela Bermudez during the film music festival in Krakow!

    https://soundtrackworld.com/2019/03/int … -bermudez/
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2019
    The release of JOURNEY on Apple devices gave me a good excuse to review Austin Wintory's music for the game :-)

    https://soundtrackworld.com/2019/08/jou … n-wintory/
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2019