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This was 2007
Off Topic » This was 2007 (Posts 1 to 21 of 21)
- CommentTimeDec 31st 2007 edited
The yearly topic.
- I think 2007 was one of my happiest years. Don't know if it has something to do with starting to drink, but I threw away some (stupid) principles and I had a lot more fun, especially the past summer. Ow yeah!!
- Finally more appreciation for Desplat
- The Medal of Honor scores
- Started my final year at school
- The meeting of so many scorereviews people! At WSA or on he MiniMeet in The Hague.
- The passing of Gregory (Sir Gumdrops)
- Death of ScoreReviews
- The long awaited and too long delayed birth of MainTitles and your patience.
- Being the saviour of you all.
I'm looking forward to 2008, to hopefully get my master and a good job, but perhaps first some travelling? I' also looking forward a lot to my trip to China, in March. And to find a girl.
And I want to see good movies. I haven't sen a movie in cinema's I'd wanted to see again actually (perhaps Ultimatum). I saw Planet Earth though, which was fabulous.
What meant 2007 for you?Kazoo -
- CommentTimeDec 31st 2007
Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeDec 31st 2007
Christodoulides wrote
What meant 2007 for you?Kazoo -
- CommentTimeDec 31st 2007
A important year in mi life, For sure.
-In 2007 i had some big familiar problems, but at the same time they finally was for good.
-I had some health problems that finally was not real (I cross my fingers) but they make me change a little bit my life.
-I went to Rome, one of the most beauty experiences of my life (Specially listenin Lair and The Da Vinci Code)
-I bough the car I like (well..but at the same time the car I can Pay )
About Scores.
-I went to Ubeda with all the moviemusic Freaks, I meet Debney, Powell, Arnold, Towson...
-I could talk with a lot of great people in sorereviews and I saw the birth of our new place: Main titles
-I finally discovered how good is Williams, And Specially Empire Strikes Back.
-Zimmer composed the score I was looking from him all my life : At world's End and Suites. -
- CommentTimeDec 31st 2007
Well mate,
2007 was the year i got close to one truly wonderful human being who makes me re-discover myself newly each and every day (and vice-versa). Looking forward to get closer, very very soon heh
It was also the beginning of my final year at the uni (bachelor) which – so far, has been absolutely great via meeting very important people in the business that have helped me very and by whom I learned / continue to learn a lot. Through this experience, i was helped into focusing on what I want to do next, putting me into specific paths and aiding me gain crucial experience out in the field, in the work. Everything has become more focused and specific last year and 2008 is going to be awesome in this area.
Many great developments came to me at a personal level as far as my beloved film music is concerned, great friendships came to be further established and grounded, many with several of you people (you know who you are – some via too ), a fact which I am tremendously thankful for.
There are a lot of things I didn’t manage to accomplish last year but thankfully I haven’t regretted about anything I have done. Always excited about what the New Year will bring to me and currently full of energy and pathos to cover it all (hopefully)Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeDec 31st 2007
Why is it that we only remember the latest stuff? I finally understand the Oscars...
- The move. Although it all went naturally and didn't feel like a big change in the end, this must be the thing of 2007 that will be remembered the most. It's like a new era in our life, since we plan to stay here for a while.
- I almost forgot it happened this year too (seems much longer ago) but I finished my training and started working independently. Finishing my training and receiving my diploma meant a lot to me. It still does. And this training put a lot of other things in motion in my life, so, important developments.
- I have been genuinely happy and peaceful. I guess in 2006 as well, but this time I remember more vividly, enjoying the smaller things in life
- the end of scorereviews
There must be more that I can't remember right now! -
- CommentTimeDec 31st 2007
Bregje wrote
- the end of scorereviews
There must be more that I can't remember right now!
Oh, hell yes, there is more! What about the start of MainTitles? -
- CommentTimeDec 31st 2007 edited
BobdH wrote
Oh, hell yes, there is more! What about the start of MainTitles?
This was indeed a very exciting event. The way it all sparked out of the death of our beloved scorereviews into something that would attract so much vividness and passion right from the very beginning as well as the best company of people in the fan base I can think of, it’s truly impressive and heartwarming. I particularly liked the fact that many new members who previously lurked into Scorereviews, now decided to step in and start participating actively in the community! Looking forward to the days that will attract the rest of the people who haven’t joined us yet in 2008, into the warmest and best online film music place to be.
Cheers to Bregt and all of you people here with us !Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeDec 31st 2007
2007 has been an intense, wonderful and very exciting year for me personally. First of all, I became a father in August. Little Elmer is now five months old and I can't describe what a strong experience it is to love a baby, and to share that love with the woman you adore.
On a professional and musical level, MovieScore Media is now a pretty solid soundtrack company and we release several CDs every month, almost on a weekly basis. I'm excited about all the new scores I'm discovering and will put out for everyone to enjoy... and I hope that our audience will continue to grow! My big passion apart from film music is choral music and 2007 has been an important year for me as a composer. Two of my a cappella pieces has been premiered and there is more to come. As a chorister, I've been singing works by composers such as Bach, Whitacre, Lauridsen, Ellington, Walton (a brief solo!), Praetorius... all wonderful music.
Happy New Year to you all!
- CommentAuthorpmrsim
- CommentTimeJan 1st 2008
2007 was shit. I'm glad it's over. I'm not kidding. Personally there's been a lot of illness and depression. Score-wise... there have been VERY few scores that really retained my interest. I can count them on one hand.
On the bright side... I fulfilled a (semi) life-long dream by buying a Lexus, and it's the most brilliant car I've ever driven (and probably will ever own).
All the best for '08. -
- CommentTimeJan 1st 2008
Pete, sad to hear that. I really hope 2008 brings you better things in all areas and wishing you, and everyone else, all the best!Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJan 1st 2008
2007 has been quite a good year for me, I would say.
I finally shed my old job and am working in a capacity and place I *love* (at a substantially higher rate!).
There's been some excellent score releases, both new (Lair, At World's End, Ratatouille) and old (Alien, Blade Runner), which, though not all to my own taste, were well received and appreciated as a whole.
Politically it's been turbulent again: as the European economy moves steadily onwards and upwards, we may indulge ourselves in the luxury of worrying about the environment once again (as we always do until the next economic recession), obviously without any actual result whatsoever. Iraq's been a bundle of laughs right to the edge of the precipice, and Afghanistan isn't doing much better, causing some political blockheads to actually consider talking with what can only be described as the most amoral, oppressive and evil movement this side of Stalin's USSR, the Taliban. Obviously Munich is a long, long time ago.
Carla del Ponte has left the Yugoslavia tribunal as any effort of bringing some of Europe's shameful recent history's greatest butchers to justice is being thwarted and frustrated at all sides, quenching hope for justice for tens of thousands of "ethnically cleansed" dead, or rather their surviving families. It was only to be expected. Nuremberg, obviously, isn't all that long ago.
Radicalism and fundamentalism remain widespread, although the kneejerk reaction -at least in western Europe- has changed from ignoring and belittling any problems to panic and fearmongering.
Yet, for all that, internet usage in China has increased a thousandfold, increasing hopes for an end to political and economic isolationism. Bloodthirsty machotalk from Iran's head honcho notwithstanding, ever increasing reports of student protests for increased freedom from religious oppression continue.
Thusly I move into 2008 with mixed emotions.
I'm expecting more of the same, with many an ineffectual political or sociological post from me in this forum. At the end of the day though the most fundamental impact and influence in one's life is directly linked to the people that surround you. Family, friends, communities you choose to be a part of.
I wish you all all the best you can be, all the fortunes you deserve, and all the peace you need.
Being happy will make the world a little bit better.'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn -
- CommentTimeJan 1st 2008
Thanks Martijn!
Have a good year.
Like the port (or does that only count for wine?)Kazoo -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 1st 2008
Not a really interesting year for me, in and out of work over and over due to a recurring medical problem ( my knee ), didn't set foot out of the country ( unless WALES counts?! ) for the first ime in over 20 years, went to one wedding and one funeral and Glastonbury turned into a glorious mudbath!
But when you look around, from the homeless beggers I see every day to the horrific problems in countries like Iraq and Pakistan then there's not a lot to complain about personally.
I wish ALL of you and ALL of yours a healthy and happy new yearOn Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeJan 1st 2008
2007 was pretty much amazing for me. Fourth year on the uni ended with my best marks, so really I hit the latter half of the year with very good prospects - a scholarship on the university, a visit to London in beginning of September. I met some amazing people on the internet, I won a TV show in November which let me get the laptop I am writing on now, I started to write my master thesis.
I just ended the year a bit down, which was noticed by people who got me as a friend on Facebook and thanks to one person (the person - who is a member here - knows who I refer to ) for listening to my rants of recent. I want to finally do something about my dreams this year. I have to fight for myself. Lots to work on. Which makes the year an interesting prospect. - Polish Film Music Review Website -
- CommentTimeJan 2nd 2008
Happy new year everyone! Hope it's a fabulous one for each of you!
Thanks to Bregt (and team) for Maintitles! It's cool to see such enthusiasm for discussions in a very friendly atmosphere. So many prolific posters!
Congrats to Mikael on the joys of fatherhood! And many thanks for the excellent releases by MSM. Keep them coming! And thanks for your support at SST.
Hope the new year brings much relief and joy to you.
As for me this last year was perhaps the end of my blind purchases of italian scores. I think I've spent way too much on them and the rewards haven't been much. I've had this habit of exploring lesser known composers/scores and not getting the popular ones (because the latter is always available). I hope to cut down with the cds and save some decent money this year.
On the personal side, I hope to have my thesis topic approved and excellent progress made! -
- CommentTimeJan 2nd 2008 edited
2007 was an alright year I suppose - though I can't really say that it was exceptional in any way. Other than the fact that I started my last year at college, had a nice trip to France in the Summer, and enjoyed a few good piss-ups, it hasn't exactly been brilliant nor awful. I've kept my friends, health and prospects and that's all that really matters. Score-wise, I'm generally unimpressed but I haven't really heard everything yet.
2008 will be a much more eventful year, with my final exams, university applications, etc. In the Autumn I am leaving to spend my gap-year in Australia with family and hope to fit some travelling in there too. Also, I hope that things will be a lot more interesting on the score (and movie) front.
So everyone have a great 2008 - I wish good health and fun for all of you, I really do.
- CommentTimeApr 16th 2021
I miss doing these yearly threads. This was the first one on Maintitles.
I didn't post in this thread then, for some reason, but when I look back at 2007 now, it probably remains the best year of my life (as scored by Hugo Friedhofer).
It's really the only year in my life I've had a proper job. I was hired as Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Media Studies at the University of Oslo, and I was only 29 when I took the position. It lasted a year. In June of that year, I bought my first apartment (which I still live in, but now I rent the same apartment I once owned....long story). At the same time, I was riding high on my "celebrity" status after having been in a television series for two seasons (in 2005 and 2006). I partied hard, worked out a lot, got girls left and right. Can't remember if I did much travelling abroad (don't think there was much time, as I was also in charge of the summer school with international students that year).
2007 is the zenith of my life. Ah, nostalgia.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeApr 16th 2021
Jeezus, just thinking what to write of shit to depict what 2020 and now 2021 was.
2020 with the COVID insania, 2021 with hardly any improvement and the death of my mother. So far everything about this year has been shit. Except meeting you all in the get togethers and the fact we have some things planned for the end of the summer. So hoping it eventually picks upwaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh -
- CommentTimeApr 17th 2021
LSH wrote
2007 was an alright year I suppose - though I can't really say that it was exceptional in any way. Other than the fact that I started my last year at college, had a nice trip to France in the Summer, and enjoyed a few good piss-ups, it hasn't exactly been brilliant nor awful. I've kept my friends, health and prospects and that's all that really matters. Score-wise, I'm generally unimpressed but I haven't really heard everything yet.
2008 will be a much more eventful year, with my final exams, university applications, etc. In the Autumn I am leaving to spend my gap-year in Australia with family and hope to fit some travelling in there too. Also, I hope that things will be a lot more interesting on the score (and movie) front.
So everyone have a great 2008 - I wish good health and fun for all of you, I really do.
Oh. My. God.
13 years since that post. I can't even begin to describe how quickly the optimism that is ingrained in that post disappeared. -
- CommentTimeApr 19th 2021
Obviously not much happened with me in 2007!The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else.
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