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Top 5 Favourite movie villains
Film, TV & DVD » Top 5 Favourite movie villains (Posts 1 to 30 of 83)
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
So what characters in a movie are so evil you'd wet yourself if you'd ever get up close and personal with him / her / it?
- Aliens: the Alien Queen, would never ever want to meet it in person, not a live one anyway. Love seeing it in the movie though, doing all the nasty things she does.
- Braveheart: King Edward 'the Longshanks', he is ruthless and merciless, and I love how Patrick Mcgoohan makes him one of my favourite despicable baddies.
- Metro: Michael Korda, as portrayed by Michael Wincott at his darkest and most evil. I cheer each and everytime he comes at his justified end.
- Predator: the Predator, downright scary looking, and only lives for the hunt and the kill, he shows no compassion for his victims, I love his uncomplicated reason of existence.
- Terminator 2: T-1000, played by Robert Patrick, as with Predator, no other motives but to kill and annihilate. Played icecold as a machine should be shown, I never want to make his acquintance.
Of course I have many more but these I just love to be wasted by the hero / heroine..."considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G. -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
1) Darth Vader
2) Darth Vader
3) Darth Vader
4) Darth Vader
5) Stewie
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
STEWIE by far!Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008 edited
Erik Woods wrote
1) Darth Vader
2) Darth Vader
3) Darth Vader
4) Darth Vader
5) Stewie
Who's Stewie?
EDIT : it's okay, I remember could I forget one of my fave programmes?
On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
Erik Woods wrote
1) Darth Vader
2) Darth Vader
3) Darth Vader
4) Darth Vader
5) Stewie
No offense but nowadays Darth Vader is more funny than scary (that suit of his is soooooo dated and kitsch). And his theme (even if I think it´s one of Williams´career best themes) doesn´t help making him scary or fearsome.
I´m with Gilles: I´d pick Aliens (in general), Predators and Robert Patrick´s T-1000, followed very close by Michael Myers (now that´s pure evil).Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
I would say Darth Vader is one of those villains you love to hate and let's not forget that deep down he's a corrupted innocent who's been twisted by the evil of the dark side.
I'd personally opt for Senator Palpatine / The Emperor as my favourite villian of the piece, Good ol' Darth was always a bit too lovable to me.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
I found the villain in "Wolf Creek" to be the scariest sonnafumbitch in any movie I've ever seen. Not sure I'd call him my favorite though, the movie almost seemed too real and too depressing to be enjoyed.
Peter -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008 edited
Dr. Evil. No contest
When Dr. Evil gets angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset, and when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset, people DIE!
Talk about ruthless! -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
For a truly wicked man with seemingly no redeemable characteristics I would say look no further than Andrew Robinson's superb portrayal of the serial killer 'Scorpio' in Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry, creepy, psychotic intelligent nastiness impersonified, Robinson even outdoes himself in the also sinister role he played as 'Uncle Frank' in Hellraiser.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
Marselus wrote
No offense but nowadays Darth Vader is more funny than scary (that suit of his is soooooo dated and kitsch). And his theme (even if I think it´s one of Williams´career best themes) doesn´t help making him scary or fearsome.
Oh for the love of God. Funny than scary? Please. Vader could kill you just by looking at you. And just look at the people around him. They are terrified of him. Make one mistake and you are done for. And that dated black suit is bad ass. As for the theme... don't even go there. It's plenty dark. Just listen to "Approaching the Death Star" from Jedi and "Carbon Freeze Chamber" from Empire.
BTW, we aren't picking the scariest villian, we are picking the best villain. Vader is the best villain!
Kids these days...
PS - Stewie --> Family and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
Erik Woods wrote
Oh for the love of God. Funny than scary? Please. Vader could kill you just by looking at you.
Too bad he's got a helmet in front of his eyes -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
BobdH wrote
Erik Woods wrote
Oh for the love of God. Funny than scary? Please. Vader could kill you just by looking at you.
Too bad he's got a helmet in front of his eyes
But he can SEE through it.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
Erik Woods wrote
But he can SEE through it.
But you wouldn't KNOW it. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008 edited
As a kid one of my very favourite villains was Goldfinger's Oddjob.
I never liked the idea of taking on somebody who could shrug off having a gold bar thrown at his chest ( as if I could be so lucky to have gold bars thrown at me!?) , crush a golf ball in one hand ( ever tried it with two? still get nowhere
) and has a hat that can chop the head off a solid stone statue when thrown.
Shame he wasn't impervious to electricityOn Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
Christodoulides wrote
STEWIE by far!
Nah. Cartman. Period. -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
BobdH wrote
Erik Woods wrote
But he can SEE through it.
But you wouldn't KNOW it.
Would he not be looking your your general direction? Anyway, he doesn't necessarily have to be in the room to do you in either. Check out Empire for an example of this.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
*votes for Cartman as well*
Respect my authoritah!
Peter -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
Erik Woods wrote
BobdH wrote
Erik Woods wrote
But he can SEE through it.
But you wouldn't KNOW it.
Would he not be looking your your general direction? Anyway, he doesn't necessarily have to be in the room to do you in either. Check out Empire for an example of this.
Yeah but as long as you do your job properly and don't feck him around he's quite personable!On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
Regarding the debate about whether Darth Vader could see out of his helmet I think there's plenty of evidence that shows he can. Notice that he doesn't bump into stuff when he walks, and he sometimes walk pretty quickly, especially in the beginning of "A new hope".
PS. The funniest Darth Vader video in existence is this one: -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
plindboe wrote
I found the villain in "Wolf Creek" to be the scariest sonnafumbitch in any movie I've ever seen. Not sure I'd call him my favorite though, the movie almost seemed too real and too depressing to be enjoyed.
Agree. What a character, what a performance and what a film. Please don´t let the americans do a remake, please....
Erik Woods wrote
Oh for the love of God. Funny than scary? Please. Vader could kill you just by looking at you. And just look at the people around him. They are terrified of him. Make one mistake and you are done for. And that dated black suit is bad ass
Sorry, but the whole Star Wars Saga is too childish to have the best villain ever. He could kill me with a cold look (even if I couldn´t see his face), but I´d die laughing.
In the other hand, if I met Michael Myers or the sonovabitch of Wolf Creek (Mick Taylor), well, I´d wet my pants and start running....if I could.Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
Marselus wrote
Sorry, but the whole Star Wars Saga is too childish to have the best villain ever.
Uh Huh! Childish? Unbelievable!
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
Erik Woods wrote
Marselus wrote
Sorry, but the whole Star Wars Saga is too childish to have the best villain ever.
Uh Huh! Childish? Unbelievable!
Come on, don´t tell me you´ve been scared (I mean that in its bigger meaning) or felt any kind of fear anytime in the saga. It´s a pure space-adventure-romance-fantasy saga, and Darth Vader is the villain this saga needed (not that is a bad thing at all, I like Darth Vader, he is nice and cruel, but as cruel as the overall mood of the saga allows it to be, and that is a childish cruelty, so a childish villain).
Anyway, Darth Vader would be in a top ten without doubt. But I prefer more visceral villains (some have been mentioned here), more real ones.Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
Here's my rundown if you met them...
Alien Queen : your pants fill up real quick
King Edward : Longshanks : Look at this grave....this dudes been dead a loooooonnnnng time
Predator : See 'Alien Queen'.
T - 1000 : Ahhhh a Police officer, could you hel....uckkkk!
Darth Vader : Yes sir! Right away sir!
Michael Myers : Hey, cool Halloween get up, can I... uccckkk!
Scorpio : Go ahead punk, make my day
Oddjob : Please can I have my golf ball back sir?
Dr. Evil : yeah yeah....whaddever!
Mick Taylor : Excellent we're saved by a friendly outback man
Stewie & Cartman : Man you are some weird ass cartoon looking mudderf**kers!On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
I'll throw another one into the mix...
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
Marselus wrote
Come on, don´t tell me you´ve been scared (I mean that in its bigger meaning) or felt any kind of fear anytime in the saga. It´s a pure space-adventure-romance-fantasy saga, and Darth Vader is the villain this saga needed (not that is a bad thing at all, I like Darth Vader, he is nice and cruel, but as cruel as the overall mood of the saga allows it to be, and that is a childish cruelty, so a childish villain).
Yup...nothing beats a childish force choke?
And I don't care what GENRE the character comes from... we are looking to the best villain and he is it! Bad ass!!! Take no shit villain. And if you saw this 7 foot mother fucker standing if front of you with the ability to waste you without even touching you, you'd be bowing in front of the Dark Lord in seconds begging for mercy. And again may I remind you that we aren't looking for the SCARIEST villian. We are picking the best villain overall and Vader is the best villain, bad guy, whatever!!!
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008 edited
Erik Woods wrote
I'll throw another one into the mix...
Now we understand each other
That´s more my kinda villain (except the alien / non-human ones).Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008
Biff Tannen's up there with my top 5. -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008 edited
Steven wrote
Biff Tannen's up there with my top 5.
GREAT choice, Butt Head!
Now why don't you make like a tree and get out of here!
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008 edited
In categories??
Favourite megalomaniac villain : Ernst Stavros Blofeld
Favourite "he's behind you" villain : Michael Myers / Freddy Kruger
Favourite pure psycho villain : Scorpio ( from Dirty Harry )
Favourite henchman villain : Darth Vader
Favourite comedy villain : Biff Tannen ( great choice there Steven )
Favourite non-human villain : Tyrannosaurus Rex ( Jurassic Park )
Favourite 'I can't wait to see you get your comeuppence' villain : Prison Warden Norton ( The Shawshank Redemption )
Any categories I've forgotten?On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJan 9th 2008 edited
Aliens (The Queen)
Nightmare on Elm Street (Freddy Kruger) I must say one of the most scary dudes invented
Heroes (Sylar) I must say Sylar was pretty scary up until the moment they showed his face, that Homecoming episode still gets me goosebumps every single time I think of it
Ah well, the real scary person would be my 2 former chefs, because they exist and are ugly as hellwaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh