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PAPA S'EN VA EN GUERRE: album release & nomination
General Discussions » PAPA S'EN VA EN GUERRE: album release & nomination (Posts 1 to 5 of 5)
- CommentAuthorMaximilien Mathevon
- CommentTimeJun 6th 2013 edited
I'm very pleased to announce the nomination of "Papa s'en va en guerre" for the 8th Jerry Goldsmith Awards in the "Best music for documentary" category.
(more infos about it: … documental )
The album has been released as a digital dowload the 15th may. You can listen to the album on my website: … albums.php
... or on youtube:
« Theme de papa s'en va en guerre » :
« Des familles et des guerres » :
« En attendant papa » :
PAPA S’EN VA EN GUERRE - Original Documentary Soundtrack
Format: digital download
Tracks: 15
Time: 30’ 15
Release date: 05 / 15
1. Theme de papa s'en va en guerre
2. Des familles et des guerres
3. Des jeux d'enfants
4. Avant le départ
5. La guerre en Afghanistan
6. Les jours de pluie
7. Le passage des mois
8. Encore en Afghanistan
9. En attendant papa
10. Vies et souvenirs
11. De retour
12. Familles réunies
13. Loin de la guerre
14. Pour l'avenir
15. Les enfants de la patrie
PAPA S’EN VA EN GUERRE tells the stories of those children whose fathers – French military soldiers – went to fight in Afghanistan, risking their lives.
How do these children live their daily lives during this separation? What are their relationships with their father during the days preceding the departure – and the days following the return? How do they cope with the fear and, sometimes, the loss? Those are some of the questions this documentary tried to answer.
Some years ago, director Géraud Burin des Rozier and I already teamed on a project involving the war in Afghanistan. This 2009 documentary (almost similarly titled “Papa part à la guerre”) focused on the French soldiers and their mission in Afghanistan. This time round, we went through the mirror to speak about the families who stay in France, waiting with hope and anguish for any piece of news.
Musically, I was interested in the blending of those notions of pride, courage, fear, loss and relief. The score needed to be subdued and respectful, yet it had to express the joyfulness of youth too – we were talking about children, with children games and children vision of life. So the music had to balance between gravity and light heartedness.
This is a project I am proud to be part of: a touching and respectful documentary.Site: - FBpage: … 1475484888 - Twitter: -
- CommentTimeJun 6th 2013
Congratulations! That's cool. I just discovered your that your music is on Spotify and I've been listening to this score this morning. It's very nice! I'm a huge fan of the piano, and I like how you've highlighted it in this score. I'll have to give the rest of your stuff a listen shortly. Congratulations again on the nomination! -
- CommentTimeJun 6th 2013
Congrats Maximilien! All the best at the awards.
Since it's on Spotify, I'll have a listen!Kazoo -
- CommentAuthorMaximilien Mathevon
- CommentTimeJun 7th 2013
Thanks!Site: - FBpage: … 1475484888 - Twitter: -
- CommentAuthorMaximilien Mathevon
- CommentTimeAug 15th 2013
You can read Randall Larson's nice review of PAPA S'EN VA EN GUERRE in his July column: … 25_13.html
(review is halfway of the column)Site: - FBpage: … 1475484888 - Twitter:
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