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    • CommentTimeOct 23rd 2013
    So far he only has about 8 projects to his name, with scores released for 2 of them. His score The Paradise has been getting a lot of good press, but everything he's done is very good. Including his score for the ridiculously cheesy looking Muddle Earth. I'm listening through all of his stuff now.

    You can hear most everything on his site: http://mauriziomalagnini.com/music
  1. His score for Muddle Earth is excellent.
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
  2. Need a break from star wars? Here's my review of Malagnini's lovely THE PARADISE Season 2.
    www.synchrotones.wordpress.com | www.synchrotones.co.uk | @Synchrotones | facebook | soundcloud | youtube
  3. My review of PETER AND WENDY, for anyone who's interested smile

    http://moviemusicuk.us/2015/12/18/peter … malagnini/

    Enjoy smile

  4. Here is Synchrotones' review of PETER AND WENDY. Lovely score!
    www.synchrotones.wordpress.com | www.synchrotones.co.uk | @Synchrotones | facebook | soundcloud | youtube