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    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014 edited
    Well, vice versa I think your stance is quite mental. I find it quite absurd to have to defend albums as an artform. I doubt I'd have to do that, say, 20 years ago.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014
    Thor wrote:

    What provokes me a bit with you and others' view is that you LESSEN it to an interactive thing for Joe Schmoe, and in so doing undermining soundtrack albums as an artform. It's a bit offensive, IMO.

    Bollocks. I've heard edits from non professionals that have sounded just as good, and often better, than the original albums. Nothing offensive about that. Not to disminish the efforts made by those amatuer editors, and even though there is some skill involved, it's really not that difficult - it's just timely. It's a little more involved to make something that will have a wider appeal, but it just takes a little more patience. But more to the point, there is nothing wrong with customising an album to suit your tastes.

    And with your logic, you're creating art from art. Reinterpreting. Creating a whole new entity. Given your somewhat, shall we say, passionate remarks, surely this is akin to creating a new life. A miracle, wouldn't you say?
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014
    Thor wrote
    Well, vice versa I think your stance is quite mental. I find it quite absurd to have to defend albums as an artform. I doubt I'd have to do that, say, 20 years ago.

    I'm not saying it isn't, but you take it way too far.
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014
    At least Ben Affleck agrees with you.
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014
    Steven wrote
    Thor wrote
    Well, vice versa I think your stance is quite mental. I find it quite absurd to have to defend albums as an artform. I doubt I'd have to do that, say, 20 years ago.

    I'm not saying it isn't, but you take it way too far.

    That's your view. Personally, I think I'm extremely reasonable and just stating what I -- up untill a few years ago, anyway -- thought was pretty common knowledge. Which is why I find the whole discussion rather absurd.

    There is nothing "wrong" in customising your own playlist out of anything, but it's not Album Production (capitals for emphasis) the way I define and perceive it. And I'm into this weird soundtrack listening hobby of ours not only because of the music, but also in how said music is presented. That's the way I became interested in soundtracks in the first place -- through other concept albums in prog rock and electronic music. The 'art' involved in the production of those albums (whether it's Pink Floyd's THE WALL or Jean Michel Jarre's OXYGENE or whatever) is no less or different than that in soundtracks, IMO.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014
    But we're moving way off-topic here (not that there was much of a topic in the first place). Maybe we could use Kevin's thread to talk about the conceptualization of compilations -- especially those that have a common concept or idea or mood etc., which is something we agree on.
    I am extremely serious.
  1. Hmm, I think it IS different, because unless you actually re-record specifically prepared suites (E.T., Alien, Brainstorm), what you do with a film score is select and/or edit already written cues. In terms of concept albums, it's written with that particular thing in mind, so the songs were actually written and recorded and sequenced when the album was initially thought out.
    http://www.filmmusic.pl - Polish Film Music Review Website
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014 edited
    PawelStroinski wrote
    Hmm, I think it IS different, because unless you actually re-record specifically prepared suites (E.T., Alien, Brainstorm), what you do with a film score is select and/or edit already written cues. In terms of concept albums, it's written with that particular thing in mind, so the songs were actually written and recorded and sequenced when the album was initially thought out.

    Not necessarily. There are any number of things done to the best produced concept albums after the songs themselves have been written. Just listen to something like Alan Parsons Project's TALES OF MYSTERY which segues between dialogue, orchestra, sound effects and the songs themselves.

    In case of film scores, the raw material is different as the individual cues have been synched to specifically timed scenes, but the principle guiding their presentation in terms of over-arching structure isn't, really. Sometimes, you have to edit a cue this or that way to make the segue to the next track more fluent. And you have to consider the 'main' points of the score which the tracks should lead to and from. Etc.

    (btw, it should also come as no surprise that I love suites/rerecordings, because it's one extra step away from the movie).
    I am extremely serious.
      CommentAuthorErik Woods
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014
    I hate you, Kevin.

    host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | www.cinematicsound.net | www.facebook.com/cinematicsound | I HAVE TINNITUS!
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014
    You're free to abstain from the discussion if you find it so boring and/or frustrating, Erik. smile
    I am extremely serious.
      CommentAuthorErik Woods
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014
    It is boring because you and the rest keep beating a dead horse. But if you feel this is the best way of spending your time then have at it. I'm more interested in Kevin's compilation and the feedback that he was asking for. And did anyone take the time to actually listen to it?

    host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | www.cinematicsound.net | www.facebook.com/cinematicsound | I HAVE TINNITUS!
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014 edited
    Erik Woods wrote
    It is boring because you and the rest keep beating a dead horse. But if you feel this is the best way of spending your time then have at it. I'm more interested in Kevin's compilation and the feedback that he was asking for. And did anyone take the time to actually listen to it?


    Well, it's one of my pet subjects that I'm very passionate about and I feel like there's always something new to pop out from it even though -- yes -- there's also a lot of trodding up old paths.

    As for Kevin's compilation, I gave some feedback awhile back. There's only so much you can say about that. Which is why I suggested moving on to discussing the art of compilation making -- more specifically compilations with a common theme. That's also interesting.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014 edited
    Erik Woods wrote
    It is boring because you and the rest keep beating a dead horse. But if you feel this is the best way of spending your time then have at it. I'm more interested in Kevin's compilation and the feedback that he was asking for. And did anyone take the time to actually listen to it?


    To be fair, we have commented on his playlist, and now some of us are discussing what we think makes a good playlist (Thor's dogmatism notwithstanding). But doesn't this all count as feedback of a sort? Discussion? Isn't that what this place is for?

    And if we're expected to listen to it, then he should have provided a download link. Not everyone will have those tracks sitting in their library, especially the ones he has edited I suspect, nor the inclination to make the playlist.
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014
    Steven wrote
    And if we're expected to listen to it, then he should have provided a download link. Not everyone will have those tracks sitting in their library, especially the ones he has edited I suspect, nor the inclination to make the playlist.

    There are very practical considerations against doing this on an open forum.
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014 edited
    Easier might be a YouTube, Spotify or Grooveshak playlist/album/...
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014
    Good suggestion.
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014 edited
    Martijn wrote
    Steven wrote
    And if we're expected to listen to it, then he should have provided a download link. Not everyone will have those tracks sitting in their library, especially the ones he has edited I suspect, nor the inclination to make the playlist.

    There are very practical considerations against doing this on an open forum.

    Shut up! I was making a point! angry

    But in all seriousness, yes I know, though perhaps a subtle suggestion that one would be willing to share said playlist via the hidden realm of PMs may not have been so bad if indeed we are expected to listen to it before commenting on it.
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014
    I don't have all of the cues in Kevin's playlist, but I was impressed when Martijn apparently had all the cues on my "The Religious Sound" playlist that I shared awhile back -- and that I've lost.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014 edited
    I *am* most impressive!

    That reminds me: should I still send you a read-out of that list?
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014 edited
    Martijn wrote
    I *am* most impressive!

    That reminds me: should I still send you a read-out of that list?

    Yes, please! I love playlists! biggrin
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2014 edited
    I have that playlist. It's fantastic!

    Edit: wait, scratch that, no I don't. I have Martijn's religulous playlist.
    • CommentAuthorKevinSmith
    • CommentTimeDec 9th 2014 edited
    Alright, we'll call it a draw...
    Revenge is sweet... Revenge is best served cold... Revenge is ice cream.
    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2014
    We're an unruly bunch.