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- CommentTimeMay 16th 2020
Timmer wrote
Are you still with the Norwegian lady you were dating?
Eehhhh.... alas, no. But I'm in good health and enjoying a life of maths and physics. I realise that's not quite as glamourous as big fuck sized mountains, but once I've finally finished my studies, there will be plenty of chances for that (also when the apocalypse subsides in 2045).
Damn dude, just checked out those pictures. What a life!
John Williams & Steven Spielberg: The Ultimate Collection
A fine colletion indeed. The ordering is a bit odd, feels better to put it in some chronological order (and bunch sequels together). -
- CommentTimeMay 17th 2020
The Hidden Life James Newton Howard
Director: "Write something deserving of the phrase stops you in your tracks"
JNH: "Done" -
- CommentTimeMay 18th 2020
Agree Steven! Such a lush and lovely score by JNH.
Also lovely is:
NP: The Flowers of War by Qigang Chen.
I love the choir voices mingled with Joshua Bell's gorgeous violin. Even though Christian Bale is my favorite actor of all-time, I couldn't stomach the gore and violence in the film, so I had to stop it a few minutes in. I wish I could edit out the gore to see the rest of the film because the music is incredible - and I'd love to hear it in context. Oh well. -
- CommentTimeMay 19th 2020
The theme from The Hidden Life does indeed stop me in my tracks every time.
I also agree that The Flowers of War is beautiful. Some of the most beautiful choral music I've heard in film, actually. I haven't seen the film, either, but from what I understand, if you don't like all the gore and violence, then you'll never be able to see the music in context. This is one of those cases where the composer wrote music that is directly opposed to the images on screen. I heard that the most beautiful cues were written for the grisliest images. I can't stomach that sort of thing in film, either, so it seems neither of us will get to hear the music in context.
I just finished listening to the end credits of James Horner's unreleased score to Romeo and Juliet. It's a Horner score - lovely and derivative of his other works. If this were released commercially I would definitely buy it. -
- CommentAuthorLars
- CommentTimeMay 20th 2020
christopher wrote
The theme from The Hidden Life does indeed stop me in my tracks every time.
I also agree that The Flowers of War is beautiful. Some of the most beautiful choral music I've heard in film, actually. I haven't seen the film, either, but from what I understand, if you don't like all the gore and violence, then you'll never be able to see the music in context. This is one of those cases where the composer wrote music that is directly opposed to the images on screen. I heard that the most beautiful cues were written for the grisliest images. I can't stomach that sort of thing in film, either, so it seems neither of us will get to hear the music in context.
The movie has not more gore and violence than Saving Private Ryan and the battle scene is in the first 25 min if i remember correctly. The international cut has even around 4 min less action than the chinese cut. I don't see a problem to watch the international cut, because it has "normal" violence for a war movie and it is just at the beginning of the movie. The score works very good in the movie. -
- CommentTimeMay 20th 2020
Never seen the film either, but it's an amazing score that was one of my absolute favourites that year.
As for A HIDDEN LIFE, I've gone on record many times to say how much I love that. The undisputed "winner" of 2019 and a true return to form for JNH. The film is also fantastic, and currently leads my list of 2020 (it's a 2020 film in Norway).I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeMay 22nd 2020
Lars wrote
The movie has not more gore and violence than Saving Private Ryan.
That's exactly the problem for me. I felt so physically ill after sitting through Saving Private Ryan in the theater - the gore was too much for me in that film, and I just won't do that to myself again. That's why I had to stop watching Flowers of War, because it was starting to affect me in a similar way. I can handle most typical movie violence but those two are just too realistic for me. -
- CommentAuthorJoep
- CommentTimeMay 22nd 2020
Ennio Morricone - La Sindrome Di Stendhal
A sublime hypnotic nightmare. -
- CommentTimeMay 23rd 2020 edited
Lethal Weapon 4 Michael Kamen
It's really only the action parts that I like about the Lethal Weapon scores. Kamen was a master at action writing, the sort of stuff I would want to write if I became a composer. How do you even learn to write like this? Melodies seem natural to be able to write, I can easily sit at a piano and shit out a half-decent melody. But effective and entertaining action is a superpower as far as I'm concerned. I find it endlessly facinating how composers are able to do this. -
- CommentTimeMay 24th 2020 edited
The Three Musketeers Michael Kamen
Two of the greatest action composers wrote music for a Musketeers film. The other, of course, being David Arnold. (Kamen's middle name being Arnold, incidentally.) -
- CommentTimeMay 24th 2020
The Force Awakens John Williams
I. Love. This. Score.
There, past Steven, put that in your pipe and smoke it. -
- CommentTimeMay 25th 2020 edited
Steven wrote
The Three Musketeers Michael Kamen
Thanks for the reminder to re-visit this.
It really is superb. -
- CommentTimeMay 25th 2020
Really quite lovely. Especially if you appreciate prominent but not overdone African flavours. -
- CommentTimeMay 26th 2020 edited
Filmscoregirl wrote
Lars wrote
The movie has not more gore and violence than Saving Private Ryan.
That's exactly the problem for me. I felt so physically ill after sitting through Saving Private Ryan in the theater - the gore was too much for me in that film, and I just won't do that to myself again. That's why I had to stop watching Flowers of War, because it was starting to affect me in a similar way. I can handle most typical movie violence but those two are just too realistic for me.
Same. I saw an edited version of Saving Private Ryan where they apparently removed the most gruesome violence and the violence that remained was still shocking to me. I closed my eyes at one point because I just couldn't watch any more.
- CommentTimeMay 26th 2020 edited
christopher wrote
Filmscoregirl wrote
Lars wrote
The movie has not more gore and violence than Saving Private Ryan.
That's exactly the problem for me. I felt so physically ill after sitting through Saving Private Ryan in the theater - the gore was too much for me in that film, and I just won't do that to myself again. That's why I had to stop watching Flowers of War, because it was starting to affect me in a similar way. I can handle most typical movie violence but those two are just too realistic for me.
Same. I saw an edited version of Saving Private Ryan where they apparently removed the most gruesome violence and the violence that remained was still shocking to me. I closed my eyes at one point because I just couldn't watch any more.
Y'all are some wimps. Don't get me wrong, seeing that in real life would be awful, but the whole point of the film is to show us a glimpse of the nightmare of war. The violence and gruesomeness is integral to the film. That edited version sounds like a terrible idea.
As religious folk, how on Earth did you handle Passion of the Christ? -
- CommentTimeMay 27th 2020
Not well. Similar nauseous experience. I saw it once, but couldn't see it again. Yep, I'm a total wimp, or I like to think just highly sensitive. I'm a vegetarian too because I can't handle the thought of killing animals either. I know it I might sound lame for that, but I can't help who I am. -
- CommentTimeMay 27th 2020
NP: Tron Legacy by Daft Punk - thanks to Erik's recommendation on his Best of the Last Decade podcast - love it! -
- CommentTimeMay 27th 2020
Filmscoregirl wrote
Not well. Similar nauseous experience. I saw it once, but couldn't see it again. Yep, I'm a total wimp, or I like to think just highly sensitive. I'm a vegetarian too because I can't handle the thought of killing animals either. I know it I might sound lame for that, but I can't help who I am.
Fellow veggie here too. Funny, I can watch real footage of human violence and gore, but I can't stomach it when it comes to animals. (In movies, neither bother me. Love me some Tarantino.
- CommentTimeMay 27th 2020
I have no problem with movie violence -- whether it's funny slasher-type stuff or gruesome, realistic stuff like SPR. What I weirdly DO have problems with, though, is graphic depictions of natural bodily functions and attributes. Like births or whatever.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentAuthorJoep
- CommentTimeMay 27th 2020
This violent discussion has forced me to listen to a rather uninteresting score that works brilliantly in a film that I would not recommend.
Ishikawa Chū - Tetsuo -
- CommentTimeMay 27th 2020
Steven wrote
christopher wrote
Filmscoregirl wrote
Lars wrote
The movie has not more gore and violence than Saving Private Ryan.
That's exactly the problem for me. I felt so physically ill after sitting through Saving Private Ryan in the theater - the gore was too much for me in that film, and I just won't do that to myself again. That's why I had to stop watching Flowers of War, because it was starting to affect me in a similar way. I can handle most typical movie violence but those two are just too realistic for me.
Same. I saw an edited version of Saving Private Ryan where they apparently removed the most gruesome violence and the violence that remained was still shocking to me. I closed my eyes at one point because I just couldn't watch any more.
Y'all are some wimps. Don't get me wrong, seeing that in real life would be awful, but the whole point of the film is to show us a glimpse of the nightmare of war. The violence and gruesomeness is integral to the film. That edited version sounds like a terrible idea.
As religious folk, how on Earth did you handle Passion of the Christ?
I actually didn't see itI knew it wasn't going to be for me.
- CommentTimeMay 27th 2020
Fair do's. To be fair I haven't seen the film, only the bloody end scene. It was a wee bit excessive. Good music though. -
- CommentTimeJun 4th 2020 edited
Chicken Run John Powell & Harry Gregson-Williams
Still a firm Powell (and HGW I guess) favourite all these years later. Never gets old.
Isn't this the mascot score for maintitles? -
- CommentTimeJun 5th 2020
- CommentTimeJun 5th 2020
If there's any justice in the world, John Powell will join. -
- CommentTimeJun 7th 2020 edited
Steven wrote
Chicken Run John Powell & Harry Gregson-Williams
Isn't this the mascot score for maintitles?
Yeah, I think so too, at least for me as well, so that means, to most of you as well, since it's one of the commandments to be part of this community. There's also the MainTitles.
What the ...
Kazoo -
- CommentTimeJun 7th 2020
Bregt wrote
Yeah, I think so too, at least for me as well, so that means, to most of you as well, since it's one of the commandments to be part of this community. There's also the MainTitles.
Which you and I displayed in the Zoom meeting! May they long endure!I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeJun 8th 2020
I couldn't believe your Bear McCreary story and the kazoo usage in The Walking Dead! Just the coolest! -
- CommentTimeJun 9th 2020
I think this might be the best thing he's ever done.
Appropriately for a series set in Ibiza, there are some serious Cafe del Mar vibes...
Tim, you might very much like this! -
- CommentTimeJun 9th 2020
Yes, Lee, that's one of my favourite scores of the year so far. Listened to it many times already. Haven't seen the series yet, but this is JXL back to his roots, so to speak, while also having some great, atmospheric cues. Hoping to write a review soon.I am extremely serious.