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Out of print CDs for sale : Delerue, Goldsmith, Morricone, Schifrin...
Market Place » Out of print CDs for sale : Delerue, Goldsmith, Morricone, Schifrin... (Posts 1 to 3 of 3)
- CommentAuthorPalladium
- CommentTimeMar 30th 2019
AGNES OF GOD (1985) (Georges Delerue) CD Varèse Sarabande, 17.40 €
BEAUTY AND THE BEAUTY (1989) (Lee Holdridge & Don Davis) CD Rykodisc, 19.40 €
BLACK ROBE (1991) (Georges Delerue) CD Varèse Sarabande, 21.80 €
CAST AWAY (1999) (Alan Silvestri) CD Varèse Sarabande, 20.20 €
CRAWLSPACE (1986) (Pino Donaggio) CD Intrada, 21.70 €
DÉJA VU (1985) (Pino Donaggio) CD Intrada, 20.90 €
DURANGO (1999) (Mark Mckenzie) CD Intrada, 14.90 €
EXORCIST (THE) (1973) (Lalo Schifrin + divers) CD Warner Bros, 20.90 €
FILLE DU PUISATIER (LA) (2011) (Alexandre Desplat) CD Varèse Sarabande, 16.90 €
FLATLINERS (1990) (James Newton Howard) 2 CDs Cimmerian, 19.90 €
GOLDEN NEEDLES (1975) (Lalo Schifrin) CD Music Box, 15.70 €
HALLOWEEN (1978) (John Carpenter) CD Varèse Sarabande, 15.20 €
HEIDI (1968) (John Williams) CD Label X, 21.80 €
HOOK (1991) (John Williams) CD Epic, 13.30 €
LAST CASTLE (THE) (2002) (Jerry Goldsmith) CD Decca, 15.20 €
MAMA DRACULA (1980) (Roy Budd) CD Music Box, 14.90 €
METEOR (1979) (Laurence Rosenthal) CD Intrada, 21.90 €
OCCHIO ALLA PENNA (1980) (Ennio Morricone) CD Alhambra, 15.90 €
PANIC ROOM (2002) (Howard Shore) CD Varèse Sarabande, 13.00 €
RED PONY (THE) (1973) (Jerry Goldsmith) CD Varèse Sarabande Club, 17.50 €
RICH IN LOVE (1992) (Georges Delerue) CD Varèse Sarabande, 13.90 €
ROBOTJOX (1989) (Frédéric Talgorn) CD Prometheus, 12.20 €
RUFFIAN (LE) (1982) (Ennio Morricone) CD GDM, 12.90 €
THEY LIVE (1988) (John Carpenter & Alan Howarth) CD AHI, 20.90 €
VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED (1995) (John Carpenter & Dave Davis) CD Varèse Sarabande, 14.60 €
All CDs are new, mostly still sealed. Please contact : -
- CommentAuthorkilar30
- CommentTimeApr 2nd 2019
I´m interesed in some CDs and I´ve sended an e-mail.
Thanks -
- CommentTimeApr 3rd 2019
Hefty prices you've got there, in this day and age, but good luck!I am extremely serious.
1 to 3 of 3