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[Closed] Now Playing - Part XXI
- CommentTimeJan 25th 2008
Erik Woods wrote
Scribe wrote
Not to bring up a tired subject...but this bothers me...everyone always points out the Goldenthal rips...but do you realize how much the main title and end credit theme "To Victory" is a direct rip from Black Hawk Down
Really?! Soooooooooooo... Goldenthal traveled two years into the future, watched Black Hawk Down, heard the score, fell in love with Zimmer's theme, went back to the past and used the Black Hawk Down theme in his score. Goldenthal is truly amazing!
It's not even as much a theme as it is a little motif that appears momentarily in the opening of Black Hawk Down...which HAD to have been temp tracked to the opening of 300I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to! -
- CommentTimeJan 25th 2008
Boy did i have a disappointing playlist today or what?
Firstly, it was BRIAN TYLER's RAMBO. Apart 3 or 4 good (nothing great though) tracks, the rest is unbearably slow, under-developed and i just couldn't help feeling like being dragged around slowly and continuingly by the hair while trying to reach for the 'stop' button.
CRAIG ARMSTRONG and A.R.RAHMAN - Elizabeth: the Golden Age
Possibly my biggest disappointment off a major score from last year, plain, uninspired, vigor-less orchestra and choir on auto-pilot. Both Rambo and this are slowing marching towards the end of their lifetime in my cd player for sure.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 25th 2008
Erik Woods wrote
NP: The Thin Red Line - Hans Zimmer
First of all, I absolutely hate the film. A slow, dull, pretentious, self-important, messy, endless film that I will NEVER watch again. However, Zimmer's hypnotic and meditative score is excellent.
I wouldn't say I hate this film but I certainly agree with most of what you said Erik.
Love Zimmer's score which, for me, transcends the film.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 25th 2008
Erik Woods wrote
NP: The Last Valley - John Barry
This is the Intrada release of John Barry's classic. Oh man, the 10th track - "The Last Valley" - absolutely melts my heart. One of the most beautiful themes ever written. The rest of the score is dynamite as well. The low male chorus, the low brass, the angelic female choir, the themes... it's all Barry GOLD! This is a great release of the LP presentation and is a wonderful companion album to the complete re-recording released on Silva. This is one of the best choral scores ever composed!
Word!On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentAuthorMatt C
- CommentTimeJan 25th 2008
NP: Angel (Phillippe Rombi)
The main theme is absolutely gorgeous, and the rest of the album isn't quite as good but it's of consistently high quality. -- My film/TV/game score review blog -
- CommentAuthormsia2k75
- CommentTimeJan 25th 2008 edited
CRAIG ARMSTRONG and A.R.RAHMAN - Elizabeth: the Golden Age
Possibly my biggest disappointment off a major score from last year, plain, uninspired, vigor-less orchestra and choir on auto-pilot. Both Rambo and this are slowing marching towards the end of their lifetime in my cd player for sure.
I really disagree on this one. I found it very enjoyable.
Scribe wrote
msia2k75 wrote
Tommy_Boy wrote
question, does everybody here hate 300? I find it a cool and enjoyable album that functions wonderfully with the film.
Okay the rips are shameless but at least they work in context
Well, aside the rips, the rest of the "original" stuff is just awful.
Sounds like Tyler Bates is the kind of guy Hollywood is going like because of his ability to provide a score which vaguely sounds like others too well-known.
A sort of yesman...
Not to bring up a tired subject...but this bothers me...everyone always points out the Goldenthal rips...but do you realize how much the main title and end credit theme "To Victory" is a direct rip from Black Hawk Down?
Not really since i havent really listened Black Hawk Down.- CommentAuthormsia2k75
- CommentTimeJan 25th 2008
NP: Michael Collins (Elliot Goldenthal)
Really a terrific score! No more Goldenthal?- CommentTimeJan 25th 2008
NP:Cameroon Border Post (Hans Zimmer from Tears of the Sun)
The synthetic percusion creates a really dramatic effect.
You have all the reasons here why Zimmer is where is now. ( Who will be the first in make an easy joke with this...???- CommentTimeJan 25th 2008
I won't be the one. TEARS OF THE SUN is a very, very good score.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.- CommentTimeJan 25th 2008
Christodoulides wrote
I won't be the one. TEARS OF THE SUN is a very, very good score.
A touching, powerfull and a pure Zimmer score. It is much more dense than The last Samurai, for example.
Sadly, Fuqua didn't make the music shine...With his irregular movie and mixing.
NP:Rambo (Tyler)
My last listening.
The tribal elements are the only thing I really find a little bit enjoyable, ironicaly because they are pretty generic and almost in loops.
Tyler's new Rambo theme is so bland ,generic and reminds so much all his themes since Childrens of Dune (this included) that it really becomes annoying. but The media Ventures style and the "batman's motif" are even more annoying than that.
And just one thing...For use Goldsmith theme just like a breafly copy and paste in 3 tracks, he better didn't use it.- CommentTimeJan 26th 2008
Well, I now have all the LOTR complete recordingsI havn't listened to them all the way through, although one track sticks out the most in the third one - 'The Mouth of Sauron'. It contains the theme I loved from the original soundtrack - 'Hope Fails/Falls' and then finishes with the fantastic melody which I think is part of Annie Lennox' song at the end. Brilliance
- CommentAuthorfranz_conrad
- CommentTimeJan 26th 2008
NP: The Majestic Minor (Navarrete)
Quite a nice comedy-drama score. I prefer it to the at-times-histrionic Labyrinth of Pan.A butterfly thinks therefore I am- CommentTimeJan 26th 2008 edited
NP:Solaris (Martinez)
A really hypnotic experience.- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeJan 26th 2008
Marc Streitenfeld - American Gangster
Very good in-film score (loved the film too) and not much worse album. A good, intelligent gangster thriller score by a Zimmer student (Zimmer seems to have co-produced it). Fits both the atmosphere of the 70s and the modern touch, which Ridley Scott likes so much. Streitenfeld walked the fine line very well. - Polish Film Music Review Website- CommentTimeJan 26th 2008
I thought American Gangster was incredibly bland in the film (in fact I barely noticed it at all). Maybe I missed something?
NP: D-War - Steve Jablonsky
An incredibly cliched score, but fun. And the Jablonsky arrangement of the Japanese traditional song at the end is to die for.I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to!- CommentTimeJan 26th 2008 edited
Scribe wrote
I thought American Gangster was incredibly bland in the film (in fact I barely noticed it at all). Maybe I missed something?
Me too, but hearing the promo, I quite enjoyed it. There are some great themes (Images, Frank Lucas, 100 Percent Pure), though the stuff in between can become rather bland indeed at times. It's a nice effort, it shows he's got talent, but not enough to be among 'the big boys' yet.- CommentTimeJan 26th 2008
NP:Lair (Debney)
A great Conan feel like, with great Williams feel like orchestrations.
It's one of my all time favorites because it has all the ingredients i love, but also because it reminds me to my travel to Rome.
I wonder how much does this kind of feelings or magic in your enjoyment of the scores....- CommentTimeJan 26th 2008
Nautilus wrote
NP:Lair (Debney)
A great Conan feel like, with great Williams feel like orchestrations.
It's one of my all time favorites because it has all the ingredients i love, but also because it reminds me to my travel to Rome.
I wonder how much does this kind of feelings or magic in your enjoyment of the scores....
IF I know what you mean by that last sentence, then, a lot.I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to!- CommentTimeJan 26th 2008
NP:Conspiracy Theory (burwell)
I don't know why people didn't talk more about this score...It's brilliant!- CommentTimeJan 27th 2008
NP: Charlie Wilson's War - JNH
Was playing: The Great Debaters - JNH & co
Will be playing: I Am Legend - JNH
My first listen to all 3. I love these scores! I thank God for this man's talent. People seem to be complaining that the past few years have been a lull in his career...I feel quite the opposite. No, he's not writing as many grand orchestral scores like Waterworld or Dinosaur...but the depths of subtlety and complexity in his music is just incredible. The way he writes his themes too. The way his scores age in my head so well. King Kong, Lady in the Water, Blood Diamond, The Water Horse....they're good on the first listen, but every time afterwards I discover something new.
No...I'm not obsessed....really I'm not....I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to!- CommentAuthorTrekkinD
- CommentTimeJan 27th 2008 edited
Scribe wrote
NP: D-War - Steve Jablonsky
An incredibly cliched score, but fun. And the Jablonsky arrangement of the Japanese traditional song at the end is to die for.
How much of the music from the fight in Los Angeles is on the D-War CD? From the track listings it only looked like one track was from that scene. I just saw the movie and enjoyed the score, it was fun in the typical MV way. I'm just wondering if is worth the $20 price tag since it seems to never have gotten a U.S. CD release. Thanks!
NP: First Blood by Jerry Goldsmith
Never really warmed up to this one much, until now, it had always seemed duller compared to the sequel scores. However this time, I finally got into it and am really enjoying it. There's some great action/suspense music in here like "The Razor" and "First Blood."- CommentTimeJan 27th 2008
NP The Machinist - ROQUE BANOS
Finally got arround to hear this fascinating score!
I love it! But then, I love anything that sounds like Bernard Herrmann.
I'd swear Herrmann was being channeled for this score!- CommentTimeJan 27th 2008
Son of Kong-Max Steiner
The main theme to this follow up of King Kong is the song "Runaway Blues"listen to more classical music!- CommentTimeJan 27th 2008
TrekkinD wrote
Scribe wrote
NP: D-War - Steve Jablonsky
An incredibly cliched score, but fun. And the Jablonsky arrangement of the Japanese traditional song at the end is to die for.
How much of the music from the fight in Los Angeles is on the D-War CD? From the track listings it only looked like one track was from that scene. I just saw the movie and enjoyed the score, it was fun in the typical MV way. I'm just wondering if is worth the $20 price tag since it seems to never have gotten a U.S. CD release. Thanks!
There´s music from the fight in LA (tracks 11 to 13: seven minutes) plus the final dragon fight (tracks 14 and 15: five minutes) and the epilogue (track 16, the arrangement of the Korean song). Fifteen minutes total.
Funny and unpretentious movie by the way, the fight in LA and the epilogue are worth watching, and is where the score can really shine.Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you- CommentTimeJan 27th 2008
NP:Highlander (Kamen)
Just watched the film...
Queen's love theme arrengement are great, but Kamen score is to synthetic and uninspired. But I guess he was not very inspired with the film or the aditional music from Queen (Not because of the mytic rock band, but because the fact they scored some important cues)- CommentTimeJan 27th 2008 edited
NP: GOSSIP - Graeme Revell
Still a pretty enjoyable score, with a nifty 'snake like' stringmotive and a great maintheme.- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJan 27th 2008
Nautilus wrote
NP:Highlander (Kamen)
Just watched the film...
Queen's love theme arrengement are great, but Kamen score is to synthetic and uninspired. But I guess he was not very inspired with the film or the aditional music from Queen (Not because of the mytic rock band, but because the fact they scored some important cues)
Eh?On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt- CommentTimeJan 27th 2008
Atham wrote
NP The Machinist - ROQUE BANOS
Finally got arround to hear this fascinating score!
I love it! But then, I love anything that sounds like Bernard Herrmann.
I'd swear Herrmann was being channeled for this score!
Totally agree, brilliant film-scoring that is. What other Roque Banos scores have you heard so far?Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.- CommentTimeJan 27th 2008
Nautilus wrote
NP:Highlander (Kamen)
Just watched the film...
Queen's love theme arrengement are great, but Kamen score is to synthetic and uninspired. But I guess he was not very inspired with the film or the aditional music from Queen (Not because of the mytic rock band, but because the fact they scored some important cues)
Synthetic?! Please check out the Highlander trilogy album. There is NOT a single synthetic Kamen cue in it ! In the contrast, it contains one of the most exciting, orchestral, swashbuckling score of all time !- CommentTimeJan 27th 2008 edited
NP: Alien Resurrection (John Frizzell)
I think "They Swim..." is the second most exciting action cue from the Alien franchise, only second to "Bishop's Countdown", and IMO much better and original than "Decimation Proclamation".