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What games have you played recently?
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2012 edited
I'm very busy with my studies, so I need something to help me procrastinate and feel guilty about.
So, can anyone suggest a nice role playing pooter game, preferentially in the world of Dungeons and Dragons or similar? I like games with quests, where you build up experience and such. I also prefer games where there's alot of freedom (Baldur's Gate 1 and especially 2), instead of a game where you're forced on a single path (Icewind Dale). I also want a game that one can play for a very long time, instead of one that can be completed in a few days. And I prefer games that are not just about fighting all the time (like Diablo 1 and 2), but has more varied quests and an interesting story. I guess what I'm asking for is Baldur's Gate 3...
Oh, one last thing; I don't require the latest games. I don't have fancy computer, so a fancy game would probably not do well. Baldur's Gate came out 13 years ago, and the graphics are perfectly fine by me. One requirement though is a game that can run on Windows 7.
Peter -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2012
If you are able to play it, I would recommend Skyrim, which I'm going through at the moment. A fantastic LOTR-esque setting, slaying dragons which is plain awesome, the combat system is very satisfying, character customization is very deep as well. The game has an astonishing amount of quests and will take about 200 hours to complete if you want to do it all. I'm at 140 hours myself and I'm still as entranced with the locales and adventure as I was in the beginning. A true gaming milestone.
But seeing you won't probably won't be able to run it well on an aging computer might I suggest you check out for some gaming classics, you can also check the comments people leave to get an idea about the games."considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G. -
- CommentTimeMay 18th 2012
Thanks Gilles! Yes, Skyrim does indeed look awesome. I have seen it before, and found it impressive. Not sure if my pooter can play it though. I recently bought World of Warcraft, and my computer couldn't play it, so that was a waste of money.
It's not that it's an old computer, it's only a a couple of years old, but I always just buy the cheapest computer I can find. This says: "AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 245 Processor 2.90 GHz" and 4 GB RAM. Not sure what that means though.
I will check out that site. I've often wanted a place to play old games for free.
Peter -
- CommentTimeMay 18th 2012
Anyway, as a curious side-note; I just found out that they're remaking Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 and that they will be released this summer. Their long-term goal is to make Baldur's Gate 3, which would be pure awesomeness.
Peter -
- CommentTimeMay 19th 2012
plindboe wrote
It's not that it's an old computer, it's only a a couple of years old, but I always just buy the cheapest computer I can find. This says: "AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 245 Processor 2.90 GHz" and 4 GB RAM. Not sure what that means though.
That really isn't a terrible config to play games on, you have two processors (X2), I have four, but I suspect you have no dedicated graphics card that takes the load of the processor, which makes all the difference. If you only have the onboard graphics chip, well that is just enough for usual Windows use and playing 10 year old games on.
I will check out that site. I've often wanted a place to play old games for free.
Well they're not free, but you'll see they're fairly cheap, and very often they have sales, so you can do some bargains once in while. What's more important, most old games will run on the latest setups, Windows 7 64 bit for instance."considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G. -
- CommentTimeMay 23rd 2012
Great thanks, Gilles! Very good info there. Yes, my pooter probably isn't half bad, so I'm not surprised to hear that the solution is probably a graphics card of some kind. Btw, do you know what card to get? Do I just go down to a store and say "I want a graphics card", or I'm guessing there are more varieties than just one?
Ah, yes, I see that gog only have a few games for free, and you pay for the rest. They seem to have some games I played when I was a kid (Ultima 6 for instance), but they don't seem to have games like Civilization, Colonize, Doom or Jedi knight.
I'd also love to play X-wing vs. tie fighter again, but I don't think that's easily achievable if one has Windows 7.
Peter -
- CommentTimeMay 23rd 2012
Very difficult to recommend something, there are so many brands, models on the market, even I have a hard time to know which is what. They sure as hell didn't simplify this aspect by improving the technology itself. And adding a graphics card will most likely need a more powerful PSU (power supply) as well."considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G. -
- CommentAuthorJoshL
- CommentTimeJun 11th 2012
Recently just replayed the Legend of Zelda series (except the handhelds; I never got around to buying them). Still love them after all these years! I'm a bit behind in consoles, and don't really play PC games much anymore (not that I dislike them, but my PC is pretty dedicated as a work machine these days). -
- CommentTimeJun 12th 2012
Hello fellow gamer Josh, I'm a bit of Zelda fan myself (Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are the only ones I've played, on the gamecube). They have a storyline, gameplay and charm that are up there with the best in the genre. I can go through them at any moment and become completely enchanted by their magic every time. I would like to go through Skyward Sword, but the whole Wii motion thingy is not entirely my thing."considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G. -
- CommentAuthorJoshL
- CommentTimeJun 12th 2012
I'm with you in not being overly crazy about motion controls. That said, on the wii, usually just a slight gesture will do it, so it becomes more playing with the wrists than with the fingers. It's not too bad once you get used to it, and it's definitely worth playing. Either way, Zelda is definitely one of the best action/fantasy games out there! And I'll try any game at least once (though not usually a sports fan)! -
- CommentAuthorKevinSmith
- CommentTimeJun 14th 2012 edited
I bought this racing game on Ebay from India. Turned out to be a fake.
Warning Signs:
1) It said the LIVE access code is already attributed to another LIVE account when I entered it for the online play.
2) The "Install" option is blacked out and there is only play or uninstall.
3) It's from India.
When installing this game, why would the "install" button blacked out? There's just "uninstall, play, help and exit". It's weird that the install button is blacked out. In the instruction manual, it says install the game. But it's not an option here.
IT'S A FAKE!Revenge is sweet... Revenge is best served cold... Revenge is ice cream. -
- CommentTimeJun 14th 2012
sorry to hear that Kevin, but what was the title of the game?
So that we know which game to dismiss if we ever see it?waaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh -
- CommentTimeJun 14th 2012
KevinSmith wrote
I bought this racing game on Ebay from India. Turned out to be a fake.
Warning Signs:
1) It said the LIVE access code is already attributed to another LIVE account when I entered it for the online play.
2) The "Install" option is blacked out and there is only play or uninstall.
3) It's from India.
When installing this game, why would the "install" button blacked out? There's just "uninstall, play, help and exit". It's weird that the install button is blacked out. In the instruction manual, it says install the game. But it's not an option here.
So the code the game came with is already in use. There are numerous websites (like this one) selling codes so that you can buy it for cheaper than retail, download it through a client (like Steam, Origin) use the key for verification and just play. This has been going on for a while now, and it's completely legal to buy such a code. I've done it once or twice, just to have the game in an instant. But no one knows where these codes come from and if the games they're attributed to are discarded when the code's been sold. Apparently not."considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G. -
- CommentTimeAug 27th 2012
- CommentTimeOct 3rd 2012
Resident evil 6 promo campaign, clever … ;Itemid=50 … cher-shop/ … cher-shop/Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeDec 12th 2012 edited
I just finished the first season (all 5 episodes) of Telltale's THE WALKING DEAD game.
Wow, bloody brillant (literally) and on-the-edge-type suspenseful. Also great character interaction.
This is the kind of game I can play. I don't like 3D shoot'em'ups and action games too much, but here it's limited to a fairly easy set of controls....and even if you die, you get another shot immediately.
As a fan of the ol' point-and-click genre, this is close enough to satisfy me. It's like an interactive movie. OK; the puzzles aren't as hard as the old Lucasarts games etc., but the adventure, mood and storytelling is top-notch!I am extremely serious. -
- CommentAuthorJosh B
- CommentTimeDec 13th 2012
The last game I beat was Batman: Arkham City, which was a good deal of fun. I liked the music too, Zimmerish but with more complexity. -
- CommentTimeOct 29th 2013
Maybe it's my utterly unwaivering love for the Monkey Island games, but with all the screenshots, trailers, music and the promise of plunder, I'm incredibly tempted to purchase Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag...'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn -
- CommentTimeOct 29th 2013 edited
I'm currenly playing I Am Alive on PS3 ...
Not that far in the game yet ..."Simplicity is the key to brilliance" -
- CommentTimeOct 30th 2013 edited
I've started with Beyond Two Souls (from the makers of the incredible Heavy Rain). It has the same structure in story telling, but now you're controlling the girl and the force that the goverment are after. Anyway, it's just like Heavy Rain (meaning incredibly addictive and emotionally gripping), especially now since I've begun to explore the powers and the dangers of the character.
Plus it's always cool that you have to make so many different choices that will effect the continuation of the story
I like it a lot
The music of Balfe so far sounds okay, but I don't think I have reached the better moments yet, because the story has just begun to developwaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh -
- CommentTimeOct 30th 2013 edited
Ludo (unplugged)
I got caught literally the last instant before winning the game!
Bach's music is vibrant and inspired. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeOct 30th 2013
So has there been no GTAV discussion because it is still consuming the lives of everybody playing it? -
- CommentTimeOct 31st 2013
...I think actually only Steven is playing it.
It has no spaceships, nazis, dinosaurs or pirates, so utterly holds no interest for me.'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeOct 31st 2013
Martijn wrote
...I think actually only Steven is playing it.
It has no spaceships, nazis, dinosaurs or pirates, so utterly holds no interest for me.
So, he's playing a game that has NO REDEEMING FEATURES WHATSOEVER!?
Cock.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeOct 31st 2013
GTAV is brilliant!
Still, it's a shame that it's been released on a console that's now 7 years old. I'd love to have seen what they could have done on the PS4. It makes sense to release it on the PS3 of course, especially as they were developing the game before the PS4 was even announced... but still. PS3 is ancient. -
- CommentTimeNov 2nd 2013
I recently finished Bioshock: Infinite, which was probably the most intense setting and story experience I´ve ever had with a videogame. Being a fan of the classic first Max Payne game, B:I shares its merits of mixing a tense and mesmerising setting with a fantastic story that will eventually draw you in no matter what, combined with lots of action. The city of Columbia has been wonderfully designed, and the backstory is both very complex and enthralling; make sure you try to collect and view/listen to all those voxophones and mini-movies. Also see to it that nobody spoils the ending for you: It has two climaxes; one is the motherload of epic battles, the other a gripping story-telling conclusion that will literally take you by the hand to explain to you what the actual frak happened there. The score is an intense mix of classic songs, wonderful quiet cues, and action tracks that will curl up your toe nails. By the time you´ve finished the credits you´ll be floored. Promise. -
- CommentTimeJan 27th 2015
I recently finished the game Limbo, by Danish indie developers Playdead. The game is a very dark puzzle game set in, you guessed it, limbo. The puzzles are quite tricky and engaging, and the game is very creatively grotesque! The style of the game has been compared with film noir and German expressionism. The music in the game is by Martin Stig Andersen, and is electroacoustic and minimalistic. The whole soundtrack is very short, but it works so well with the images, and it gives the game an amazing atmosphere. This game takes only a few hours to complete, and I highly recommend this to people who are into games that are very focused on the visual art -
- CommentTimeJan 28th 2015 edited
I'm deep into the Mass Effect series right now.
Finished Part 1 a while ago. If you're a fan of Babylon 5 - a well-thought-through galaxy populated by both interesting and also very different alien races, each with its own agenda for war & peace, with a rather upstarting human race new trying to somehow fit in wothout alienating the aliens - this is for you. The action is nice, the main missions great, and the way the whole story gets you familiar with the setting up until its breathtaking finale is just cinematic. The score helps to get that old B5 feeling back, too. I liked that very much.
Kinda halfway or a third through Part 2, I find they streamlined the design, made everything a little bit more beautiful, interesting, and difficult, and really smashed my expectations where the story would go. Well, it does go where I thought it would, but the angle is quite different. -
- CommentTimeMay 14th 2016 edited
Uncharted 4
This is by far the most impressive looking game I have ever seen on the PS4. Truly pushing its now-dated capabilities to the limits. It still suffers a bit from uncanny valley, but it's a minor quibble given the depth and detail to people and environments. Surely deserves every award for visual and design going.
...but it's an incredibly boring game. In fact it isn't a game; it's interactive cinema with the illusion of control. The creativity is completely spent on graphics and story, and little is left for any original gameplay. And the gameplay that is on offer completely takes you out of the story (that they take so much effort to set up) since you're seemingly able to transcend the laws of physics. The two opposing tones of a serious, quite involved story and silly gameplay is very jarring. It's just another third-person shooter with button commands. Press X to climb, press triangle to solve the puzzle, kill bad guys to get to the next level. This has all been done before in the previous three games, and many games before them (and no doubt many games after). I'm bored of them. Stop trying to make movies. Just make something that I can play.
Should have got a Nintendo... -
- CommentAuthorEdmund Meinerts
- CommentTimeMay 14th 2016
How's Henry Jackman's score?