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iTunes album artwork
Off Topic » iTunes album artwork (Posts 1 to 16 of 16)
- CommentTimeJul 12th 2008
What is up with iTunes album artwork? I try the "Get Album Artwork" option, and though it works for many of my albums, there are a few from my classical library which it cannot - or will not - retrieve album art for. I had originally gotten the albums on CD, and although I can find the albums in the iTunes store available for purchase (with album artwork, mind you), and have corrected all fields in the "Get Info" panel so that all the album and track info match up perfectly with iTunes, I still can't get ahold of the art.Does anyone else have this problem? Is there some big secret to this that I don't know of, or is my quest for the artwork completely in vain?
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008
I'm guessing it's because iTunes has no data for that CD on their database. Everything you purchase from the store probably has an ID number so it knows what is what, even if you change all the tags and stuff.
If you're having trouble finding the artwork this way, Google for it and add it manually. I do that anyway as I make a lot of my covers. -
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008 edited
Anthony wrote
I'm guessing it's because iTunes has no data for that CD on their database. Everything you purchase from the store probably has an ID number so it knows what is what, even if you change all the tags and stuff.
If you're having trouble finding the artwork this way, Google for it and add it manually. I do that anyway as I make a lot of my covers.
Thanks for the tips. I wish iTunes would make it easier to get the artwork, but ah well. I still would very much like their high quality artwork which can only be found in the store (or so it seems), but I guess I'll just have to keep looking around. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008
How high quality is "high quality"? -
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008 edited
Anthony wrote
How high quality is "high quality"?
Not sure, but it's pretty high res stuff they've got over there. I just am puzzled by how it can attach art to certain albums I've imported from CD, yet cannot to others. The art on iTunes is really nice, and I'm trying as hard as I may to get their artwork without having to resort to oh, say, images or something of the sort. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008
Soon you'll discover that custom art is way better. -
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008
Anthony wrote
Soon you'll discover that custom art is way better.
Maybe I will. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008
Out of interest, are you just trying to get your post count up with all these really short comments? -
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008 edited
Anthony wrote
Out of interest, are you just trying to get your post count up with all these really short comments?
Not really. Why? -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008
It's just more interesting to read paragraphs opposed to the odd word. -
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008 edited
Anthony wrote
It's just more interesting to read paragraphs opposed to the odd word.
OK. -
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008
Anthony wrote
I'm guessing it's because iTunes has no data for that CD on their database. Everything you purchase from the store probably has an ID number so it knows what is what, even if you change all the tags and stuff.
Anthony, you don't use iTunes, do you? -
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008
The FIND ART WORK function in iTunes works based on ID tags. Your ID tags have to match the tags iTunes has in their database. For instance, iTunes has the art work for John Powell's The Happening. But I tag all my files last name first (Powell, John) and when I go to get the art work, iTunes can't match the tags. So, if I change my tags temporarily to John Powell and ask for the art work, my tags matches iTunes database and I get my art. I then change the name back to Powell, John. It's an inconvenience which is why I find all of my art work by scanning the art work I have or find the art work from soundtrackcollector, amazon and Google images search. Anything 300x300 or higher I'm happy with.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008
Erik Woods wrote
The FIND ART WORK function in iTunes works based on ID tags. Your ID tags have to match the tags iTunes has in their database. For instance, iTunes has the art work for John Powell's The Happening. But I tag all my files last name first (Powell, John) and when I go to get the art work, iTunes can't match the tags. So, if I change my tags temporarily to John Powell and ask for the art work, my tags matches iTunes database and I get my art. I then change the name back to Powell, John. It's an inconvenience which is why I find all of my art work by scanning the art work I have or find the art work from soundtrackcollector, amazon and Google images search. Anything 300x300 or higher I'm happy with.
Thanks for the tips, Erik! -
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008
If you're looking for Varese covers go to the Colosseum hompage. They have them in high resolution from most of their scores. -
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2008
Antineutrino wrote
If you're looking for Varese covers go to the Colosseum hompage. They have them in high resolution from most of their scores.
Thanks, but the albums I'm looking to get album art for are classical music albums.
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