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[Closed] I am ... speechless...
Off Topic » I am ... speechless... (Posts 1 to 9 of 9)
- CommentTimeAug 23rd 2008 edited
EDIT: This isn't something you would want to be reading at work.
Contains no images.
The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else. -
- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeAug 23rd 2008
wow - Polish Film Music Review Website -
- CommentTimeAug 23rd 2008 edited
Justin, honestly, how many threads like this have you started within the past few days?Seriously, you should just make one thread entitled 'The Justin Boggan thread, where Justin talks about random crap' and leave it at that, and use that thread as the official place to post all your random, sick Internet discoveries. Comprende?
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeAug 23rd 2008
I'm more concerned about his well being. What do you Google for, Justin? -
- CommentTimeAug 23rd 2008 edited
Hey, Anthony, how 'bout we convince Demetris and Martijn to close all of Justin's "cultural news" threads, so then he'll have to post it all in the new one you made? LOL -
- CommentTimeAug 24th 2008
Just don't go to them
Thomaslisten to more classical music! -
- CommentTimeAug 24th 2008 edited
sdtom wrote
Just don't go to them
Good idea, but that's no fun.Plus, Justin really does need to stop spamming the boards with all these random Internet articles.
- CommentAuthortjguitar
- CommentTimeAug 24th 2008
You think that's funny? Check out the comments by women who get turned on by that sort of thing: … -bros-sex/ -
- CommentTimeAug 24th 2008 edited
OK, TOO MUCH CRAP IN THIS FORUM. THIS IS CLOSED AND WILL BE DELETED SOON, AS EVERY OTHER SIMILAR THAT WILL FOLLOW. Either get (reasonably) serious, or out.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
1 to 9 of 9