
Spencer Creaghan

" The fundamental ingredient, the road map, is the melodic content, which is presented slowly by a memorable musical pattern.... "

Written by Joep de Bruijn - Review of the download only release

Goliath is a 2019 Canadian drama that is about a character named Robin, whom, because of reasons, has to reunite with her family as her father has passed away. As it slowly unfolds, we see the conflicted family relations, the grief (and her unwillingness to accept it), a luring secret and her own mental health state that comes into play.. It altogether puts Robin in a great predicament.

In writing the score, composer Spencer Creaghan takes the progression, gradually finding out more about her mental state and inner feelings interconnected with the unfolding outset, as the guideline to his score. He uses strings and piano in a mix with a modern contemporary (electronic) scoring method, a very fluid, and deeply engaging mix that slowly makes you feel more about the protagonist. From a bird's perspective, the score does not sound like nothing you have never heard before, but that's not the point.

The fundamental ingredient, the road map, is the melodic content, which is presented slowly by a memorable musical pattern, present throughout the score, building, until the protagonist is in acceptance towards the end, with the prepossessing cue 'For Robin'. Reportedly, Creaghan wrote this cue first, before trying to figure out how to implement it progressively throughout its length.

Spencer Creaghan' score to Goliath was released in 2023 digitally by DK records. This year alone, they released a staggering number of recommendable scores for purchasing. Besides Goliath, I strongly recommend his score to Quickening, as these two represent his best output so far, which do share some common ground in terms of the inner conflicted feelings of the protagonist in both films, but Quickening is fairly more 'challenging' as a film and musically, while Goliath really only succeeds equally in its musical merit.

1. Don't Jump 0:46
2. Homecoming 2:49
3. Father's Study 1:00
4. A Quiet Morning 1:44
5. Driving to the Peer 0:44
6. Robin at the Peer 1:16
7. Poolside Bonding 1:11
8. A Kiss on the Boat 3:01
9. Advice from Ellie 1:34
10. Robin Calls Brian 0:52
11. Driving to Vi 0:45
12. Sisters 3:01
13. Blame 1:10
14. The Day Of 0:50
15. The Funeral 3:01
16. Truth 1:40
17. For Robin 5:01
18. Robin's Theme Sketch (Bonus Track) 3:27

Total durationL 33:52

(written 19-04-2023)
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(total of 4 votes - average 2.88/5)

Released by

DK records (download only release 2023)