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    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2008
    Ok, here's the thing, and I hope somebody might be able to help me... For my job I need to design an advertisement, and since we haven't got Photoshop at the office (I already requested it for next time), I offered to do it at home. But I found out the advertisement needs a font that I haven't got on my computer, namely: Avenir LT Std. But I can't find a free version of it on the 'net crazy

    Does anybody happen to know how to get/download a free version...? It would really help me... smile
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2008 edited
    Bob, maybe you could also post this question in the alternate CD cover topic. People who read that know their way around designs and fonts I guess?

    That would be the Custom Cover Art thread:
    http://www.maintitles.net/forum/discuss … cover-art/

    So you got a job!! Which one?
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2008
    I've got a stupid number of fonts on my system (5000+, Photoshop hates me!), I'll see if I've got it.
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2008 edited
    Oh, never mind, I don't need it anymore... I went with whatever resembled it the closest smile And I figured I'd get a quicker response if I just got a new thread, plus, I thought there might be other people in the future with font-questions? And the cover-people who know a bit about fonts might also pick up on a title like this wink But thanks anyway!

    And yeah, Bregje, I got a job. At bookretailer Selexyz Zakelijk (business-2-business). I'm Commercieel Medewerker (commercial... employee?), and since I'm not just the only commercial employee over there, but also their first ever (well, for that specific department, since Selexyz in itself does have a marketing department, but they're in a different building), it's quite daunting. I also need to coordinate the improvement of the website and their intranet, and since the site and the systems behind it pretty much relate to everything that happens over there, I need to know everything, everybody does real quick, and a whole lot of other stuff. It's demanding dizzy
    • CommentTimeMar 18th 2008
    Bob, next time, check www.abstractfonts.com.