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[Closed] Now Playing XLIX
- CommentTimeSep 4th 2016
The version of Händel's "Hallelujah" chorus is rather lacklustre, but that's OK. It still works brilliantly to cap off the original album (which is all I ever play, even if I have the 2CD set like you).I am extremely serious. -
- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeSep 4th 2016
3 CD. Frankly, the best album there was would feature the original program with the Haendel replaced by Newman's own Passion/Resurrection material. I think it'd cap off at less than 80 minutes with that (whether I'd pick Newman's own theme suite with the original Overture/Main Title is a matter of preference... and I think I'd pick the latter due to a subtheme being performed by French horns as opposed to winds in the album version). - Polish Film Music Review Website -
- CommentTimeSep 4th 2016
I really like the "Man of Galilee" suite that combines material from The Greatest Story Ever Told and The Robe.Bach's music is vibrant and inspired. -
- CommentTimeSep 4th 2016 edited
A French NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, which isn't a bad thing. Wish the album were more succinct, though.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeSep 5th 2016
Not able to listen to it now but so excited to get Howard Shore's SE7EN in the post this morning. I shouldn't be since I have had the bootleg version for many years, but it's great to finally have a legitimate release CD in my hand.The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentTimeSep 5th 2016
The Launch / Apollo 13 - James Horner
Launch / Armageddon - Trevor Rabin
Hercules Take Off / Living Daylights - John Barry
The Visitor-Buye-End Titles / Close Encounters - John WilliamsBach's music is vibrant and inspired. -
- CommentTimeSep 5th 2016
King Kong Barry
I don't listen to this nearly enough, every time I listen to it I've forgotten just how good it is! -
- CommentTimeSep 5th 2016
The Light Between Oceans Desplat
So bloody good. Mesmerising. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeSep 6th 2016
John Chambers wrote
King Kong Barry
I don't listen to this nearly enough, every time I listen to it I've forgotten just how good it is!
It is brilliant. I hope this is the full score FSM edition? Anything else is lacking.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeSep 6th 2016
NP: Seven - Howard Shore
The sound on this new release is much improved on the old bootleg (as you would expect!) and it brings out even more the whole feel of the movie. It's a sort of mix between The Silence of the Lambs and Crash.
Can't wait to get to the climax of the score...The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentTimeSep 6th 2016
I'm so happy for you that you finally got this score!
I don't have it but will have a listen to Cosmopolis which is one of my favourites his, and his collaboration with Matric.Kazoo -
- CommentTimeSep 6th 2016 edited
Southall wrote
The Light Between Oceans Desplat
So bloody good. Mesmerising.
It's even better after having just seen the film. It's as perfectly married to the images and the emotional throughline of the film as any score/film combination I've ever heard/seen. And after it was over I was as mesmerized and glued to my seat throughout the credits as I remember being since I saw Passion of the Christ for the first time. Not that it is in any other way similar to that movie, except for being as perfectly and all-encompassingly emotionally absorbing. -
- CommentTimeSep 6th 2016
Morgan Joylighter wrote
Southall wrote
The Light Between Oceans Desplat
So bloody good. Mesmerising.
It's even better after having just seen the film. It's as perfectly married to the images and the emotional throughline of the film as any score/film combination I've ever heard/seen. And after it was over I was as mesmerized and glued to my seat throughout the credits as I remember being since I saw Passion of the Christ for the first time. Not that it is in any other way similar to that movie, except for being as perfectly and all-encompassingly emotionally absorbing.
That's interesting, because the film was absolutely slaughtered by my colleagues who saw it in Venice a few days ago. That sealed it; with an insanely boring Desplat score and my colleagues' negative feedback, this film is an absolute no-go for me.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeSep 6th 2016
Thor wrote
That's interesting, because the film was absolutely slaughtered by my colleagues who saw it in Venice a few days ago. That sealed it; with an insanely boring Desplat score and my colleagues' negative feedback, this film is an absolute no-go for me.
We all have differently-tuned heartstrings...this film just happened to play mine perfectly -
- CommentTimeSep 6th 2016
NP: The Bible (1966) - Toshiro Mayuzumi
I bought this when I was freshly collecting film music. I expected something resembling Rozsa and was duly disappointed. Only many years later I recognized the greatness of this score.
VolkerBach's music is vibrant and inspired. -
- CommentTimeSep 6th 2016
FalkirkBairn wrote
NP: Seven - Howard Shore
The sound on this new release is much improved on the old bootleg (as you would expect!) and it brings out even more the whole feel of the movie. It's a sort of mix between The Silence of the Lambs and Crash.
Can't wait to get to the climax of the score...
Glad to hear it. I'll catch up with you soon.
I blew my film score budget for the year. So I'll be waiting a few months for this one. -
- CommentTimeSep 6th 2016
Days of Heaven - Ennio Morricone
In case anyone out there hasn't heard it, the title track is life-alteringly good. -
- CommentTimeSep 6th 2016
In the peculiar sort of way that only Morricone tracks can be -
- CommentAuthorDavid OC
- CommentTimeSep 6th 2016
Ghostbusters - Theodore Shapiro
Pretty solid score really, despite 3 or 4 boring cues in the middle of the disc. His action music is generally very entertaining though the massive choir overuse does annoy the hell out of me at times. -
- CommentTimeSep 6th 2016
Morgan Joylighter wrote
Southall wrote
The Light Between Oceans Desplat
So bloody good. Mesmerising.
It's even better after having just seen the film. It's as perfectly married to the images and the emotional throughline of the film as any score/film combination I've ever heard/seen. And after it was over I was as mesmerized and glued to my seat throughout the credits as I remember being since I saw Passion of the Christ for the first time. Not that it is in any other way similar to that movie, except for being as perfectly and all-encompassingly emotionally absorbing.
I read the book recently and it's just the most profoundly sad thing I've ever read. Beautiful, but heartbreakingly sad. -
- CommentTimeSep 7th 2016
Southall wrote
I read the book recently and it's just the most profoundly sad thing I've ever read. Beautiful, but heartbreakingly sad.
I can imagine what you mean, although film version I actually found it inspiring and hopeful. The entire knot is unraveled by gentle tugs of acts of kindness, compassion, unselfishness and forgiveness. He makes that initial choice to reach out with the letter despite there being no possible gain for him to do so, and that kindness reflects and echoes and resounds throughout the entire rest of the plot. People are always going to screw things up regardless, but it's not always that people are able to navigate such complex webs of misfortunes, instincts and inevitabilities and yet not have every choice they make be something that hurts the people around them more. These people chose to be better then they could have been and that gave me hope.
Or maybe it was just Desplat -
- CommentAuthorDavid OC
- CommentTimeSep 7th 2016
U-Turn - Ennio Morricone
Always loved this later Morricone masterpiece from what is one of Oliver Stone's best films. The off-kilter stuff is great but I just go weak at the knees hearing the haunting beauty of 'Old Family Souvenirs' which begins with Edda before that theme kicks in and just breaks your heart. -
- CommentTimeSep 7th 2016
With such extreme variations in feedback (from my colleagues who hated it to you who loved it), maybe I should see it after all. Just to make up my own mind. My colleagues also said it's very much an "Oscar bait" film which (sadly, in their opinion) will get loads of nominations.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentAuthorfranz_conrad
- CommentTimeSep 7th 2016
David OC wrote
U-Turn - Ennio Morricone
Always loved this later Morricone masterpiece from what is one of Oliver Stone's best films. The off-kilter stuff is great but I just go weak at the knees hearing the haunting beauty of 'Old Family Souvenirs' which begins with Edda before that theme kicks in and just breaks your heart.
That is a gorgeous track. One of the greatest of Morricone ballads.
NP: Traffic Quintet plays Alexandre Desplat
A truly wonderful compilation by an ensemble that (understandably) really does this man's beautiful music justice. the suite from 'Un Prophete' for quintet is a revelation.A butterfly thinks therefore I am -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeSep 7th 2016 edited
After so many moons I finally have my stereo up and running last night. And my first play...
In fact I played it three times in a row. At first I was convinced that that theme was a rip-off of something else, I'd known it for years and years it was that familiar, I knew the tune and how it developed before the theme had even got there. Looking up IMDb I found out it's a TV show I used to watch as a child during the school summer holidays, dubbed with English actors voices it was called Desert Crusader in the UK. That theme has stuck in my head for all those decades and I never knew who did it, I'd 100% forgotten what it had been from and had no idea it had already been available for years.
Thanks so much Martijn, I'm so pleased I won this giveaway over Thor who also wanted it, a great score and a great re-discoveryOn Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeSep 7th 2016
So you are all settled now?Bach's music is vibrant and inspired. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeSep 7th 2016
Yes, finally!On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeSep 7th 2016 edited
Congrats!Bach's music is vibrant and inspired. -
- CommentTimeSep 7th 2016
Congrats indeed! How long were you "out"? Half a year?I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeSep 7th 2016
NP: The Light Between the Oceans (2016) - Alexandre Desplat
Since this score will be released in Germany only in a few days I took the opportunity to listen to Erik's selections on his show. (Great show btw!)
Great emotional, lyrical music! Just as good as everybody - save the Norge gentleman - is claiming it to be.
VolkerBach's music is vibrant and inspired.