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  1. I was flicking around the channels last night and came across (on Eurosport 2) the final stages of 2009 Red Bull Crashed Ice competition that was recently held in Quebec.

    Erik, have you come across this?

    Anyway, it was really addictive and by the time it finished an hour had passed.

    Here's one of the semi-finals:

    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2009
    I'm an active person, but I'm not really into sports. I enjoy the Wimbledon during the Summer as it's a bit of a tradition in our house to have it on, but that's about it.

    I find it funny when fat, old men watch football and criticise the players for not performing "as well as they should" while they sit in their chairs drinking their beers. Hilarious.
      CommentAuthorErik Woods
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2009
    FalkirkBairn wrote
    I was flicking around the channels last night and came across (on Eurosport 2) the final stages of 2009 Red Bull Crashed Ice competition that was recently held in Quebec.

    Erik, have you come across this?

    Anyway, it was really addictive and by the time it finished an hour had passed.

    Here's one of the semi-finals:


    Ya, saw this on ESPN Classic last week. It's a mix of Roller Derby meets Fast Track Speed Skating meets Hockey meets Bobsled meets Snowboarding. I can't say I was all that interested.

    host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | www.cinematicsound.net | www.facebook.com/cinematicsound | I HAVE TINNITUS!
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2009
    Steven wrote
    I'm an active person, but I'm not really into sports. I enjoy the Wimbledon during the Summer as it's a bit of a tradition in our house to have it on, but that's about it.

    I find it funny when fat, old men watch football and criticise the players for not performing "as well as they should" while they sit in their chairs drinking their beers. Hilarious.

    A bit like people who've never picked up an instrument in their lives sitting at their computer complaining about film composers being rubbish!?
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2009 edited
    Southall wrote
    Steven wrote
    I'm an active person, but I'm not really into sports. I enjoy the Wimbledon during the Summer as it's a bit of a tradition in our house to have it on, but that's about it.

    I find it funny when fat, old men watch football and criticise the players for not performing "as well as they should" while they sit in their chairs drinking their beers. Hilarious.

    A bit like people who've never picked up an instrument in their lives sitting at their computer complaining about film composers being rubbish!?

    I hope that's not aimed at me? confused

    But yes, I agree. Same thing.
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2009 edited
    Steven wrote
    I'm an active person, but I'm not really into sports.

    That would describe me too. I love cycling and running though and those can be characterized as sports, although i don't exactly perform them as strictly structured as their formal cousins wink From what i know you Steven like to cycle as well; keep it up!
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2009
    Steven wrote
    Southall wrote
    Steven wrote
    I'm an active person, but I'm not really into sports. I enjoy the Wimbledon during the Summer as it's a bit of a tradition in our house to have it on, but that's about it.

    I find it funny when fat, old men watch football and criticise the players for not performing "as well as they should" while they sit in their chairs drinking their beers. Hilarious.

    A bit like people who've never picked up an instrument in their lives sitting at their computer complaining about film composers being rubbish!?

    I hope that's not aimed at me? confused

    Nope. All of us! If you were only allowed to criticse something you are able to do yourself, then this forum would be a quiet place. Only Justin would be able to post anything.
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2009
    I like watching beach volley.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2009
    Bregt wrote
    I like watching beach volley.

    me too cool
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2009
    Southall wrote
    Steven wrote
    Southall wrote
    Steven wrote
    I'm an active person, but I'm not really into sports. I enjoy the Wimbledon during the Summer as it's a bit of a tradition in our house to have it on, but that's about it.

    I find it funny when fat, old men watch football and criticise the players for not performing "as well as they should" while they sit in their chairs drinking their beers. Hilarious.

    A bit like people who've never picked up an instrument in their lives sitting at their computer complaining about film composers being rubbish!?

    I hope that's not aimed at me? confused

    Nope. All of us! If you were only allowed to criticse something you are able to do yourself, then this forum would be a quiet place. Only Justin would be able to post anything.

    True. But there's something about the way these old guys criticise football players. We might criticise on an intellectual level, they criticise simply because their team didn't win. Apparently that upsets fans.
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2009
    I'm just not into sports. Never have been.
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2009
    Southall wrote
    Steven wrote
    Southall wrote
    Steven wrote
    I'm an active person, but I'm not really into sports. I enjoy the Wimbledon during the Summer as it's a bit of a tradition in our house to have it on, but that's about it.

    I find it funny when fat, old men watch football and criticise the players for not performing "as well as they should" while they sit in their chairs drinking their beers. Hilarious.

    A bit like people who've never picked up an instrument in their lives sitting at their computer complaining about film composers being rubbish!?

    I hope that's not aimed at me? confused

    Nope. All of us! If you were only allowed to criticse something you are able to do yourself, then this forum would be a quiet place. Only Justin would be able to post anything.

    If that was the thing, no forums should exist and certainly no debate wink
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2009
    Christodoulides wrote
    Steven wrote
    I'm an active person, but I'm not really into sports.

    That would describe me too. I love cycling and running though and those can be characterized as sports, although i don't exactly perform them as strictly structured as their formal cousins wink From what i know you Steven like to cycle as well; keep it up!

    Yep. Every day if possible.

    Recently bought a new bike, a Specialized Hardrock Comp. A great bike with mid-range components for only £400. A bargain if you use it a lot which I do!
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2009
    Sweet! Photos? I have a peugeot one!
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2009
    Steven wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    Steven wrote
    I'm an active person, but I'm not really into sports.

    That would describe me too. I love cycling and running though and those can be characterized as sports, although i don't exactly perform them as strictly structured as their formal cousins wink From what i know you Steven like to cycle as well; keep it up!

    Yep. Every day if possible.

    Recently bought a new bike, a Specialized Hardrock Comp. A great bike with mid-range components for only £400. A bargain if you use it a lot which I do!

    Mine costs £50 and is a bugger to ride up hills.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2009

    Hills is a luxury we don't get in Portsmouth. slant
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2009 edited
    Steven wrote

    Hills is a luxury we don't get in Portsmouth. slant


    My bike is just a good sturdy mountain bike which is great for getting around the city.

    A person I know from a pub I go to is seriously into mountain bikes and "used" to have one that cost him over £3000, he used to lock it up outside the pub and one night I suggested to him that he should buy a cheap 'runaround' if he was going to lock it up outside pubs etc and guess what happened within a week of me saying that.................
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2009
    heheh. biggrin
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2009 edited
    Christodoulides wrote
    heheh. biggrin

    Indeed! I just found it gobsmacking that someone can pay that much for a bike ( somethng I don't feel is justifiable ), and not have it insured, and locking it up outside pubs!!!?....just asking for trouble.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2009
    Seriously, that's plain dumb! What did he do afterwards? Hit his head on the wall?
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2009
    Christodoulides wrote
    Seriously, that's plain dumb! What did he do afterwards? Hit his head on the wall?

    I told him straight that he was an idiot and he agreed! rolleyes
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2009
    Th...th...th...three THOUSAND? shocked
    POUNDS?!?!? shocked shocked shocked

    Was the frame inlaid with rubies, and the spokes pure silver?
    What the HELL??

    I had to laugh about the difference between Timmer's and Steven's bike, Steven getting the flashy mountain bike in a flat area and Timmer running his old sturdy workhorse up and down the Bristolian Alps. smile
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2009
    Martijn wrote
    Th...th...th...three THOUSAND? shocked
    POUNDS?!?!? shocked shocked shocked

    Was the frame inlaid with rubies, and the spokes pure silver?
    What the HELL??

    I had to laugh about the difference between Timmer's and Steven's bike, Steven getting the flashy mountain bike in a flat area and Timmer running his old sturdy workhorse up and down the Bristolian Alps. smile


    As for that price....well, there's no way I'd pay that. I know nothing about cycles technically but I've seen frames for £2000 +....yes, that's right, the FRAME, no wheels, no brakes, no nothing, just the frame shocked
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2009
    I sense a racket... slant
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2009 edited
    I mentioned in the thread that led to this one that I'd dig out one of my old training logs, this one, in brief is from 2nd July 1980 when I was 19 years old and boy was I seriously pushing it or what!! shocked

    Not much writing with it, just a graph with reps and poundages so I've filled in details where necessary.......

    Supersets starting with high reps ( everything is written in Ibs )


    12 x 140 Ibs
    10 x 160 Ibs
    8 x 180 Ibs
    6 x 220 Ibs

    From this point the legs are seriously warmed up and ready for heavy....

    4 x 280 Ibs

    2 x 320 Ibs

    From here I did six sets of leg extensions and leg curls but there is no mention of weight, just a code I used for where I'd put the pin in the stack ( still with me? )


    12 x 180 Ibs
    10 x 200 Ibs
    8 x 220 Ibs
    6 x 260 Ibs
    4 x 300 Ibs
    2 x 350 Ibs

    Calf raises

    All it says is six sets with as much weight as possible

    A year later at 20 years old I was squatting well over 400 Ibs ( 200 Kilos ) and Deadlifting 500 Ibs.

    Looking through these lists my best Bench Press was 380 Ibs ( approx 175 Kilos ) and I was curling 180 Ibs for reps.

    Jeebus wept shocked
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2009
    What the hell is a deadlift? shocked
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2009
    Bregt wrote
    What the hell is a deadlift? shocked

    http://www.mthotham.com.au/today/snowte … d-lift.jpg
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2009
    Marselus wrote
    Bregt wrote
    What the hell is a deadlift? shocked

    http://www.mthotham.com.au/today/snowte … d-lift.jpg

    smile beer
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeMar 3rd 2009
    Timmer wrote
    Marselus wrote
    Bregt wrote
    What the hell is a deadlift? shocked

    http://www.mthotham.com.au/today/snowte … d-lift.jpg

    smile beer

    So a deadlift is an ugly, 40 year old-ish manly woman?
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeMar 3rd 2009 edited
    Jesus Timmer...I 'me getting a pain down my back just reading that.
    That is some pretty damn serious lifting!

    Checked on the techniques, and unfortunately though, none of it's for me: there's SO much pressure on the lower back I'd do myself an injury. slant (Not that i'd want to compete with a twenty-year old, mind... gramps already has some trouble lifting his glasses... )
    (of port)

    Thanks for sharing that, though! Mightily impressive!
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn