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- CommentTimeNov 28th 2007 edited
Thought I would claim a minor topic, almost went for Ennio Morricone, but thought this topic would have more life in it!!
Actually do have a question.
I only currently have one score by David Arnold, Stargate, and was planning on getting a couple more over the next few months, so if you HAD to choose ONLY two scors by him which two would they be.
Thanks for your help.If in doubt, let the wookie win -
- CommentTimeNov 28th 2007
Independence Day!!!!
We'll be featuring an interview of Anrold in a couple of days!Kazoo -
- CommentTimeNov 28th 2007
Independence Day - just because you already have StarGate; ID4 is even louder and bigger, but I find StarGate to have better themes.
The World is not enough - my most favourite Bond score by Arnold; its blow-your-speakers action tracks are amazing and proved he could rock big time in every genre.
Godzilla is, of course, an option, but only if you are not already deaf after ID4. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeNov 28th 2007
Tomorrow Never Dies and Godzilla!
Possibly Independence day instead of TND if you prefer big dramatic stuff.
The great thing about most of Arnold's scores is they're always super-freakin-loud-but-awesome ones! -
- CommentTimeNov 28th 2007
Bregt wrote
Independence Day!!!!
We'll be featuring an interview of Anrold in a couple of days!
Tell him Steven loves him. -
- CommentTimeNov 28th 2007
Tell him I LOVE Amazing Grace. -
- CommentTimeNov 28th 2007
The interview is already done though.
Demetris and me are working on it to fully type it out.Kazoo -
- CommentTimeNov 28th 2007
Ah, just to appease them, add aline where you say "oh and by the way, Steven sends his love David" and David can just chuckle or something, and Steven will never know!!.....If in doubt, let the wookie win -
- CommentTimeNov 28th 2007
Well, this board will soon be famous enough for him to read my comment, so, no damage done. -
- CommentTimeNov 29th 2007
Bregt wrote
Independence Day!!!!
We'll be featuring an interview of Anrold in a couple of days!
I'd have to go along with Bregt's suggestions here.
They are both good examples of Arnold's epic, action scoring. If I had to choose something else I'd recommend listening to Four Brothers. I really like the variety in this one.The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentTimeNov 29th 2007
Four Brothers and The young Americans are my favorite non-standard Arnold scores.
And as for the list above:
GOD I love that, i am going to play it now in fact!Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeNov 29th 2007
Christodoulides wrote
I stated in my original post that I already had stargate, and was looking for two MORE scores, which is presumably why no-one has mentioned stargateIf in doubt, let the wookie win -
- CommentTimeNov 29th 2007 edited
If you can find the complete score to any of the the items below, get it.
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeNov 29th 2007
Tim (not timmer) wrote
Thought I would claim a minor topic, almost went for Ennio Morricone, but thought this topic would have more life in it!!
Actually do have a question.
I only currently have one score by David Arnold, Stargate, and was planning on getting a couple more over the next few months, so if you HAD to choose ONLY two scors by him which two would they be.
Thanks for your help.
Just two, Hmmmmm???
Tell him THAT Bregt!On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeDec 2nd 2007
- CommentTimeDec 2nd 2007
Awesome!Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeDec 2nd 2007
Great, guys! - Polish Film Music Review Website -
- CommentTimeDec 2nd 2007
Very nice! -
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2007
Ahhhh Haaaa... I see that my Cropduster Theme question was asked. I do remember Paul Tonks telling me that Arnold told him that the Cropduster theme WAS his unused CutThroat Island demo theme. I guess not...
Thanks for asking the question, Bregt!
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2007 edited
Erik Woods wrote
Ahhhh Haaaa... I see that my Cropduster Theme question was asked. I do remember Paul Tonks telling me that Arnold told him that the Cropduster theme WAS his unused CutThroat Island demo theme. I guess not...
Thanks for asking the question, Bregt!
If I'd had more time, I'd have asked your other two questions too. But Anrold is a guy who tells a lot and our time was limited to half an hour. It was fun that he somehow had to hum it before he knew i wasn't that theme.Kazoo -
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2007 edited
Bregt wrote
But Anrold is a guy who tells a lot and our time was limited to half an hour.
Tell me about it!Pretty nice guy though, to listen to.
Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2007
I forgot what my other questions were... anyway... glad you were able to get that one in.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentAuthorEnemyToo
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2007
I can't wait to see what he'll do for the third Narnia score! Hopefully better than what Gregson-Williams did. -
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2007
I found it interesting how much he seemed to want to defend Harry's rights to scoring Narnia.I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to! -
- CommentAuthortjguitar
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2007
Does nobody have any love for The Musketeer? -
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2007
I love The Musketeer.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeDec 3rd 2007 edited
It goes without saying (as I oh so want my love for Arnold to be known), I too love The Musketeer.
- CommentTimeDec 12th 2007
TND and Independence Day.
Get complete if you can!!! -
- CommentTimeDec 12th 2007
Awesome interview! -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeJan 21st 2008
Steven wrote
It goes without saying (as I oh so want my love for Arnold to be known), I too love The Musketeer.
What's it like?