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    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2012
    Twilight Zone: The Movie Jerry Goldsmith

    Beyond brilliant, that much is a given. But is it wrong that I quite like the song? uhm (I've not seen the movie.)
  1. James Newton Howard - Unbreakable

    Beautiful score from JNH. I'm not hearing as much Ralph Vaughan Williams, though I'm still not as proficient in RVW as I wish I were. One of my favorite scores from the composer.
    http://www.filmmusic.pl - Polish Film Music Review Website
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2012
    Steven wrote
    Twilight Zone: The Movie Jerry Goldsmith

    Beyond brilliant, that much is a given. But is it wrong that I quite like the song? uhm (I've not seen the movie.)

    No, nothing wrong with that at all. It's a beautiful song.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2012
    Total Recall Jerry Goldsmith

    I can't say this is a score I'm always in the mood for, but when I am it's so fucking good. Forget your Brian Tyler scores, THIS is how action is scored.
      CommentAuthorErik Woods
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2012
    host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | www.cinematicsound.net | www.facebook.com/cinematicsound | I HAVE TINNITUS!
  2. I'm always in the mood for Total Recall, because when that baby starts to spin, it's over 70 minutes of awesomeness and the mood is in effect from the opening electronic clashes, always gets my heart pumping that. cool
    "considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G.
  3. PawelStroinski wrote
    He'll be doing one with Denzel Washington very soon, about a pilot that is a hero, but he's not.

    It's already been shot, can't wait to see it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1907668/
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2012
    NP: THE WIND AND THE LION (Jerry Goldsmith)

    One of his best, for sure. "Raisuli Attacks" is an obvious and busy showpiece, but I've grown to appreciate the softer parts over the years.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2012
    Thor wrote
    NP: THE WIND AND THE LION (Jerry Goldsmith)

    One of his best, for sure. "Raisuli Attacks" is an obvious and busy showpiece, but I've grown to appreciate the softer parts over the years.

    Over the years? What about I remember? This was one of my favourite Goldsmith themes from the first moment I played it. love

    Peter smile
    • CommentTimeJan 12th 2012
    plindboe wrote
    Thor wrote
    NP: THE WIND AND THE LION (Jerry Goldsmith)

    One of his best, for sure. "Raisuli Attacks" is an obvious and busy showpiece, but I've grown to appreciate the softer parts over the years.

    Over the years? What about I remember? This was one of my favourite Goldsmith themes from the first moment I played it. love

    Peter smile

    You're right. That didn't come out right. I've always liked those parts. It's just that with my recent change of taste from the big and bombastic to the soft and serene, I've come appreciate those parts MORE.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    Ah, that's better. smile In any case, I also find it such a fantastic score. It's not often you come across albums where both action music and the love music excels so much. Often the focus is on one or the other.

    Peter smile
  4. Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli and Blake Neely - The Pacific

    Sometimes I like this score, sometimes it's plain boring. The album is definitely too long. Solemn, patriotic twist on Hans's The Thin Red Line material. While Neely was credited on the cue sheet alone, Honor is a Zimmer theme arranged by Neely. Hans's sole piece in the film (Iwo Jima on album) is fine and dandy in the film. When the score is at its best it's brilliant though, cues like Neely's Landing Peleliu and Zanelli's Sledge's Humanity (his Peleliu theme is heavily, very heavily derivative of Zimmer's Light from the said TTRL) are beautiful.

    Writing my script while listening to it. Good experience.
    http://www.filmmusic.pl - Polish Film Music Review Website
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    Ahhhh, I love when I randomly stumble over some super gorgeous gem on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JR8ZM22pvU

    Yuki Kajiura's music has touched me before. Perhaps it's about time that I explore more of her music.

    Peter smile
  5. Thor wrote
    NP: THE WIND AND THE LION (Jerry Goldsmith)

    One of his best, for sure. "Raisuli Attacks" is an obvious and busy showpiece, but I've grown to appreciate the softer parts over the years.

    I need to review (i.e., re-listen) to a lot of the Goldsmith titles I don't really make a connection with to see if there is a common theme about them. I'd rank Goldsmith as one of my Top 5 composers but there are several titles (that everyone else seems to love) that I just don't "get".
    The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of maintitles.net, or for that matter, anyone else. http://www.racksandtags.com/falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    Family Plot John Williams

    The first track belongs on any Williams compilation album; the rest perhaps doesn't. But I rather like it, that said. Certainly the funky end track.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012 edited
    PawelStroinski wrote
    James Newton Howard - Unbreakable

    Beautiful score from JNH. I'm not hearing as much Ralph Vaughan Williams, though I'm still not as proficient in RVW as I wish I were. One of my favorite scores from the composer.

    Like John Williams, when he channels Vaughan Williams, JNH makes his take very much his own. I have a copy of SOUNDTRACK magazine with an interview with JNH where he's very open about his influences in this score and describes it as his "Vaughan Williams" score. Arguably I'd say his score for THE VILLAGE has even stronger RVW influences, I've not heard any interviews regarding this score but considering his openess on UNBREAKABLE I can't imagine him denying that fact.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    Steven wrote
    Total Recall Jerry Goldsmith

    I can't say this is a score I'm always in the mood for, but when I am it's so fucking good. Forget your Brian Tyler scores, THIS is how action is scored.

    FACT!!!!! <--why can't I make these letters bigger like they deserve? slant
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
  6. Timmer wrote
    PawelStroinski wrote
    James Newton Howard - Unbreakable

    Beautiful score from JNH. I'm not hearing as much Ralph Vaughan Williams, though I'm still not as proficient in RVW as I wish I were. One of my favorite scores from the composer.

    Like John Williams, when he channels Vaughan Williams, JNH makes his take very much his own. I have a copy of SOUNDTRACK magazine with an interview with JNH where he's very open about his influences in this score and describes it as his "Vaughan Williams" score. Arguably I'd say his score for THE VILLAGE has even stronger RVW influences, I've not heard any interviews regarding this score but considering his openess on UNBREAKABLE I can't imagine him denying that fact.

    This is probably my favorite Newton Howard score. Shame I haven't listened to it in while.
  7. I got a footwarmer of the nearly complete score. I wish this score would get a complete release. It's at a tie for my favorite J.N.H. score, and one CD I had to go out and buy right away at full price instead of waiting.
    The views and opinions of Ford A. Thaxton are his own and do not necessarily reflect the ones of ANYONE else.
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    Very nice score indeed, along with SNOW FALLING ON CEDARS, although the latter is more temp-tracked influenced. Still a great listen and a nice score.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    I still don't get the RVW link or the Shyamalan scores in general.
    I am extremely serious.

    First listen was in my car, needless to say I wasn't paying attention half of the time, but it was crucial to get a feel of what kind of music this CD would hold.

    Now this is the second time I hear this score, and I must say, the album is simply great. Gorgeous, intimate, playful, grand, all in the right places. John still hasn't lost his touch at all to come up with the most inspired themes.

    I will have to listen to it a couple more times, but this could very well top Tintin in terms of enjoyment I get out of it. The emotional core of the music already sticks out and that is a great thing, personally speaking!
    "considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G.
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    Howard Shore - Hugo
    In my opinion one of the best all around works from Shore.
    Its main theme describe perfectly the spirit, courage and heart of Hugo. Very touching and gorgeous just to say the least...
    Bravo Howard!!
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    And hello Robinson. smile
    Good to see you here now and again.
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    Hi to you too Martijn... It´s nice to exchange some messages again with you smile smile
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    The Beautician & The Beast Cliff Eidelman

    It could easily be one of those rather pleasant but forgettable romantic scores were it not for the main theme.

    What a waste of talent that Eidelman is not used for more (and better) films. Here's hoping he does something good for Big Miracle... assuming it's not already done and released? uhm
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    NP : KOYAANISQATSI - Philip Glass

    spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
  9. Little Women - Thomas Newman

    Listening to The Iron Lady reminded me of this classic score from the maestro. It's a shame that he doesn't write music like this much now.
      CommentAuthorErik Woods
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    NP: How To Make An American Quilt - Thomas Newman

    Pretty much a classic Thomas Newman sounding score!

    host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | www.cinematicsound.net | www.facebook.com/cinematicsound | I HAVE TINNITUS!
    • CommentTimeJan 13th 2012
    NP: King Solomon's Mines - Jerry 'the almighty' Goldsmith

    This is my first listen and it's a playful, theme-rich score which reminds me a great deal of The Mummy, Air Force One and some of his Star Trek TNG scores (realizing that those scores echo what I am hearing here).

    I listened to Shore's Copland again this morning as well. I have always enjoyed that score. Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol is up next before I jump back into my run through of my U2 collection (which includes everything they have ever released - and some stuff they, um, didn't).

    A day filled with Goldsmith, Giacchino, Shore and U2 is just fine by me!
    Insert witty line here