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LOST (Spoilers!)
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMar 11th 2010
The Substitute has been the best episode of the season.
Nestor Carbonnel (Richard) has confirmed episode 9 focusses on him.
Glad we will see Sawyer finally. Last time we left him he was in Jacob's cave. -
- CommentTimeMar 11th 2010
Anthony wrote
The Substitute has been the best episode of the season.
Nestor Carbonnel (Richard) has confirmed episode 9 focusses on him.
Glad we will see Sawyer finally. Last time we left him he was in Jacob's cave.
it what i said. Episode 9 will be about Richard. We know that for a long time
How can Locke to be a teacher? How this works in United Stateds?
jack's episode was the best one. With his Son, the "piano" moment, and the lighouse scene.
Locke's episode was killed for too many "cameos" of other characters. -
- CommentTimeMar 14th 2010
Anthony wrote
The Substitute has been the best episode of the season.
Nestor Carbonnel (Richard) has confirmed episode 9 focusses on him.
Glad we will see Sawyer finally. Last time we left him he was in Jacob's cave.
Did that get confirmed that it was Jacob's cave? I kind of got the feeling it was his nemesis's cave. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMar 14th 2010
Yes. That question was raised in the latest podcast and Darlton said it was Jacob's. -
- CommentTimeMar 17th 2010
a lot of people thinks is an awful episode. I think it's better than the overrated Ben linus one.
Anyway, I have been a great defender of this show for a long time, but I'm really starting to be worried. Worried and i'm losing my patience. Really...
They are clearly trading water. It doesn't matter how good will be the answers in the final episodes. After 5 years we deserves something better than people going fron one point of the island to another without any kind of explanation. -
- CommentTimeMar 17th 2010
Yup. That's why I was disappointed with last night's episode. All it did was set up a confrontation between Locke and Widmore. Again, the alternate reality didn't do anything for me, although Sawyer's job is amusing.
I strongly disagree that this episode was better than Linus'. Neither really progressed the story much farther, but at least I found Linus' episode to be genuinely moving. It went much deeper emotionally than the one last night.
I'm thinking Richard's episode next week will be pretty interesting, though probably not do much to move the story along... -
- CommentTimeMar 17th 2010 edited
christopher wrote
I strongly disagree that this episode was better than Linus'. Neither really progressed the story much farther, but at least I found Linus' episode to be genuinely moving. It went much deeper emotionally than the one last night.
I strongly disagree with your strongly disagreement.
I think the Benjamin's threat to the director of the school was really stupid. As stupid is John Locke being a substitue. And Alex being in his school...
About the Island's plot, I don't think it's good have a character diging his own Tomb for 40 minutes. For Gosh sake, this is the last season!!!
About Michael Emmerson is too thereatical. He's an stage actor and very often he overacts.
Linus character was a lie to us.because in fact he has nothing to do with...nothing!
About season 6 : It's really dissapointing. I never said that about Lost. but now, I really thing they are losing more than ever the point. Doesn't matter how good will be the answers, all the flashside stuff is too ridicolous to be considered dramatically consistent. You have to take seriously the things, even if they are SCI FIC, to can be touched. i don't Know where are the writters that combined masterfully the flashbacks and the Island stuff in the first season. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMar 17th 2010
I thought Recon was one of the strongest of the season. Enjoyed it a lot.
Lots of references and easter eggs, and finally the reappearance of some season 5 music in the form of the Ajira motif and Widmore's motif. -
- CommentTimeMar 17th 2010
Anthony wrote
I thought Recon was one of the strongest of the season. Enjoyed it a lot.
Lots of references and easter eggs, and finally the reappearance of some season 5 music in the form of the Ajira motif and Widmore's motif.
Agree with you. Glad to see someone that thinks it's one of the strongest of the season. -
- CommentTimeMar 17th 2010
Good episode indeed.
What where the easter eggs? I could only think of the number on Sawyer's apartment door, but it wasn't the numbers...Kazoo -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMar 17th 2010
More of my insane and geeky ramblings of the score at FSM. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMar 17th 2010
Bregt wrote
What where the easter eggs? I could only think of the number on Sawyer's apartment door, but it wasn't the numbers...
The books in Sawyer's apartment were ones he read on the island.
He watched Little House On The Prairie which was referenced in Tricia Tanaka Is Dead -
- CommentTimeMar 17th 2010
I'm shocked to see you write more on FSM than here!Kazoo -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMar 17th 2010
But the folks there seem less educated on the music than you guys here. -
- CommentTimeMar 18th 2010 edited
by the way....Did anyone drive a submarine? because watching Lost seems it is very easy to do...
A link with promotional photos of the next episode , the Richard's one. NO SPOILERS on it. … ional.html -
- CommentTimeMar 18th 2010
Best episode of the season: Charlotte is WAY HOTTER in the alternate reality.Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMar 18th 2010
Nautilus wrote
by the way....Did anyone drive a submarine? because watching Lost seems it is very easy to do...
A link with promotional photos of the next episode , the Richard's one. NO SPOILERS on it. … ional.html
Oh dude. Those are spoilers beyond belief.
Marselus wrote
Best episode of the season: Charlotte is WAY HOTTER in the alternate reality.
For the first time, I would. -
- CommentTimeMar 18th 2010
Anthony wrote
Nautilus wrote
by the way....Did anyone drive a submarine? because watching Lost seems it is very easy to do...
A link with promotional photos of the next episode , the Richard's one. NO SPOILERS on it. … ional.html
Oh dude. Those are spoilers beyond belief.
where??? -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMar 18th 2010
- CommentTimeMar 18th 2010
Anthony wrote
Did you watch behind this??? I think you already saw jacob and his nemesis. Don't you? -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMar 19th 2010
For anyone who's interested I've done a much better rip of Jacob's theme which you can download here. -
- CommentAuthoradam
- CommentTimeMar 20th 2010
This episode made me realize how much the show needs Sawyer. The other characters are so earnest and annoying, and Hurley hasn't been providing the comic relief he usually does, so it was a breath of fresh air having Sawyer being sarcastic and surly for 44 minutes. Hopefully they bring him back more over the final episodes. -
- CommentTimeMar 20th 2010
adam wrote
This episode made me realize how much the show needs Sawyer. The other characters are so earnest and annoying, and Hurley hasn't been providing the comic relief he usually does, so it was a breath of fresh air having Sawyer being sarcastic and surly for 44 minutes. Hopefully they bring him back more over the final episodes.
Agree. -
- CommentTimeMar 23rd 2010
20 hours for the episode that will make me believe again....or not. -
- CommentTimeMar 23rd 2010
Yeah, can´t wait to see Richard Alpert´s eyeshadows for 40 minutes.Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you -
- CommentTimeMar 24th 2010 edited
s06e09 ab
They was not wrong about this episode. I don't know if I like the directon they are taken, but this episode was like a movie in itself. For the history and for the quality of his production.
They didn't tell us nothing new, but this episode was epic and it was one of the best directed episodes ever (with the pilot, The Constant and Throught the looking glass).
The narrative is brilliant, the landscapes looks great, the CGI are pretty good , the cinematography, the editing, the music.... oh the music! Giacchino composes one of his most touching themes for Richard!!!! sadly, Nestor Carbonell is a handsome guy, but not a great actor.
PS:Marselus, intenta no pensar que es una telenovela venezolana.
PS2: Where is the director Stephen Williams this season?
[spoiler]However, what a weak statue, it was destroyed only with the impact of a ship!!! WTF! [/spoiler] -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMar 24th 2010 edited
How could an episode like that answer so little? Didn't enjoy that much at all. But it had some good moments with MIB, and Richard's theme! Although it sounded like The Prisoner of Azkaban. -
- CommentTimeMar 24th 2010 edited
Anthony wrote
How could an episode like that answer so little? .[/small]
Because I think they (the writters) only want to explain the "battle" between "good" and "evil".
I don't think they will explain nothing more.
Anyway, I'm happy with that episode because it had a good narrative pulse and a great production. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMar 24th 2010
How the first half of the episode played well entirely in Spanish was impressive (was it accurate?) -
- CommentTimeMar 24th 2010 edited
Anthony wrote
How the first half of the episode played well entirely in Spanish was impressive (was it accurate?)
Mmm..almost but it was a little bit like the literal translation from English to Spanish ( For example: we don't use "I" so much in the beggining of every sentence) And the accent was awful (Since Nestor is from Cuba and they have different accent). Anyway, from all the places from Spain [spoiler]tenerife is where the way to talk can be considered more near to southamerica. [/spoiler]
Abour the music, I DO THINK , RICHARD'S THEME IS REALLY TOUCHING (and leaving spanish clichés, wich made me happy )