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- CommentTimeJul 4th 2009
Pass. Thank God i am not even a fan of the series.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJul 4th 2009
I too am not a fan of the series, but I can't say I've ever been thankful for it.... -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJul 4th 2009
The films are very enjoyable. Though they do remind me of BBC Sunday afternoon family drama but with a bigger budget.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJul 4th 2009
They're what?Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJul 4th 2009
The sixth film looks really great and is getting good reviews even from people who aren't fans of the series or disliked the previous movie (those who got to see it early at screenings). Eager to watch it. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJul 4th 2009
Christodoulides wrote
They're what?
ENJOYABLE!On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJul 4th 2009
Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeJul 4th 2009 edited
I recommend Settlers.
and avoidence of Harry Potter topicsOn Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeJul 4th 2009 edited
The movies are nothing but eye-candy. They capture the magical world of the books quite well, but fail miserably in a lot of other aspects.
The stories are just too complex to fit into a two-and-a-half hour movie, and it shows. The movies leave out quite a lot of very important stuff, especially regarding to the development and backstory of the characters, and still feel rushed. They never explain anything, but take the audience´s good will and knowledge of the books for granted, and that´s why they fail.
The books tell a wonderful story that really IS worthwhile to read. Rowling´s immense, if not insane creativity takes us into a different universe with its own set of rules, but in the books, they work. Digging deeper into the internal structure of this magical world, you realise just how complex this is and how every tiny bit of the story has been carefully placed to make sense and further the cause: To spin a gripping tale about the seductive force that having power really is. Honestly, if you HAD magical abilities, what WOULD you do with it? The books are neither Shakespeare, nor Nietzsche. But they made a whole generation of kids read books again, and they teached them some very important lessons about friendship, about growing up, about taking responsibility for your actions. That´s quite an accomplishment if you truly think about it.
The movies feel quite stale in comparison, and that´s a shame.
I´ve always said that this should rather be made as a seven season TV series (with good writers and producers, of course). The books really are that rich.
Don´t judge the story based upon the movies. -
- CommentAuthorMatt C
- CommentTimeJul 6th 2009 edited
Ralph Kruhm wrote
The movies feel quite stale in comparison, and that´s a shame.
I´ve always said that this should rather be made as a seven season TV series (with good writers and producers, of course). The books really are that rich.
Don´t judge the story based upon the movies.
The movies are made exclusively for those who've devoured the series, although the movies have their own exclusive fans. But movies are made on a budget -- there's a limit to how much the writers can preserve, what the directors can do and how much the studios are willing to spend on sets and CGI. There has to be a compromise somewhere -- some movies are better for it, and some aren't. But there is the presence of deleted scenes can either improve or slow down a movie. Extended/director's cuts can be useful things, especially for the last couple of Potter movies.
A BBC-style TV series would be more preferable, but the bad visual effects used for Chronicles of Narnia (the 1980s miniseries) and Merlin make me cringe. Plus, it just wouldn't feel as polished or appealing. The producers' decision to make the final book into 2 complete movies (2 1/2 hours each) is as close to a movie miniseries the Potter series is likely to get.
BobdH wrote
I think the disappointment already starts with the orchestra. As opposed to the lush grandness of Williams or Doyle, he uses a chamber orchestra to mimic epicness. As it shows.
That's just the name of the orchestra. There's a Fandango featurette on the sixth film's scoring sessions at Abbey Road -- the orchestra is more along the lines of the 90-pieces Hooper used for the previous Potter film (about 90 pieces). And some of the bits present in the score is reminscent of JNH's work in King Kong in cues like "Opening" -- more likely due to Jeff Atmajian's orchestration.
I personally think the score is a big improvement over Hooper's previous effort, but I want to listen to the score and hear it in the context of the movie before making a final decision. But it sounds mightily promising. -- My film/TV/game score review blog -
- CommentTimeJul 6th 2009
I came across this post at FSM while searching about the subject -
"The word is that Hooper will not continue with the series past HALF BLOOD PRINCE. There's been no announcement on who _will_ be scoring the two DEATHLY HALLOWS movies, however."
Of course it's a rumour but it'll be terrific if they finally get Williams back. Or at least Doyle. -
- CommentTimeJul 6th 2009
Please God, not DOYLE! I´d prefer Hooper over him, honestly.
Williams would be great. POA Williams, of course.
I wouldn`t mind James Newton Howard, too.
But we`ve been there before. -
- CommentTimeJul 6th 2009
Ralph Kruhm wrote
I wouldn`t mind James Newton Howard, too.
Ditto. Atlantis-esque action music and emotional music as in King Kong would be excellent! -
- CommentTimeJul 6th 2009
Lady in the Water would have been a great Potter score, too. -
- CommentTimeJul 6th 2009 edited
please Doyle any day over Hooperwaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh -
- CommentTimeJul 6th 2009
Thomas Glorieux wrote
please Doyle any day over Hooper
Couldn't agree more, the comparison is for laughsLove Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJul 6th 2009
Doyle has written some spectacular, brilliant scores. GoF isn´t one of them. It is a loud, unimaginative, boring piece of $%&§ that doesn´t even try to cope with Williams´ previous work, but is full with Doyle´s typical full-blown megalomania he always uses when he has no other idea what to do. There are two or three nice tracks (if played alone and out of context), but Doyle´s music ruined the movie for me. Seriously.
Hooper at least had the dignity not to try to outdo Williams. There is not one scene in the movie that feels badly scored while watching it. On CD, the score lacks a lot of things, of course, but even then it is much easier on the ears than Doyle´s continously used tschingederassa-tschingderassa-don´t-you-notice-how-spectacular-my-score- is?-tschingederassa. -
- CommentTimeJul 6th 2009
"tschingederassa-tschingderassa-don´t-you-notice-how-spectacular-my-score- is?-tschingederassa."
Always better than "loot at me i am not really a good composer actually and i just go by in the background auto-pilotiiiinnnnhhhhh"Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJul 6th 2009 edited
Honestly, if you are a composer and get the chance to score a Potter movie because the director is a friend of yours, you wouldn´t say "no", too. And to call Hooper´s score autopiloting, especially in comparison to Doyle´s score, shows that you never gave Hooper´s score a chance, Demetris.
The Umbridge Theme is pure evil in pink - which totally fits. The music for all the Dumbledore´s Army scenes is beautiful, as are the short sequences composed for all those Flying scenes. The first visit to the Ministry sounds great, and the whole Battle in the Ministry scene is perfectly scored, though I will give in to you that the approach is minimalistic here, but at least the Taikos have rythm and power and work a lot better than Doyle´s totally boring action stuff in GoF.
I´m sorry, but I strongly believe that if Hooper wouldn´t have been a noname composer, his score would be rated much higher. -
- CommentAuthorfranz_conrad
- CommentTimeJul 6th 2009
Ralph Kruhm wrote
Doyle has written some spectacular, brilliant scores. GoF isn´t one of them. It is a loud, unimaginative, boring piece of $%&§ that doesn´t even try to cope with Williams´ previous work, but is full with Doyle´s typical full-blown megalomania he always uses when he has no other idea what to do. There are two or three nice tracks (if played alone and out of context), but Doyle´s music ruined the movie for me. Seriously.
It had to happen one day: I agree with Ralph. I might have phrased it in a 'glass half empty way' (Hooper is no worse than Doyle), but the point is the thing.
I don't think him being a no name composer hurt him that much. It didn't hurt Douglas Pipes on MONSTER HOUSE, just to pick another recent example.A butterfly thinks therefore I am -
- CommentTimeJul 6th 2009 edited
Douglas Pipes? Who´s that?
Monster House? Never heard of that. Must be bad.
- CommentTimeJul 7th 2009 edited
Being a good composer has nothing to do with "big" or "small" names, if you take a look at the scores i usually enjoy you will know thatAlso, i didn't say he shouldn't grab the chance, and yes if I were in his position i'd TOO grab it but that, wouldn't necessarily make me particularly good at what i do or the score i produced worthwhile
I heard his work for the Potter universe; although i'll admit that this area holds nothing of interest for me apart the main themes by John Williams, still i found Hooper's material the least interesting. I truly think there's so much better music out there which sadly goes unnoticed 'cause of the lack of a big label name like "harry crapper" escorting it.
Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJul 7th 2009
Ralph Kruhm wrote
Doyle has written some spectacular, brilliant scores. GoF isn´t one of them. It is a loud, unimaginative, boring piece of $%&§ that doesn´t even try to cope with Williams´ previous work, but is full with Doyle´s typical full-blown megalomania he always uses when he has no other idea what to do. There are two or three nice tracks (if played alone and out of context), but Doyle´s music ruined the movie for me. Seriously.
I like Doyle's score but I too feel parts of his score are quite over-the-top when they could easily have been subtle, especially in the [spoiler]final graveyard battle[/spoiler] scene where I felt the music actually distracted from the vocals.
the whole Battle in the Ministry scene is perfectly scored, though I will give in to you that the approach is minimalistic here, but at least the Taikos have rythm and power and work a lot better than Doyle´s totally boring action stuff in GoF.
Hall Of Prophecy is indeed one of the most exciting action cues on the CD and in the film, I really like those racing strings. But I felt the rest of the action music in the [spoiler]Death Of Sirius[/spoiler] track was unimpressive. And there's hardy any noticeable action music in Half Blood Prince from what I've heard on the CD. For that reason I'd like John Williams back for Deathly Hallows because I feel his action music (Dueling The Basilisk) and emotional music (Fawkes The Phoenix, A Window to The Past) would really enhance the film (I wasn't too impressed by Hooper's Possession music). -
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2009
Audio interview with Nicholas Hooper about the score by Scorenotes - … oper09.mp3 -
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2009
Frankly speaking, i appreciate Nicholas Hooper effort for Order of the Phoenix, there are some good tracks which will stay in our memory for long time like The Hall of Prophecies, Fireworks, Room of Requirements, Possession, The Flight of the order of the phoenix, The Death of Sirius and The Ministry of Magic are really outstanding. But i am yet to listen to his score for Half Blood Prince.Racism, Prejudices and discrimination exists everywhere. -
- CommentTimeJul 13th 2009
I think while parts of the two scores were good, the emotional and action music was bland and didn't enhance the film scenes, nor was interesting on CD. Thankfully HBP has some good emotional music but the action music is *atrocious*. -
- CommentAuthorGrimble Gromble
- CommentTimeJul 14th 2009
The score to HBP just bores me. Sure there's two or three tracks out of 28 that are alright, but that's about it. I suppose the one blessing is that they're all short boring tracks. I think two of them are above 3 minutes in length and none surpass 4 minutes.
People say "if it was anyone but Hooper, you would think the score is good" but I've been bored with Williams scores, I've been bored with Goldsmith scores etc etc etcI'm your Piper at the gates of dawn. -
- CommentTimeJul 14th 2009
I say this score and composer gets far too much not-earned attention. There are far better scores and composers out there.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeJul 14th 2009
Come come. Let's stop the harsh words. The attention is mostly negative anyway. Let's not spoil the fun for people who like the music (wherever they are, and I'm not a big fan, but I didn't think it was bad).
But yeah, some other scores should get more attention.Kazoo -
- CommentTimeJul 14th 2009
The 2nd sentence of yours is my pointLove Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.