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[Closed] Now Playing - Part XXII
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
franz_conrad wrote
NP: I wish I knew what (from Bob's game)
You'll come to it. As you usually do. Give it some time -
- CommentAuthorKatiek
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
Seven Swords- Kenji Kawai
Some really lovely tracks. -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
NP:SpiderWick Chronicles
No...No....I can't stand with this man, not anymore.... He tried to play with us!
NP:Fools of Fortune (ZImmer)
THis guy play with us too...But in a cool way!
Not in this one, thought. A very underrated score, and with a terrific Irish-inspired cue in the middle of these long tracks!
A lot of orchestra here! -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
Harald "Me love Zimmer long time" Kloser and the other dude - 10.000 B.C
Mommy mommy, i can write 1 hour of KING ARTHUR chord processions with no hands!!!Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
Christodoulides wrote
Harald "Me love Zimmer long time" Kloser and the other dude - 10.000 B.C
Mommy mommy, i can write 1 hour of KING ARTHUR chord processions with no hands!!!
That´s not the exact thing Demetris. It should be something like:
"Mommy mommy, i WISH I COULD write 1 hour of KING ARTHUR chord processions with no hands!!!....But I can´t even come close to it!!"Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008 edited
Well there IS an exact King Arthur kind of "woad to ruin" rip-off appearing throughout the whole score, i'll post examples in the 'copy and paste' thread when i find the time
Overall there are a couple of strong cues innit but they’re Zimmer rip-offs; the rest (with the screaming Indians and all) sound ridiculously plain, clichéd and uninteresting to me.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008 edited
It's a dissapointment that the director chucked out David Arnold after Independence Day.
Correction: After Godzilla. -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008 edited
Anthony wrote
It's a dissapointment that the director chucked out David Arnold after Independence Day.
Ah; why bother mate, the movie will most likely be VERY bad anyway.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
Wait a minute, Harald Koloser WROTE 10,000 BC?! -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
yeahLove Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008 edited
Yeah, but, well, that's probably not that big a deal. I guess he was in the room when they went: "ya know, it'd be totally awesome when we got a mammoth hunting down a human! Or, no, wait, make that 10 mammoths and humans with spears! Whoa, dude, write that down! Now, copy/paste that and replace 'mammoth' with 'sabretooth tiger' and we got scene number 2! All we need now is something to connect the dots..." -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
Reminds me of the awesome Michael Bay commercial heh.
Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
Mammoths getting eaten by sabretooths? -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
Anthony wrote
Mammoths getting eaten by sabretooths?
Scene 3!Kazoo -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008 edited
Yeh I listened to 10,000 BC and it mostly sounds like a ripoff of Zimmer's King Arthur tracks like Woad to Ruin and Do You Think I'm a Saxon... not my cup of cola
NP: Mulan (complete score) - Jerry Goldsmith
Man this is one awesome score, both the "quiet" and action tracks are terrific! The percussion makes the glasses rattle -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008 edited
Casino Royale | David Arnold
'African Rundown' over the past couple of years has become one of my top action cues. Whenever I make an 'Action' playlist on iTunes, I always include that track! -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008 edited
What an unexpected surprise this score really was! Long and profound melodies and wonderful string orchestral arrangements along with the truly impressive obscurity of "The Pier" - one very hauntingly captivating and advanced composition for orchestra and choir, "I am Legend" as a whole shows a very mature and thoughtful composer behind it and comes thoroughly recommended.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
Great, someone else who appreciates this score!
I think a lot of people assumed it sucked before it even came out and just ignored it. It's not one of JNH's best, but it's still worth a purchase! -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
Anthony wrote
but it's still worth a purchase!
Definitely!Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008 edited
I'd definitely say I Am Legend is by far his best score since King Kong and underrated indeed! -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
I'd have to agree with Bob as well.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
Come to think of guys are right.
Water Horse would be a strong contender if it wasn't for the weak first half. -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
So, I agree on Demetris' agreeing on Anthony, where Demetris agrees upon and Anthony thinks we're right about? -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
I'm always right. -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008 edited
Anthony wrote
I'm always right.
No you aren't mate; that title belongs to master Southall and Martijn; only.
n.p. LEE DONG-JUNE - 2009: Lost Memories
The movie looks like plain horrible crap but the score kicks ass!Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
Well at least I know my plane engine noise levels. -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
Played yesteday Danny Elfman's Sommersby. A delightful monothematic score that looses a bit of it focus in the middle portions of the album. I would love to hear Elfman doing more dramatic films of this sort. The score has a John Barry touch to it with a long sweeping theme for strings with low brass harmonies underneath it. I recommend this to anyone looking to hear something different than Elfman's quirky, zany side. However, this dark film is right up Elfman's alley... check it out if you can.
NP: The Phantom Menace - John Williams
This is the single disc with a few of the unedited tracks from the Ultimate Edition thrown in. The best prequel score, hands down. My only wish would have been for a recording of The Flag Parade Concert Version as conducted by Williams and performed by the LSO. A fabulous Rozsa inspired piece! And Duel of the Fates is about as perfect of a piece of music Williams has ever written!
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
Anthony wrote
Well at least I know my plane engine noise levels.
A bit below the belt AnthonyOn Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
Christodoulides wrote
Anthony wrote
I'm always right.
No you aren't mate; that title belongs to master Southall and Martijn; only.
I'd have agreed, if only you hadn't mentioned Martijn.
In this case I do believe Anthony is right (even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day, after all). I Am Legend is a good album. I wasn't aware it was underrated - everyone seems to like it. -
- CommentTimeFeb 29th 2008
NP: Vantage Point
First listen. I saw the trailer and thought the film looked OK so checked IMDB to see who was doing the score... "never heard of him," I thought, "but he's got such an exotic name, I bet he's some European arthouse composer being given his big break in Hollywood."
But now, I've heard it. Sigh.