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    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013 edited
    I thought I'd try and do a top 50 countdown of my all time favourite film score albums except rather than list 50 I'm going to do them one at a time, this way, as I get past the first five ( which are pretty much set in stone ) I give myself time to really think about which other 45 scores I want on the list.

    My criteria for choosing is simple...

    1. How enjoyable a play it is ( err duh!? rolleyes )
    2. How many times I've played it ( Well, a favourite is going to be played lots )
    3. Does it play beginning to end with the minimum amount of/or even no baggage

    So, with no further ado here's my first choice which I know will surprise everyone....


    The only score I've bought 5 times ( MCA, Milan, Varese, Tadlow/Prometheus, Intrada ),whether expanded, rerecorded or completely expanded THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE NOTE I DON'T WANT TO HEAR from this masterwork, sublime from beginning to end the score has that rare quality of telling it's story through music and what music it is, I don't think I need to expand on this one anymore because you all know this score and if you don't then shame on you and go rectify that crime against Crom immediately.


    Please remember that while making your own choice this isn't about best scores to film, if that were the case then I'd quite possibly have TERMINATOR I & II in my list and they're not. wink
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013
    Shall I make it a sticky? I'm sure many agree it should.
  1. Could be!

    I'll have to give it a think, because I think I could make a list. There are amazing scores with bad albums and not-so-good scores (in terms of film etc.) with great albums.
    http://www.filmmusic.pl - Polish Film Music Review Website
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013 edited
    See how it does for the moment Bregt, the people will decide.

    My own personal view ( and with all due respect to sdtom's thread ) is that the only sticky should be the 'New Members' thread but I'm happy to go along with a majority decision.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
  2. 1. Star Wars – Return oft he Jedi – John Williams (Arista)

    OK, OK then!

    Jedi Is my favourite STAR WARS score because it brings the themes of the previous films plus a number of strong new themes to a wonderful synthesis. There are so many striking moments that I won't begin to point them all out here. I will just hint at the climactic "Noooo" moment that possibly is William's finest one.

    The Arista album is my preferred presentation of the score as a listening experience. The original presentaion was poor. The MCA/Sony presentation is great, if not fully satisfiying in terms of sound. I often turn to this release to listen to special cues, but I never listen to the whole thing.

    Nostalgia in abundance. "Jedi" was the second score I bought on vinyl more than a quarter of a century ago. The first one was "Chariots of Fire".

    Bach's music is vibrant and inspired.
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013
    Bregt wrote
    Shall I make it a sticky? I'm sure many agree it should.

    punk STIC-KY! STIC-KY! STIC-KY! punk
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013
    Captain Future wrote

    Subject to change. cheesy

    Well. That was...a list.
    Of 50 items.

    Riveting reading.


    I've always been very much against mere 'list topics'. I am always looking for the story behind a choice.
    That's why I so enjoy Alan and Tom's countdown scores.

    Great potential, this thread! punk
    ...I'm not clear though on whether it's in any particular order, Tim?
    No. 50 for Conan seems....exceedingly low!
    (If you started by one, I think I may agree, actually! )
    'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013
    Yes, go ahead and make this a sticky!

    I'll refrain from providing my own list and instead comment on Timmer's choices, just as I do on Tom's thread.

    The curious thing about CONAN is that EVERYBODY seems to like it. It's one of the very, very few soundtracks (and scores) that has an almost unanimous appraisal. Which is understandable, because it is damn fine. I've had the ol' Milan CD since the dawn of time and I am perfectly pleased with that. However, I've been meaning to check out the Tadlow rerecording, if nothing else because the performance of the Milan is a little shoddy. It's only the C&C aspect that makes me put it off.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013 edited
    Martijn wrote

    Great potential, this thread! punk
    ...I'm not clear though on whether it's in any particular order, Tim?
    No. 50 for Conan seems....exceedingly low!
    (If you started by one, I think I may agree, actually! )

    Yup! Numbers 1-10 first and foremost so I can work out the "lesser*" scores. ( Martijn, I'd have thought you knew just how highly I regard Conan? confused )

    *"lesser" scores fer cripes sake rolleyes ....I'm sure everyone knows what I mean without having to spell it out.
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013
    ...oh!? It seems I do have to spell it out.

    Captain Future wrote

    1 - blah blah de blah - 50

    One at a time dear Captain, ONE. AT. A. TIME.

    Oh, and you'd better re-think your placing of number 37 by Crom angry wink
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
  3. Conan the Barbarian is 7th for me. Is that good enough for Crom? wink
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013
    Edmund Meinerts wrote
    Conan the Barbarian is 7th for me. Is that good enough for Crom? wink

    I believe there may be a mild rumble in the clouds wink
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013 edited
    Thor wrote

    I'll refrain from providing my own list and instead comment on Timmer's choices, just as I do on Tom's thread.


    EVERYBODY is welcome to put up their favourite album but I would kindly suggest they start at their NUMBER ONE ( 1 ) CHOICE like I have and work their way down ( ONE. AT. A. TIME. Are you paying attention mein Capitan? wink ) , I want to know other peoples choices too rather than everyone have their own "sticky" wink

    And Thor, c'mon man, do you really want to have to comment on 49 releases by John Barry, hmmmm? cheesy wink
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013
    Martijn wrote
    Captain Future wrote

    Subject to change. cheesy

    Well. That was...a list.
    Of 50 items.

    Riveting reading.



    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013
    Great idea for a thread though! Lists are great when they're qualified.
  4. Steven wrote
    Great idea for a thread though! Lists are great when they're qualified.

    WHAT. IS. THAT. SUPPOSED. TO. MEAN? angry wink

    So. As a good German I bow to the leader as you will see when scrolling up.

    cheesy Volker
    Bach's music is vibrant and inspired.
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013
    Timmer wrote
    Thor wrote

    I'll refrain from providing my own list and instead comment on Timmer's choices, just as I do on Tom's thread.


    EVERYBODY is welcome to put up their favourite album but I would kindly suggest they start at their NUMBER ONE ( 1 ) CHOICE like I have and work their way down ( ONE. AT. A. TIME. Are you paying attention mein Capitan? wink ) , I want to know other peoples choices too rather than everyone have their own "sticky" wink

    And Thor, c'mon man, do you really what to have to comment on 49 releases by John Barry, hmmmm? cheesy wink

    He, he...I hadn't thought about that.

    But to be perfectly honest, I have never made a list of my top 50 soundtrack albums. I think I made a Top 10 not too long ago, that's about it. So I'll chime in with my own when you get to Top 10.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013
    Captain Future wrote
    1. Star Wars – Return oft he Jedi – John Williams (Arista)

    OK, OK then!

    Jedi Is my favourite STAR WARS score because it brings the themes of the previous films plus a number of strong new themes to a wonderful synthesis. There are so many striking moments that I won't begin to point them all out here. I will just hint at the climactic "Noooo" moment that possibly is William's finest one.

    The Arista album is my preferred presentation of the score as a listening experience. The original presentaion was poor. The MCA/Sony presentation is great, if not fully satisfiying in terms of sound. I often turn to this release to listen to special cues, but I never listen to the whole thing.

    Nostalgia in abundance. "Jedi" was the second score I bought on vinyl more than a quarter of a century ago. The first one was "Chariots of Fire".


    biggrin beer

    I suspect this choice won't be far from Thor's top 10 either.

    Star Wars will feature in my top 50 but it's not this one ( great though Jedi is, and it really is GREAT )
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013
    Erik Woods wrote

    My bestest score ever... RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK x 50

    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
  5. Welp, might as well hijack the thread...

    1. The Lord of the Rings - Howard Shore

    I've been yapping about the music for this universe far too much lately, so I'll keep it short...well, as short as I can wink . They were my gateway scores (along with another which will appear in my Top 3), so that's a big part of it. The source material is close to my heart like no other, so that's a big part of it too. But even if neither of those two things were true, I have no doubt that this score (and yes, I will insist on looking at it as one ten-hour score) would figure extremely high in my rankings. I'm just a sucker for how detailed it is. I don't think there's been a film music project before or since with the 90+ motifs that can be found here (and please humor me by not getting into a quality vs. quantity or theme vs. motif debate here...). But if you don't want to analyze things, just sit back and listen to some plain old beautiful/pulse-pounding/emotional/dramatic/terrifying/exotic/bombastic/EPIC music, it has all of those in spades and then some. cool punk
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2013 edited
    I really like this thread. This will give me a chance to revisit all my favorite scores. Great idea, Tim.

    My favorite score is (and has been for 16 years) James Horner's GLORY. It was my second score purchase, so I listened to it over and over as my collection grew very slowly. Familiarity bred whatever the opposite of contempt is. I've loved it ever since! I love the theme and the many orchestrations of it (choir, soft strings, solo trumpet, woodwinds, solo french horn, huge orchestra, etc). It's true that the theme is in nearly every track, but it is presented so differently each time that I never get tired of it. The final four tracks are magnificent. They're such a wonderful conclusion, telling the story of the film perfectly. This score just brings me great joy.

    I hope many will contribute. Tim, would it be alright if I kind kept track of everyone's answers in view of seeing which scores are most highly regarded by our community as a whole?
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2013 edited
    Wait a minute! I just now realized that you're starting with number 1 and working your way DOWNwards. Yeah, I know, I'm slow.

    As such, I think I can say with confidence that my number 1 is...

    1. JURASSIC PARK (John Williams) -- the original MCA album.

    An enormously important score in my film music history for a variety of reasons -- it cemented by film music interest, it was my first real 'score-as-concept-album' experience, disregarding an early cassette tape of TWIN PEAKS, it contains so much more than just the gloriously beautiful two-part theme (such as the tree music, mysterioso stuff, harsh dissonance, monster music etc.). Since I've listened to it shy of two gazillion times over the last 20 years, I have to be very careful these days, so as not to overplay it.
    I am extremely serious.
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2013 edited
    I've noticed you say favorite ALBUM, not score. I think those are two different things, because there are great scores, and then there are great albums. A great album is, in my book, something that's enjoyable from start to finish, and has no weak tracks. Also it is something that you can listen to over and over again, and not get tired of. So with that in mind, here's my top 3: smile

    Danny Elfman's Batman is my favorite score album (AND my favorite score). Many reasons really, but in short it was the score that got me interested in film music (and the movie that made me a film geek). Had never seen an American movie in a theatre before, so this blew my socks off! smile Just the opening scene alone with the bat logo and the Batman theme did the trick. So obviously there's a level of nostalgia to it as well smile The album hasn't got a single bad cue on it... it's just a perfect album... unlike the expanded version that came out a couple of years ago, which did very little for me. I guess I'm just so happy with the original release, that everything sounded out of order with the new added tracks smile

    Of course there are better composers out there than Elfman; John Williams for instance. And he's a close 2nd when it comes to albums: Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom... it's just a magnificent musical ride from start to finish... love that album! And again, the expanded version from the box set, although it contains some great new tracks, also have some less interesting tracks. Which makes the original album a much better listen.

    My no. 3 favorite album, is from my favorite composer, Michael Giacchino. Although he's surely done more creative and original work than this score, I have to say that the Mission Impossible 3 album is an action packed blast from start to finish. One thing I really like about this score, is that every scene seems to have it's own unique sound/musical idea, something I think John Williams also practises in his scores. Come to think about it, I think he only uses the famous Mission Impossible theme once in the score, apart from the main titles and end credits. I think other composers would have abused the hell out of that theme smile
  6. christopher wrote
    My favorite score is (and has been for 16 years) James Horner's GLORY. It was my second score purchase, so I listened to it over and over as my collection grew very slowly. Familiarity bred whatever the opposite of contempt is. I've loved it ever since! I love the theme and the many orchestrations of it (choir, soft strings, solo trumpet, woodwinds, solo french horn, huge orchestra, etc). It's true that the theme is in nearly every track, but it is presented so differently each time that I never get tired of it. The final four tracks are magnificent. They're such a wonderful conclusion, telling the story of the film perfectly. This score just brings me great joy.

    I really like Glory - monothematicism isn't normally something I'm a huge fan of (see my own personal favorite wink ), but this particular theme is such a beauty that it works for whatever reason. Easily one of my favorite Horners, and one that it's high time I revisit in its entirety. The only really weak cue is "Charging Fort Wagner," which even for someone like me who's ordinarily rather forgiving of such things is too shameless to overlook.
      CommentAuthorErik Woods
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2013 edited
    Edmund Meinerts wrote
    The only really weak cue is "Charging Fort Wagner," which even for someone like me who's ordinarily rather forgiving of such things is too shameless to overlook.

    I disagree. Even though it's a clear rip off it still fits in nicely with the rest of the album.

    And Glory's main theme is basically a rip off of Prokofiev's IVAN THE TERRIBLE.

    Anyway, great score. Great album!

    host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | www.cinematicsound.net | www.facebook.com/cinematicsound | I HAVE TINNITUS!
  7. "Charging Fort Wagner" is one of the score's highlights for me. I actually like it better than the Carmina Burana piece! I love the bells. I love how the chanting changes at 1:04. I love the drum hits at 1:51 and the bells right after them. And I think what he did in the finale of the piece tops every recording of Carmina Burana I've ever heard. By far. Shameless rip off? Yes. But I love it.

    And I forgot to mention that the swelling performance of the main theme in the End Credits piece that starts at 3:33 is one of the highlights of Horner's entire career. Simply gorgeous!!
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2013 edited
    I'm not sure I really have a single favorite score album. Jurassic Park, Beyond Rangoon, Mighty Joe Young, The New World, Phantom Menace, Return of the Jedi, Fellowship of the Ring and PotC: At World's End would be strong candidates. Maybe I'll write some about my most personally meaningful score albums at some point.
    I love you all. Never change. Well, unless you want to!
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2013
    Artworks wrote

    I've noticed you say favorite ALBUM, not score.

    That's right. I wish you'd also noticed that I said one album at a time. NO. LISTS.

    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentAuthorTimmer
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2013
    Christopher wrote

    Tim, would it be alright if I kind kept track of everyone's answers in view of seeing which scores are most highly regarded by our community as a whole?

    Why not? Sounds like a great idea. smile
    On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2013
    Timmer wrote
    Artworks wrote

    I've noticed you say favorite ALBUM, not score.

    That's right. I wish you'd also noticed that I said one album at a time. NO. LISTS.


    Whoops, I missed that one... sorry. I'm a "selective reader", so I just read what I want to read... smile