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[Closed] Now Playing - Part XIV
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
NP: Arn - Knight Templar - TUOMAS KANTELINEN
Quite simply one of the most beautiful scores to come out in a long time!
Some sections have a Goldsmithian "nobility" to its themes plus a sprinkle of John Barry.
Overall though it's mostly original Kantelinen style scoring.
Give it a couple of spins and you'll soon fall under its spell.
Stunning! -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
TrekkinD wrote
Varese Sarabande: A 30th Anniversary Celebration
A great sampler series of Varese's last five years of output. I wish that more record labels made releases like this. It's a good way to try out new scores. From the 25th Anniversary, I picked up many CD's based on the tracks I liked on those albums. It's a good exposure to music that I might otherwise overlook or not be interested in the whole CD of.
Agreed. It's so long I haven't even got through it all yet! And I enjoy the improved mixing (even though I only hear it on the tracks I already know!) -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
NP: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - John Williams
First Listen. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Antineutrino wrote
NP: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - John Williams
First Listen.
But how? Where did you order from? How is it? Tell us more!!!!! -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Anthony wrote
Antineutrino wrote
NP: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - John Williams
First Listen.
But how? Where did you order from? How is it? Tell us more!!!!!
-> -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Nice, but I'm still avoiding it! -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008 edited
Wheeeehoooooo!! Music!
Haven't really listened to anything for three weeks!! I took discs with me on vacation, but it was in the car in the background because the kids were watching movies as well and the car made a lot of noise too. And then the second week of vacation at home the kids were at home as well, so I couldn't really play anything loud either then. This is the first day at home alone in three weeks!
And I'm playing the symphonic 2 disc set of Hans Zimmer... it doesn't sound too good, but some tracks are nice I guess (especially after three weeks abstinence). The only good thing is to hear a different version for a change and to be reminded of scores I haven't listened to in a while, for instance Thin Red Line. The Village is gorgeous track. -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
And Roll Tide rocks!
Remember this was one of my first scores. I feel kind of sorry for people who haven't heard Crimson Tide when it came out. I'm sure it was so much better then than it would be now on a first listen!
This performance is really not good... something's wrong with the tempo too it seems? -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Timmer wrote
Nautilus wrote
NP:Indiana Jones and The kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
The only good thing i can say is I like Irina's theme and the Skull's motif.
And the only thing good I can do is not talk about this score very much. I only hope the movie will be better.
Any particular reason why "Finale" is edited so badly?
Anyway, I shut up. I don't want Steven jumping again over me.
What? Not even with high heels and baby oil!?
I'm sure we can arrange something. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
So is everything related to The Crystal Skull turning into teh suck? -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Antineutrino wrote
NP: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - John Williams
First Listen.
This score sounds really good. I like the new themes and the new arrangement of the Raider's March at the end of the finale track.
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Anthony wrote
So is everything related to The Crystal Skull turning into teh suck?
Don't listen to Jordi, that's my advice.
Heck, the first time I heard Battle of the Heroes even I wasn't that impressed... now I can't get enough of it! I'm expecting the same thing to happen with this new Indy score. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008 edited
I so want to listen but still want to avoid it until I see the film.
Someone who's heard it and likes it, tell us more! -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Lost Season 3 Michael Giacchino
Yuh, I'm addicted to it. I think I prefer the quieter reflective moments, that's the album's strength IMO. -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Anthony wrote
So is everything related to The Crystal Skull turning into teh suck?
Nah, not everything. "Irina´s Theme" is very good, and Williams´ version of Basic Instinct´s main theme is pretty good too.Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Steven wrote
Lost Season 3 Michael Giacchino
Yuh, I'm addicted to it. I think I prefer the quieter reflective moments, that's the album's strength IMO.
There aren't really any extended action pieces in Lost. I found myself wanting to listen to the score, but I wanted something that would be loud for a long time. The closest Lost cue we've got is ''World's Worst Beach Party''. All there really is on the season 3 disc is ''Awed And Shocked'' and the beginning of ''Sweet Expose''.
Still, the album is awesome and I can't praise Giacchino enough for it. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Marselus wrote
Anthony wrote
So is everything related to The Crystal Skull turning into teh suck?
Nah, not everything. "Irina´s Theme" is very good, and Williams´ version of Basic Instinct´s main theme is pretty good too.
And the Jungle Chase?? -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Anthony wrote
Marselus wrote
Anthony wrote
So is everything related to The Crystal Skull turning into teh suck?
Nah, not everything. "Irina´s Theme" is very good, and Williams´ version of Basic Instinct´s main theme is pretty good too.
And the Jungle Chase??
That would be THE cue of the soundtrack. Very good.Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Steven wrote
Anthony wrote
So is everything related to The Crystal Skull turning into teh suck?
Don't listen to Jordi, that's my advice.
Heck, the first time I heard Battle of the Heroes even I wasn't that impressed... now I can't get enough of it! I'm expecting the same thing to happen with this new Indy score.
No, I still find battle of the Heroes pretty generic and a little bit annoying.
But the rest of the score contains enought impressive tracks. Specially the first and the las 2 tracks WICH ARE PRETTY DAMN GOOD.
NP: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulll
I really like the new version of the raider's march in the "finale" track, A great and welcomed surprise.
I still think the same about the rest of the score. -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008 edited
Anthony wrote
Marselus wrote
Anthony wrote
So is everything related to The Crystal Skull turning into teh suck?
Nah, not everything. "Irina´s Theme" is very good, and Williams´ version of Basic Instinct´s main theme is pretty good too.
And the Jungle Chase??
The Jungle Chase is pretty good. The only real "adventure" and "indy" track of the whole score IMHO.
Iriana's theme in the beggining (wich is like the nazi's theme from the third movie), the march rythms are very strong, Raider's march new arregengement is cool....Sadly this annoying Mutt's theme (wich is even worst than Shortrounds theme) -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Nautilus wrote
Steven wrote
Anthony wrote
So is everything related to The Crystal Skull turning into teh suck?
Don't listen to Jordi, that's my advice.
Heck, the first time I heard Battle of the Heroes even I wasn't that impressed... now I can't get enough of it! I'm expecting the same thing to happen with this new Indy score.
No, I still find battle of the Heroes pretty generic and a little bit annoying.
My advice still stands. -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008 edited
Steven wrote
Nautilus wrote
Steven wrote
Anthony wrote
So is everything related to The Crystal Skull turning into teh suck?
Don't listen to Jordi, that's my advice.
Heck, the first time I heard Battle of the Heroes even I wasn't that impressed... now I can't get enough of it! I'm expecting the same thing to happen with this new Indy score.
No, I still find battle of the Heroes pretty generic and a little bit annoying.
My advice still stands.
Im really curious about what people will think about this new Indy score. Seriously.
I will be very careful in writte my opinons about it. And I will be very respectfull about this new Williams Score. -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008 edited
Antineutrino wrote
Antineutrino wrote
NP: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - John Williams
First Listen.
This score sounds really good. I like the new themes and the new arrangement of the Raider's March at the end of the finale track.
1-Can you enjoy Mutt's theme? (much better in the last track with accordion )
2-Do you like the more War of the worlds-like action stuff ? Too disonant and again overusing the flutes and the Timpanis?
3-Do you not find a little bit repetitive the Skull's theme? (even if it's terribly good)
4-And finally...Do you not think this copy and paste of themes with sudden change of tempo (even with the orchestra stopping abrubtely) in the finale track is a little bit lazy?
thanks -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
KOTCS is definitely one of the best scores this year.
I don't understand what should be wrong with Mutt's theme.... -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Nautilus wrote
Antineutrino wrote
Antineutrino wrote
NP: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - John Williams
First Listen.
This score sounds really good. I like the new themes and the new arrangement of the Raider's March at the end of the finale track.
1-Can you enjoy Mutt's theme?
2-Do you like the more War of the worlds-like action stuff ? Too disonant and again overusing the flutes and the Timpanis?
3-Do you not find a little bit repetitive the Skull's theme? (even if it's terribly good)
4-And finally...Do you not think this copy and paste of themes with sudden change of tempo (even with the orchestra stopping abrubtely) is a little bit lazy?
1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. No.
4. No. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008 edited
Well if someone could tell us something other than ''this bit's annoying, and the only good thing is this'' I would be a lot happier....
And NOTHING can be more annoying than Shortround's theme... -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008 edited
There's nothing annoying unless you're like Nautilus (I'm sure he will be the only one in this forum who doesn't like it). This is just a very well done score. -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008 edited
Anthony wrote
Well if someone could tell us something other than ''this bit's annoying, and the only good thing is this'' I would be a lot happier....
And NOTHING can be more annoying than Shortround's theme...
I can say a little bit more things, but comming from me probably could be the beggining of a fight.
And I don't want this. So I think my opinion is clear, specially in my last post (asking some questions to Antineutrino)
NP:Indiana Jones and KOTCS
It is an indy score, and it has good moments. The bad things, can't denny It's an score from one of the maestros. -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008
Nautilus wrote
Do you like the more War of the worlds-like action stuff ? Too disonant and again overusing the flutes and the Timpanis?
Seriously, if what you're talking about is brass, timpani and woodwinds, this is going to rock. -
- CommentTimeMay 15th 2008 edited
Nautilus wrote
Im really curious about what people will think about this new Indy score. Seriously
My rating: * * 1/2 (plus half a star for disguising so good Basic Instinct´s main theme). Tones of underscore, the comic motif is easy and simple, not enough action material (I assume there is more in the film).
"Irina´s Theme" (and its different arrangements), "Jungle Chase" (the only real action track) and the motif related to the "Skull" or the Aliens (?) (I can´t find a better way to define it without the visuals) are great though.Anything with an orchestra or with a some point will reach you