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[Closed] Recent Viewing Part III
- CommentTimeAug 2nd 2011
Timmer wrote
Robinson wrote
Captain America
I was going to say this movie did not do it for me but then I remembered that I can´t expect another Dark Knight in every comic based film....
The film is very predictable, story filled of the same cliches and yes, the villain is one of the worst portrayed in any recent comic-based film.
Hmmmm? Well, I'll be seeing this myself tomorrow, we'll see if our views match?
Hi Tim! One of the very first people I thought about now was you!!! Im glad you stopped and say hi my friend.. Things not going so well with me lately but I havent forgotten about you guys... Hugs!!
oh, and Hi RobinsonLong time no see, hope everything is well in your life.
Robinson -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeAug 2nd 2011
I'm sorry to hear that and I hope it's nothing too serious, try to stay in touch more if you can.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeAug 4th 2011
I vaguely remember going to the theater and seeing this one in the 60's. I forgot how bad it was even though Michael Gough was in it.listen to more classical music! -
- CommentTimeAug 4th 2011
I too express a warm welcome back to Robinson. It has been a long time.listen to more classical music! -
- CommentTimeAug 5th 2011
A nifty noir thriller with the main title being Street Scene from Alfred Newman.listen to more classical music! -
- CommentTimeAug 5th 2011
Can anyone recommend me some good horror* and/or sci-fi movies I should see? Movies that you'd rate at least 8 on a scale from 1 to 10. I've seen tons of such movies, so most of the ones people will mention I've probably seen already. But I'm sure there are some good ones out there that have flown under my radar. For instance I recently saw Pandorum, which I had never heard of before, but enjoyed alot.
And please, don't mention Twilight.
*the horrors I like must have supernatural elements. Stuff like Friday the 13th, Scream and Halloween bore me. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeAug 5th 2011
plindboe wrote
Can anyone recommend me some good horror* and/or sci-fi movies I should see? Movies that you'd rate at least 8 on a scale from 1 to 10. I've seen tons of such movies, so most of the ones people will mention I've probably seen already. But I'm sure there are some good ones out there that have flown under my radar. For instance I recently saw Pandorum, which I had never heard of before, but enjoyed alot.
And please, don't mention Twilight.
*the horrors I like must have supernatural elements. Stuff like Friday the 13th, Scream and Halloween bore me.
Allow me to recommend two older horror films...
Robert Wise classic.
Jacques Touniere's classic is one of my all time favourite films, Martijn will back me on this recommendation 100%On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeAug 6th 2011 edited
Super 8
After what feels like an eternity it's finally out in the UK. It was pretty much what I hoped and expected. I couldn't help but notice the alien sounded like a Transformer. The kid actors were actually pretty darn good and the monster turned out to be much better than the elbow-shaped mass that was Cloverfield.
Well shot, very noisy and one of Giacchino's better scores. Alice's theme goes up there with his best, I just wish he'd done something a bit more original for the military motif. I can see why the CD doesn't hold up 100% - it's the complete score. I'd still like the film version of We'll Fix It In Post-Haste. I'm glad they had the guts to include everything on CD. Much better than the criminally short Star Trek CD (although I think that was due to $ issues instead).
Happy to see it again and will buy it on DVD. Go see it if you're after a summer movie that's a bit different albeit not particularly original. -
- CommentTimeAug 6th 2011 edited
plindboe wrote
Can anyone recommend me some good horror* and/or sci-fi movies I should see? Movies that you'd rate at least 8 on a scale from 1 to 10. I've seen tons of such movies, so most of the ones people will mention I've probably seen already. But I'm sure there are some good ones out there that have flown under my radar. For instance I recently saw Pandorum, which I had never heard of before, but enjoyed alot.
And please, don't mention Twilight.
*the horrors I like must have supernatural elements. Stuff like Friday the 13th, Scream and Halloween bore me.
I have a great old horror film, but there are no supernatural elements. It's just intense! Have you ever seen WAIT UNTIL DARK with Audrey Hepburn and Alan Arkin? It is excellent and quite scary in that slow build up kind of way. Really great film.
For Sci-Fi I would totally recommend SERENITY if you haven't seen it. Most of the rest that come to mind are ones everyone has seen. I assume you've seen the Star Trek films? I would give II, IV, VI, VIII and the new one all 8 stars or more out of 10. I also assume you've seen the original Star Wars trilogy and Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind? What about Gallaxy Quest? That one was hillarious!
Oh, and if you haven't seen Source Code yet, that was really good! -
- CommentTimeAug 6th 2011
Anthony wrote
Much better than the criminally short Star Trek CD (although I think that was due to $ issues instead).
And I still think it's the best presentation of the score. I played the 2CD once and will never play it again!
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentTimeAug 6th 2011
Watchmen is on TV tonight. As someone who knows nothing about this group of superheroes, is it a film worth watching.The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentTimeAug 6th 2011
FalkirkBairn wrote
Watchmen is on TV tonight. As someone who knows nothing about this group of superheroes, is it a film worth watching.
I recorded it off Sky about a year ago, left it unwatched on my planner for months and then deleted it. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeAug 7th 2011
FalkirkBairn wrote
Watchmen is on TV tonight. As someone who knows nothing about this group of superheroes, is it a film worth watching.
YES! But I would say that.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeAug 7th 2011
I only really watched the first 20 minutes in the end - the day's birding was tiring - but I saw enough to see that I will enjoy this.
I was worried that it was going to be like Sin City in tone but it doesn't look like it will be.The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeAug 7th 2011
It's nothing like SIN CITY ( which I also like a lot by the way)
On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeAug 7th 2011
Knight and Day
This was dreadful. I was briefly tempted to say it marked a low-point in Cruise's career until I remembered M:I 3. The thing just makes no sense - the plot is ludicrously convoluted, characters behave in completely inexplicable ways, blah blah blah. Nice score though. -
- CommentTimeAug 7th 2011
Timmer wrote
Allow me to recommend two older horror films...
Robert Wise classic.
Jacques Touniere's classic is one of my all time favourite films, Martijn will back me on this recommendation 100%
christopher wrote
I have a great old horror film, but there are no supernatural elements. It's just intense! Have you ever seen WAIT UNTIL DARK with Audrey Hepburn and Alan Arkin? It is excellent and quite scary in that slow build up kind of way. Really great film.
Thanks Timmer and Christopher! I haven't seen many old (pre-70) movies, so I'm sure there's alot of gold for me to discover from back then. I will find all these and will report the results in this thread.
christopher wrote
For Sci-Fi I would totally recommend SERENITY if you haven't seen it. Most of the rest that come to mind are ones everyone has seen. I assume you've seen the Star Trek films? I would give II, IV, VI, VIII and the new one all 8 stars or more out of 10. I also assume you've seen the original Star Wars trilogy and Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind? What about Gallaxy Quest? That one was hillarious!
Oh, and if you haven't seen Source Code yet, that was really good!
Great recommendations. Alas, I've seen them all.Saw Galaxy quest just recently. Normally I don't care for Tim Allen, but this movie was rather funny.
Peter -
- CommentTimeAug 7th 2011 … -man-1943/
For anyone who hasn't seen this series of nine films you're missing out. Same director Jacques Tourneur who Tim was talking about.
Tomlisten to more classical music! -
- CommentTimeAug 7th 2011
Anthony wrote
Super 8
After what feels like an eternity it's finally out in the UK. It was pretty much what I hoped and expected. I couldn't help but notice the alien sounded like a Transformer. The kid actors were actually pretty darn good and the monster turned out to be much better than the elbow-shaped mass that was Cloverfield.
Well shot, very noisy and one of Giacchino's better scores. Alice's theme goes up there with his best, I just wish he'd done something a bit more original for the military motif. I can see why the CD doesn't hold up 100% - it's the complete score. I'd still like the film version of We'll Fix It In Post-Haste. I'm glad they had the guts to include everything on CD. Much better than the criminally short Star Trek CD (although I think that was due to $ issues instead).
Happy to see it again and will buy it on DVD. Go see it if you're after a summer movie that's a bit different albeit not particularly original.
I enjoyed this movie too. I had to wait until this week to see it, but loved the first hour and a quart. Not the end perse but the fact it goes to this end (meaning incredibly fast) goes to show it isn't perfect yet. But the first hour is absolutely fantastic, amazingly well acted, and with great mystery, action and some nice laughs. these kids can act!
the score of Giacchino isn't bad, and I heard some nice moments in the middle portion that I really liked
7 out of 10 for the movie, still have to rate the scorewaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh -
- CommentTimeAug 8th 2011
We saw Narnia & Prince Caspian, which was really nice. It had been a while since we saw the first Narnia movie, so I didn't remember well, but at some point I thought Caspian was better...? I enjoyed it anyway and so did the kids. Oh, and I really liked prince Caspian.
- CommentTimeAug 9th 2011
Fifth in the series Lewton did for RKOlisten to more classical music! -
- CommentTimeAug 9th 2011 … -man-1943/
This is the third one in the series and a favorite because I'm a big fan of Woolrich where the story came from.listen to more classical music! -
- CommentTimeAug 11th 2011
You can watch it for free.
Tomlisten to more classical music! -
- CommentTimeAug 13th 2011
Some good viewing on TV today for us film music people:
Planet of the Apes (1967), Murder On The Orient Express, Krull, From Russia With Love, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I Am Legend, Ivanhoe and The 7th Voyage of Sinbad!The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentTimeAug 13th 2011 edited
Invasion of the body snatchers (1956 version)
This reminded me why I rarely see old black and white movies. The acting was either too formal and controlled or unintentionally funny overacting (I did find the scene after the last kiss rather well made though). Even when they were aware of the pods, they seemed calm and formal; smoking and even making coffee ("Aliens are copying people and about to destroy humanity, oh and btw, do you have any coffee?". "Yes, there's some left in the pot"). It's very difficult for me to suspend disbelief, when both the acting and the dialogue is so corny and unreal. I found the music overly dramatic as well (Composed by Carmen Dragon; cool name, though I've never heard of him before).
Sorry guys, who recommended this one. I tried my best.
My rating: 3 out of 10
I guess being born in the 70s, most of my favourite movies are from the 70s and 80s. The '78 version of Invasion of the body snatchers I find extraordinary on every level.
Peter -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeAug 13th 2011
I'd give it much more than 3/10 but it's Martijn you'll have to hide from
I think you must try NIGHT / CURSE OF THE DEMON next ( make sure it's NIGHT...Curse is the edited down American version ), I honestly believe you'll get on much better with that one even though it has a "controversial" ending ( and we can talk about that if you decide to see it ).On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeAug 13th 2011 edited
I might watch Night of the demon today. I have found a place to download it. It certainly looks rather creepy from the trailer.
Peter -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeAug 13th 2011 edited
Yes, the use of shadows and light is superb in this film. A genuine classic IMO.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeAug 14th 2011
Captain America
Really enjoyed this. No messing about - just good vs evil, no dull exposition in sight. And praise God for Alan Silvestri, finally giving one of these films an actual, proper score and not some shitty, pointless exercise in staying out of the way.
The Borgias
First episode of the new series was shown here last night. Loved it. Jeremy Irons is so brilliant at this sort of thing. -
- CommentTimeAug 15th 2011 … ster-1958/
A cheesy 50's horror movie that I kind of likedlisten to more classical music!