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[Closed] Now Playing XLVI
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
I... agree.This is getting scary.
- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Southall wrote
Flesh + Blood - Basil Poledouris
Indeed, I finally watched the film recently, it was quite impressive as well. - Polish Film Music Review Website -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Erik Woods wrote
Listening to my The Lord of the Rings Trilogy playlist. Most of the tracks are pulled from the original single disc release of each score with the exception of Return of the King. So many GREAT cues were missing from the single disc release ("For Frodo" and "Crack of Doom") that I've added them to the mix.
All three scores are modern day classics with the first score still my favourite of the bunch!
Care to share your playlist? I've always been meaning to make one but there's just so much music! -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
NP: The Back to the Future Trilogy - Alan Silvestri (VS)
Cool music, yet I was never a fan of the franshise and did non see any of the films more than once. So any deviation from the original tempi do not concern me. I like the album as it is.
VolkerBach's music is vibrant and inspired. -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
NP: The Meteor Man - Cliff Eidelman
Giving it a second spin.
Yep, my thoughts haven't changed.
Mr. Southall's review expressed my thoughts perfectly. -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
PawelStroinski wrote
Southall wrote
Flesh + Blood - Basil Poledouris
Indeed, I finally watched the film recently, it was quite impressive as well.
The film is a childhood/teenage favourite of mine. In fact, now that I've seen all of Verhoeven's films, this may very well be my favourite.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
A great score, no doubt, but the presentation suffers. 48 short tracks, loads of mickey-mousing, a broad range of styles and far, far too long.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Thor wrote
A great score, no doubt, but the presentation suffers. 48 short tracks, loads of mickey-mousing, a broad range of styles and far, far too long.
I find that I appreciate this one more if I disassociate the music away from the idea that this is music for a documentary. Though there is a lot of dramatic music in documentaries today - as well as mickey-mousing - I find this music far too dramatic for the documentary genre.
I think though that the style of the music is a by-product of the general trend of nature documentaries being increasingly anthropomorphic.The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Thor - Patrick Doyle
Miles better than I remembered. -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
FalkirkBairn wrote
Thor wrote
A great score, no doubt, but the presentation suffers. 48 short tracks, loads of mickey-mousing, a broad range of styles and far, far too long.
I find that I appreciate this one more if I disassociate the music away from the idea that this is music for a documentary. Though there is a lot of dramatic music in documentaries today - as well as mickey-mousing - I find this music far too dramatic for the documentary genre.
Did you see the show? I did but am not sure Ben Foster did - the music rarely seemed to belong. I do like the album, though (while acknowledging and agreeing with Thor's caveats). -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
No, but I have seen extended clips. From what I have seen, my thoughts on the music seemed to be confirmed. The music would just be too distracting.The views expressed in this post are entirely my own and do not reflect the opinions of, or for that matter, anyone else. -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Southall wrote
Thor - Patrick Doyle
Miles better than I remembered.
I much prefer this to Tyler's follow-up. -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
I never understood why this great score was bashed for being in RC mode. If anything it is in highly intelligent RC mode. This is an example how modern super hero action films might sound.
VolkerBach's music is vibrant and inspired. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Steven wrote
I... agree.This is getting scary.
Who are you!??
WHERE is Steven!??On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentAuthorEdmund Meinerts
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Captain Future wrote
I never understood why this great score was bashed for being in RC mode. If anything it is in highly intelligent RC mode. This is an example how modern super hero action films might sound.
I think it was a case of expectations. People couldn't handle hearing that style coming from Doyle. If that music had had Jablonsky's name on the cover, I think it would have been received...well, perhaps not better, but with a lot less disappointment. Personally I think it's hugely enjoyable, probably the best score Marvel's had so far. -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
NP: Rise of the Planets of the Apes (2011) - Patrick Doyle
This one I like too.Bach's music is vibrant and inspired. -
- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Edmund Meinerts wrote
Captain Future wrote
I never understood why this great score was bashed for being in RC mode. If anything it is in highly intelligent RC mode. This is an example how modern super hero action films might sound.
I think it was a case of expectations. People couldn't handle hearing that style coming from Doyle. If that music had had Jablonsky's name on the cover, I think it would have been received...well, perhaps not better, but with a lot less disappointment. Personally I think it's hugely enjoyable, probably the best score Marvel's had so far.
Didn't Clemmensen give it four stars for example? - Polish Film Music Review Website -
- CommentAuthorEdmund Meinerts
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014 edited
Yeah, he was one of its staunchest defenders as I recall. But it got quite a few lukewarm reviews and comments as well. No outright hatred or anything, but a lot of people who seemed to think Doyle "betrayed" himself or whatever. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Very enjoyable score.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014 edited
NP : RIO 2 - John Powell
John Powell is back! Now, this isn't the greatest score ever, I don't think anybody expected it to be, but it's just so darn good to hear his music again.
There are a couple of fantastic new themes, and his orchestration just keeps getting better and better. The amount of stuff going on is quite mind boggling.
Like the first score, nothing really gets enough time to develop, and there are often lots of shot moments of brilliance that abruptly end before it can really get going.
Oh, and there's harpsichord. Worst. Instrument. Ever.
That being said, it's an absolute joy to hear his writing again. Using woodwinds to mimic bird calls is absolutely brilliant.
Also, don't miss the "Bola Viva" cue composed by Powell and Carlinhos Brown which is only on the song album - it's an absolute highlight. -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
It's a little too mickey-mousey for my taste. But some good stuff here and there.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Pearl Harbour - Hans Zimmer
As a kind of sun-drenched romantic piece it's really not a bad album, despite its reputation. -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Southall wrote
Pearl Harbour - Hans Zimmer
As a kind of sun-drenched romantic piece it's really not a bad album, despite its reputation.
It's the horrendously appalling film that probably taints the score. Makes a change doesn't it?On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Film is appalling, and so is the score -- at least in context. Despite that I'm a fan of both Bay and Zimmer. Something went terribly wrong with that one.
BUT...I never picked up the album. Could be a whole different animal.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Indeed - it's a terrible film and the score doesn't help. Much more enjoyable divorced from the film though. -
- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Thor wrote
Film is appalling, and so is the score -- at least in context. Despite that I'm a fan of both Bay and Zimmer. Something went terribly wrong with that one.
BUT...I never picked up the album. Could be a whole different animal.
The composer happens to agree. Elmer Bernstein however seemingly did not. - Polish Film Music Review Website -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
NP : RIO 2 - John Powell
*phew!* I don't know how much longer I can put up with this one? Like Thor, I'm finding this one too mickey-mousey. There's some nice breezy moments but they seem to be all too brief, the score also uses one of my favourite Brazilian singers, Milton Nascimento, but here it's nearly a waste of time and probably no more than an exercise to get some Brazilian talent involved.
Please John Powell, move away from the cartoons eh? There's a good chap.On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentAuthorAnthony
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
I wish he'd do some concert works. His writing style is fantastic, he just needs chances to develop all these great ideas into full pieces. -
- CommentAuthorEdmund Meinerts
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014 edited
Timmer wrote
Please John Powell, move away from the cartoons eh? There's a good chap.
I'll say what I always say when people bring this up - why? Modern-day animated movies, in a lot of ways, give their composers far more room to spread their wings. The composers are allowed (if that's the right word) to write in much more colorful and expressive ways than seems to be permitted in the more "serious" live-action arena. I'd much rather have Powell exclusively pumping out these bright, fun scores than have him be forced down the Henry Jackman route of alternating them with horrid, tuneless, abysmal action scores. Not that I think Powell would ever stoop to the levels of Jackman's latest few, but still.
I'd love just as much as anyone to see him take on/be assigned to some films with a bit more variety (not necessarily action about a proper drama?), but honestly I'm just as happy to if he keeps on doing his thing. It's just such a good "thing" (to me) that I can't complain.
Keep in mind I haven't actually heard Rio 2 yet (), so this is all hypothetical on my part...
Anthony wrote
I wish he'd do some concert works. His writing style is fantastic, he just needs chances to develop all these great ideas into full pieces.
This. This needs to be a thing. I thought I heard some rumors that he was writing a piece to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of WWI, but that was probably hearsay... -
- CommentTimeApr 7th 2014
Anthony wrote
Oh, and there's harpsichord. Worst. Instrument. Ever.
I'm sorry, but inexplicably a strange typo entered your post there. You meant to say "awesomest instrument in the non-linear history of all multiverses". Of course. Just thought I'd point that out.
You might want to check the connections of your keyboard keys.'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn