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  1. Could you give some info about it?
    http://www.filmmusic.pl - Polish Film Music Review Website
    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2008
    Zimmer shows how he experimented with different sounds. He plays lots of his different ideas discusses what he was trying to go for. Ideas such as razors on strings and such made me glad he kept experimenting.

    It showed the cello player slowly doing a glissando's up the finger board with Zimmer at one point telling him to slow down or take his time.

    Interesting video all together.

    James Newton Howard was no where to be seen in this video, but he did speak briefly on another video in the special features.

    Has the movie been released overseas yet?
  2. just bought the BLU RAY Double disc as well, I hope it has the same features, I'll check the next weeks if this is the case smile
    waaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Where's my nut? arrrghhhhhhh
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeDec 10th 2008
    My blu-ray copy is ordered, and my blu-ray player came today! punk
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2008
    Sony never could afford the extra "E" in BluRay, could they? They're really cutting corners. The recession is truly hitting everyone...
    ''The mandate, as well as the benefit, of responsibility is the ability to tell when one can afford to be irresponsible.'' - Me
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2008
    I've requested this on Blu-Ray for Christmas, and given that I've gone through endless hassle trying to get Wii Fit for my fiancee (finally successful today) I'd better get it.
    • CommentAuthorAnthony
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2008 edited
    I had the DVD version on pre-order for months, and the day I get my blu-ray player and plan to cancel the DVD version (yesterday) they ship the damn thing. Now I've ordered the blu-ray version and will have to send the DVD version back when it arrives. It's going to taunt me the entire time!!
    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2008
    James, WII FIT? confused
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    I purchased the duo's The Dark Knight several days ago... and I can't stand it. I seriously could barely stomach a single listen. Overwhelming darkness all throughout, not a single moment of gorgeous (even gorgeously sad) orchestral writing, generic Zimmer action writing, and just overall boring. Nothing breathtaking here. I was truthfully glad for the score to come to an end.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    Have you watched the film at the cinema?
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    Christodoulides wrote
    Have you watched the film at the cinema?

    Nope. I've heard it's good, but it seems too dark. I'll probably get around to seeing it one of these days, but I figured I'd start with the score.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    Well, i don't know enough about your tastes yet, but if you like the (excellent, imo) film, maybe you'll be able to appreciate the score a bit differently afterwards.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    Christodoulides wrote
    Well, i don't know enough about your tastes yet, but if you like the (excellent, imo) film, maybe you'll be able to appreciate the score a bit differently afterwards.

    That's what my friend was saying. But I honestly have no real interest it for any reason other than hearing the score in the context of the film.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008 edited
    How wrong you are young William (the analysis, not the opinion). I had a similiar reaction when I first heard it (though not quite to that degree). Now having seen the film multiple times, I've come to love the score and realise it's extremely well-suited to Nolan's vision. Gorgeous orchestral writing just wasn't needed. Could it have worked? Possibly. But it wasn't needed.

    Also, did you not hear JNH's Harvey Dent theme? shocked
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    William wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    Have you watched the film at the cinema?

    Nope. I've heard it's good, but it seems too dark. I'll probably get around to seeing it one of these days, but I figured I'd start with the score.

    The film IS dark, very dark. It´d have been better to start with the movie though. The score outside the film is too much for me, except for a couple of tracks. The rest of the score, as much as I´ve tried, is totally meaningless. The perfect music for Nolan´s vision of the character though.
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    Steven wrote
    How wrong you are young William (the analysis, not the opinion). I had a similiar reaction when I first heard it (though not quite to that degree). Now having seen the film multiple times, I've come to love the score and realise it's extremely well-suited to Nolan's vision. Gorgeous orchestral writing just wasn't needed. Could it have worked? Possibly. But it wasn't needed.

    Also, did you not hear JNH's Harvey Dent theme? shocked

    Steven, I'm not saying the score doesn't suit the film. I'm saying it's not the kind of score I enjoy. I'm more into sweeping strings, fanfare-like, sometimes dangerous-sounding trumpet calls, blasting horn rips, twinkling woodwinds, etc. I'm more of a fantasy sense of wonderment kind of guy, and while I appreciate and love 'dark' music, this is just not the kind of dark I enjoy. I love triumphantly evil music, with a more traditional orchestration than The Dark Knight offers.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    Marselus wrote
    William wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    Have you watched the film at the cinema?

    Nope. I've heard it's good, but it seems too dark. I'll probably get around to seeing it one of these days, but I figured I'd start with the score.

    The film IS dark, very dark.

    Then I probably won't much care for it.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    William wrote
    Marselus wrote
    William wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    Have you watched the film at the cinema?

    Nope. I've heard it's good, but it seems too dark. I'll probably get around to seeing it one of these days, but I figured I'd start with the score.

    The film IS dark, very dark.

    Then I probably won't much care for it.

    Actually I´d say it is extremely dark. Don´t take me wrong, I loved both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, but I can understand that is not the Batman a lot of people wanted to see.

    And the same goes for the music. I still think that even in the darkest of the movies there´s room for a traditional score, or at least for some traditional action writing (as proves the rejected cue "Like a Dog Chasing Cars" from the soundtrack).
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    William wrote
    I'm more of a fantasy sense of wonderment kind of guy

    This doesn't surprise me in the least.

    And I'm sure it will be of no surprise to you that The Dark Knight, with its starkly realistic approach to the superhero genre, strikes a particular chord with me. The Narnia stories, for example, don't.

    You see what I'm getting at here? wink
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    Marselus wrote
    William wrote
    Marselus wrote
    William wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    Have you watched the film at the cinema?

    Nope. I've heard it's good, but it seems too dark. I'll probably get around to seeing it one of these days, but I figured I'd start with the score.

    The film IS dark, very dark.

    Then I probably won't much care for it.

    Actually I´d say it is extremely dark. Don´t take me wrong, I loved both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, but I can understand that is not the Batman a lot of people wanted to see.

    And the same goes for the music. I still think that even in the darkest of the movies there´s room for a traditional score, or at least for some traditional action writing (as proves the rejected cue "Like a Dog Chasing Cars" from the soundtrack).

    Agreed. This is the only score by Zimmer I own outside of the Pirates of the Caribbean scores, and I much prefer those over this piece of junk.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    William wrote
    Marselus wrote
    William wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    Have you watched the film at the cinema?

    Nope. I've heard it's good, but it seems too dark. I'll probably get around to seeing it one of these days, but I figured I'd start with the score.

    The film IS dark, very dark.

    Then I probably won't much care for it.

    Oh my smile I LIVE AND BREATH for darkness in music and movies, arts in general. How different all we people are, aren't we? beer
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    Steven wrote
    William wrote
    I'm more of a fantasy sense of wonderment kind of guy

    This doesn't surprise me in the least.

    And I'm sure it will be of no surprise to you that The Dark Knight, with its starkly realistic approach to the superhero genre, strikes a particular chord with me. The Narnia stories, for example, don't.

    You see what I'm getting at here? wink

    I feel that too; i'd say that THE DARK KNIGHT as a SCORE in essence of the what the word "Score" and programme music truly stands for, is brilliant in comparison with every single note of the uninspired auto-piloting of the NARNIA scores. On CD however, they sound totally different and i can wholly understand how one might echo to some and sound completely junk to others. For me, THE DARK KNIGHT is one excellent modern film score, for the film and the logic behind it.
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008 edited
    Christodoulides wrote
    William wrote
    Marselus wrote
    William wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    Have you watched the film at the cinema?

    Nope. I've heard it's good, but it seems too dark. I'll probably get around to seeing it one of these days, but I figured I'd start with the score.

    The film IS dark, very dark.

    Then I probably won't much care for it.

    Oh my smile I LIVE AND BREATH for darkness in music and movies, arts in general. How different all we people are, aren't we? beer

    Demetris, I like darkness as much as the next guy, but I also like when there's a happy ending, or a good moral or two, or some actual hope present in the film, even if it's dark. I'm not a guy that thinks the 'good guys' should always win, but from what I've seen and heard about this film, it's a bit too dark for my taste.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    William wrote
    Marselus wrote
    William wrote
    Marselus wrote
    William wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    Have you watched the film at the cinema?

    Nope. I've heard it's good, but it seems too dark. I'll probably get around to seeing it one of these days, but I figured I'd start with the score.

    The film IS dark, very dark.

    Then I probably won't much care for it.

    Actually I´d say it is extremely dark. Don´t take me wrong, I loved both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, but I can understand that is not the Batman a lot of people wanted to see.

    And the same goes for the music. I still think that even in the darkest of the movies there´s room for a traditional score, or at least for some traditional action writing (as proves the rejected cue "Like a Dog Chasing Cars" from the soundtrack).

    Agreed. This is the only score by Zimmer I own outside of the Pirates of the Caribbean scores, and I much prefer those over this piece of junk.

    Well BB / TDK and the Pirates trilogy are exactly the opposite kind of approach to scoring, but I agree that OUTSIDE the film I enjoy much more Pirates 3 than the Batman music.
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    William wrote
    ...this piece of junk.

    You may not like it, but that certainly doesn't mean it's junk. Though I can see why people don't like it, Zimmer himself even stated that he intentionally made Joker's theme hate-worthy. It seems he has succeeded. But that is part of the reason I love it.

    If you're not into the darker side of film music, then there's little me and Demetris can say to convince you of otherwise. Which is fair enough.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    'Bsolutely. beer

    Going to play some DARK KNIGHT, loud over the headphones as we speak; sounds like a pretty good idea cool
    Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008 edited
    Christodoulides wrote
    'Bsolutely. beer

    Going to play some DARK KNIGHT, loud over the headphones as we speak; sounds like a pretty good idea cool

    Extra loudness when you reach "Like a Dog Chasing Cars" please punk

    Actually I´m listening this cue once I´ve finished the (splendid) End Credits from King Arthur.
    Anything with an orchestra or with a choir....at some point will reach you
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    William wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    William wrote
    Marselus wrote
    William wrote
    Christodoulides wrote
    Have you watched the film at the cinema?

    Nope. I've heard it's good, but it seems too dark. I'll probably get around to seeing it one of these days, but I figured I'd start with the score.

    The film IS dark, very dark.

    Then I probably won't much care for it.

    Oh my smile I LIVE AND BREATH for darkness in music and movies, arts in general. How different all we people are, aren't we? beer

    Demetris, I like darkness as much as the next guy, but I also like when there's a happy ending, or a good moral or two, or some actual hope present in the film, even if it's dark. I'm not a guy that thinks the 'good guys' should always win, but from what I've seen and heard about this film, it's a bit too dark for my taste.

    Actually, the film appears to be pessimistic on the face of it, but it is very much based on an optimistic ideal. There's an underlying 'faith in people' sub-context to the story. Yet, because it is so intense and explores so many of its themes in a dark and pessimistic way, this is what most people will remember after they've seen the film.

    I think the scene with the two ferries best sum up this underlying sub-context within the narrative.

    So there.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    Christodoulides wrote
    'Bsolutely. beer

    Going to play some DARK KNIGHT, loud over the headphones as we speak; sounds like a pretty good idea cool

    Good man!
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2008
    Steven wrote
    If you're not into the darker side of film music, then there's little me and Demetris can say to convince you of otherwise. Which is fair enough.

    Steven, I am into the darker side of film music, just not this kind of dark. I relish listening to dark music, but I very much prefer traditional instruments over synthesizers, incessant drum beats, etc. That's all good, but I for some reason don't appreciate it in this particular score. I in no way mean to insinuate or impress upon you the idea that I don't like dark music, because that is the exact opposite of the truth. For example, the following will perhaps give you an idea my kind of 'dark:'

    Anakin's Dark Deeds (from Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
    Battle for Varden (from Eragon)
    The Black Rider (from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring)
    Destruction of Alderaan (from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope)
    Durza (from Eragon)
    Irina's Theme (from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull)
    Kronos Unveiled (from The Incredibles)
    Miraz Crowned (from The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian)
    Procession (from Stargate)
    Ra -- The Sun God (from Stargate)
    Ra'zac (from Eragon)
    The Stargate Opens (latter portion of the track) (from Stargate)
    Underwater March (latter portion of the track) (from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl)

    Those are but a few of my favorite 'dark' tracks. Nothing like The Dark Knight.