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Actions & Consequences
- CommentTimeNov 5th 2009
A sad day for MT, for such a thing to have happened. It's even sadder for such a naive young man to have been the scapegoat around here since he registered. A shame he didn't have the same weapons to fight back as some of the other members, some of which are armed with bazookas and AK-47s. Sunil, if you think it's important at all, try to apologize to Erik and set your mind at ease. I'm sure you didn't mean what you said, it was just an overreaction at that very instant because you didn't get the meaning of what is essentially a commonly used term on the web, and not even an insulting one, at least not to my ears.
I think the faster we forget this topic exists, the faster we can get on with our daily discussions, good or bad and with or without Sunil."considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G. -
- CommentTimeNov 5th 2009
Stavroula wrote
Christodoulides wrote
Stavroula wrote
Jesus! I can't believe I missed all the fun! I mean in in the most ironic way possible.
Seriously now. I've learn not to pay much attention to Sunil's overreactions towards things and to understand it in a way. The same way I've learned to take Erik's remarks with a pinch of salt. But anyway I've always felt that this thing we have here is about mutual respect of our diversity from all parts. "Troll" is a bad word but "racist"is an even worse one, a terrible one to my ears. So I will have to agree with Martijn but I will also have to say that it would be good to let somethings fall down, meaning not tease people like Sunil constantly since they don't always understand our (in general) humor.
And on a final note: boys behave or I will have to grab a withsplash!
P.S. Tom my condolances on your friend's passing.
Nobody teased SUNIL that much. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE, Jordi had been "teased" in way more serious and intense manners than Sunil. IN THE PAST FEW DAYS, ALMOST NOBODY EVEN PAID ATTENTION TO SUNIL. Tom, Scribe and other now or ex-Rc lovers
HE BROUGHT THE "BEING PICKED UPON" and "RACIST" shit on himself, ALONE. He's a classic example of a problematic individual who constantly seeks ANY KIND OF ATTENTION.
OK,OK!!!! Could you please stop shouting at me?! My ears hurt and I have a headache!!! Plus I was talking in general and not about Sunil specifically and I agree with you on the above post. My comment is in the borders of the fine art called diplomacy. Trying to sooth things a bit.
Now go rest after all these hours of work and calm down hon.
Sorry sweety, i shouldn't have quoted you 'cause you took it as a personal response, naturally. I was taking the chance to add a couple of general points or more.
People, don't take me wrong for my tone. But the fact that an individual 'cause all this upset and bitter feelings around an otherwise warm family which i honestly love (you've already seen my cheesy topic about it) has 'caused me lots of turmoil, in a day which hasn't been my best either (too much work, very tense atmosphere at the college where i teach today, endless hours of video that awaits my montage, etc etc, and topping that, not only i have to be bitter against people i honestly appreciate the outmost, but also need to thrown so much effort and time into an IDIOTIC person's actions, and stupid things like this which we shouldn't even bother with, normally.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeNov 5th 2009
DreamTheater wrote
A sad day for MT, for such a thing to have happened. It's even sadder for such a naive young man to have been the scapegoat around here since he registered. A shame he didn't have the same weapons to fight back as some of the other members, some of which are armed with bazookas and AK-47s. Sunil, if you think it's important at all, try to apologize to Erik and set your mind at ease. I'm sure you didn't mean what you said, it was just an overreaction at that very instant because you didn't get the meaning of what is essentially a commonly used term on the web, and not even an insulting one, at least not to my ears.
I think the faster we forget this topic exists, the faster we can get on with our daily discussions, good or bad and with or without Sunil.
I feel you. But seriously, all the weapons he ever needed was everything everyone else here displays, logical thinking and maturity. Nothing else.
Sunil if you see this, you have a lot of thinking to do. And perhaps explaining, or even apologizing. Or you don't care anymore, your decision, your right. But among the rest, also think WHY this happened to you and not anyone else. We are all responsible for our actions.
Anyway, i said what i have to say on the subject and i won't tire you more with it. Off with it.
We all have so much more serious things to deal with.
'Nighty everyone.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
Christodoulides wrote
Sorry sweety, i shouldn't have quoted you 'cause you took it as a personal response, naturally. I was taking the chance to add a couple of general points or more.
People, don't take me wrong for my tone. But the fact that an individual 'cause all this upset and bitter feelings around an otherwise warm family which i honestly love (you've already seen my cheesy topic about it) has 'caused me lots of turmoil, in a day which hasn't been my best either (too much work, very tense atmosphere at the college where i teach today, endless hours of video that awaits my montage, etc etc, and topping that, not only i have to be bitter against people i honestly appreciate the outmost, but also need to thrown so much effort and time into an IDIOTIC person's actions, and stupid things like this which we shouldn't even bother with, normally.
Baby I was teasing you. I know it was not a response to me even though I obviously triggered it. I know about difficult days at work and I can understand you annoyance on today's event. So please do me a favour and relax and call it a day on that matter ok? I was a strange day to all of as and surely to the mods a bit more. No bitterness about anything.Whatever you gaze rests on,do not use your vision, but the eyes of your soul...She knows better... -
- CommentAuthorfranz_conrad
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
Stavroula wrote
Baby I was teasing you.
You were teasing all of us for a moment there!A butterfly thinks therefore I am -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
Stavi teasing me = me, in absolutely :heaven:Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
franz_conrad wrote
Stavroula wrote
Baby I was teasing you.
You were teasing all of us for a moment there!
Come on! You know my tone! Anyways If I wasn't teasing I would have PMed him not write it here. Now, I wasn't teasing about the whip though!
(Well, I was)
Whatever you gaze rests on,do not use your vision, but the eyes of your soul...She knows better... -
- CommentAuthorfranz_conrad
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
Stavroula wrote
franz_conrad wrote
Stavroula wrote
Baby I was teasing you.
You were teasing all of us for a moment there!
Come on! You know my tone!
I thought I did, but I'm ready to learn anything new.A butterfly thinks therefore I am -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
Christodoulides wrote
Stavi teasing me = me, in absolutely :heaven:
If it's so easy to make you happy I'll tease you more often!Whatever you gaze rests on,do not use your vision, but the eyes of your soul...She knows better... -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
Stavroula wrote
Christodoulides wrote
Stavi teasing me = me, in absolutely :heaven:
If it's so easy to make you happy I'll tease you more often!
:faint:Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009 edited
And that my friends is how the tables are turned and heavy stuff is forgoten!
Martijn dear, am I truly a den mother or what?!!!
Someone get some water to D please! His g/f will kill me I'm sure!Whatever you gaze rests on,do not use your vision, but the eyes of your soul...She knows better... -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
Mother i'd say, but HOT for sure!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fainting again just with the thought!:Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009 edited
christopher wrote
Erik, I think you're one of the most knowledgeable score collectors I'm aware of, and your show is absolute gold. I value your music opinions greatly and in my interactions with you you've never been anything but civil and pleasant. If Sunil is let back, though, I think you've got to lay off of him. Clearly his inability to accurately communicate and understand English, as well as a "western" sense of humor, are very annoying to you. May I humbly recommend that you just ignore him? You're pretty hard on him. I think a simple, "I was joking, Sunil," would have sufficed.
The issue I have with Sunil is that this isn't the first time the guy has been banned from a message board for inappropriate behavior. I'm not sure how many of you frequent the Filmtracks message board but Sunil had been doing this same crap at Filmtracks months before he joined out diverse group.. At Filmtracks he was given warning upon warning concerning his behavior and countless times he would apologize only to commit the same crime over and over again pissing off the entire community over there (kinda like what he has done here.) The day after Sunil was banned from Filmtracks (which he actually requested himself) he poked his nose around here looking for a fresh start. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and told him explicitly that I would be keeping an eye on him. Well, look what happened. The incident yesterday isn't the first time he has pulled a stunt like that here or elsewhere. Sunil is an immature 10 year boy who just doesn't get it, belatedly lies, and is constantly looking for a fight or to stir up some sort of trouble everywhere he goes.
christopher wrote
While we're on the topic, I think Justin is treated very unfairly sometimes, and could also stand to be treated with more kindness.
Yeah, but until he comes clean concerning his "music" all I can say is SYMPHONETTE #2.
Ralph Kruhm wrote
Sorry for being late, but as someone who has been there and feels almost the same way about Erik as Sunil does, I know exactly why he reacted the way he did. He has my full and complete sympathies. Yes, I would think twice about calling Erik a racist, but only because I’m not sure yet whether he is or not but the rest is exactly how I think about him.
Not SURE if I'm a racist or not? What exactly would give you any indication that I am?
Ralph Kruhm wrote
I just have given up reacting to his egocentric comments, because no one else would tell him to shut the frak up, and because I´m tired to fight the massive tide of Erik´s fan club. But that’s how it is around here. This is a free board where everyone can say what he thinks. As long as it is not criticism against Erik. He can tell bullshit as much as he wants, and as soon as someone speaks up, he tells people to get a sense of humour and to shut up and to go away. The only real troll this place is infested with is Erik.
You can say what ever you want. If you don't agree with my opinion or something that I have said then just come out and say something. I'm a big enough boy that I can handle any type of criticism. Even some of my biggest supporters have called me out... Demetris and I get into some good battles and Steven will always whip my ass concerning anything philosophical.
Yes, Ralph, you and I have had some heated arguments as well but it seems like you are the only one that's taking our discussions as personal attacks. BTW, do you have any idea what a troll is and how they act around message boards. I'm far from being a troll. I have contributed over 5000 posts to this message board and 8000 other posts to the defunct I think there are many here that would back me up in saying that I'm a valuable member of not just this but other message boards as well. Yes, some of my comments are dry, to the point, sarcastic, etc. And sure I've been a harsh on a few members here... but I've never taking in to such a level as Sunil did yesterday! NEVER!!!!
Ralph Kruhm wrote
I never understood what there is to like about the way Erik does things. I think I get the tone of humour from everyone else on this board just fine, and I can´t remember having strong difficulties with anyone else here but Erik. His way of talking is provocative and bully-ish indeed. He likes to throws an ugly comment about someone else´s constructive idea for a topic and waits for the bomb to go off, and when it does, he laughs at people´s faces and asks them to grow a sense of humour. But there is nothing funny or likeable about it. At all.
Again, stop taking things so personally. Now, I don't think I HAVE attacked you personally based solely on your preference of film score... but if you have any hard evidence to back up such a claim then please accept my apology.
Ralph Kruhm wrote
What, for calling Erik a racist? I can easily see how someone could come up with the idea that he is. "Uh, I´m not American. I’m Canadian!". Yeah. Sure. Or was that considered to be HUMOUR, too?
Like Martijn pointed out that's NOT RACISM. I'm from Canada. Not the USA. I'm a Goddamn proud Canadian! I'm sure if someone suggested you were from a different country then you would point that out, too. Yes/No? Is that considered racism in your part of the world?
Ralph Kruhm wrote
No, I don´t think he is a racist. But someone who jerks around with other people like he does should be prepared to take some shit himself fro once in a while. To ban Sunil for ONE misguided rant on someone who has treated him like shit for the past months WITHOUT ANYONE stepping in and stopping Erik, that is spectacularly wrong.
I can take the heat so I'll stay in the kitchen. As for the way I treated Sunil... please refer to my first paragraph above. Sunil is NOT innocent. He is a repeat offender and got the punishment he deserved. If you want me banned then I highly suggest you take it up with the mods.
Nautilus wrote
Let's put a little blood to this forum! I want to see (in a figurative way or in Videogames) a Racist killing a Troll! or a Troll killing a Racist!
Dude... seriously?!?!?
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentAuthorPawelStroinski
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
Ralph, it's not the first time that a Canadian reacts vehemently to being called an American. In Great Britain it's offensive to call a Scotsman a Brit (you fucking Brit is a very HARD offense, from what I've heard from a Scottish girl who actually was in a heated argument regarding this issue on a chat). For us, calling Germans Europeans wouldn't be offensive, but I guess we could compare it to Dan Quayle regretting not knowing Latin so he could understand people in Latin America...
I was out all day and I haven't seen Sunil's last post, which I guess led to his ban. My observation of certain discussions lead to me noticing that there are some sentiments on this board, like Erik and Ralph definitely NOT liking themselves (and this personal lack of sympathy leads to the heat of the discussions), but I would say that calling Erik a troll a big overstatement and rather offensive one. Everybody should learn to back off sometimes, which is pretty hard to do, because film score discussions regard something we have a rather personal and emotional connection to. I wouldn't want to imagine what would happen if somebody called Vaughan Williams a hack and Timmer or Steven responded to that.
The emotionality of the discussion is, I must say, a value, but also may go beyond control, it's something we all have to learn to control it. I definitely did. I had my fair share of trolling few years before I hit this board. Polish film score review community for a long time wasn't the "best" there was. In the times when I had a small personal review site (a non-existing institution now in Poland), and also, those were the times when I started to study on the uni and had classes in grammar and orthographical correctness, we and a couple of friends had a rather bad opinion of the biggest review site there was. In four people, three of them (myself included) being minor website owners, we decided to start our own project. The biggest review site then was a pioneer in the way it was dealt with, it had 7-8 regularly writing reviewers, biographies. They reviews back then didn't have the biggest level, lots of style mistakes, some major blunders like using a word for a celtic guitar to describe bag pipes (a common mistake made by Poles), stuff like that. My friends were rather calm, I started to attack the language rather harsh and rather unfairly ending up with a ban (the ban was very easy to take off, honestly it was just deleting cookies). After those bans and two-three years that passed, I changed. Right now I am trying my best to be a decent and worthy contributor and go with my dreams. I guess, I grew up. I just told you this story, so you know that I am not innocent in these manners.
What about Sunil? Erik, your calling him a troll was bordering on personal attack and while his response was uncalled for, you did provoke him. A troll has a specific internet meaning and to be honest, I think he might have actually know what trolling is. Your use of language is provoking and, honestly, I think that sometimes you tend to enjoy it, especially if you get a response from a guy like Sunil, or even our Ralph. Provoking is a good way to make a point. Maybe it's the way we use the language? I don't know. We are a great community, as showcased by Demetris' wonderful topic on loving the site and our community, but, I guess, we are still learning each other, aren't we? - Polish Film Music Review Website -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009 edited
The reason I called Sunil a troll is that a message like THIS was only intended to get some sort of reaction from me. Yes, I took the bate but I think I had every right to respond to such an outlandish post.
-Erik-host and executive producer of THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST | | | I HAVE TINNITUS! -
- CommentAuthorTimmer
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
Stavroula wrote
franz_conrad wrote
Stavroula wrote
And on a final note: boys behave or I will have to grab a withsplash!
Ooooooh booooooy, Stavroula with a whip. Me first.
Think again!!!
I wanna know what a withsplash is???On Friday I ate a lot of dust and appeared orange near the end of the day ~ Bregt -
- CommentAuthorfranz_conrad
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009 edited
Erik Woods wrote
christopher wrote
While we're on the topic, I think Justin is treated very unfairly sometimes, and could also stand to be treated with more kindness.
Yeah, but until he comes clean concerning his "music" all I can say is SYMPHONETTE #2.
Are you angling for a job as a classical music critic or something? Nasty constant reminders of someone's previous work are a mandatory quality.A butterfly thinks therefore I am -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
Timmer wrote
Stavroula wrote
franz_conrad wrote
Stavroula wrote
And on a final note: boys behave or I will have to grab a withsplash!
Ooooooh booooooy, Stavroula with a whip. Me first.
Think again!!!
I wanna know what a withsplash is???
A pun with the word whiplash Tim! Think of it!Whatever you gaze rests on,do not use your vision, but the eyes of your soul...She knows better... -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
Bregt, i resign from Mod. Stavi does the work with much more positive results, much faster and with very, VERY little words in comparison.Love Maintitles. It's full of Wanders. -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
Christodoulides wrote
Bregt, i resign from Mod. Stavi does the work with much more positive results, much faster and with very, VERY little words in comparison.
I take it you are kidding! But again... stange mood for all of as since yesterday...nay! You can't be angry with me. You are kidding for sure,eh?Whatever you gaze rests on,do not use your vision, but the eyes of your soul...She knows better... -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
I'm sure he is kidding."considering I've seen an enormous debate here about The Amazing Spider-Man and the ones who love it, and the ones who hate it, I feel myself obliged to say: TASTE DIFFERS, DEAL WITH IT" - Thomas G. -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009 edited
Sorry, especially to Stavi, for reopening the can here, but I would like to add something, just to clarify what I meant. (Surprise!)
As a german, I´ve seen the "racist" remark used as a weapon for killing an argument too often to not know how dangerous the remark is. And again, Erik, I don´t think you´re a racist, but ...
When I think about what defines a racist, the first thing that springs to mind is intolerance.
Now, I can easily see how this can be turned around against myself, I will admit that I´m immensely intolerant towards Erik´s sense of humour, so you´re free to call me an Ericist.
But there can be no doubt that Erik´s behaviour towards certain people, certain opinions, or certain aspects of this board is filled with intolerance.
Typically, when asked what started this all he points out Sunil´s remark about Erik being only here to object. The truth is, it started with Erik´s remark that he objects the suggested topic. It was his comment that was uncalled for, that was unsensitive and that opened this.
When I read his "I object" remark, I immediately thought, "Yeah, as usual, thanks for the input." What, for God´s sake, Erik, is so wrong about a topic that someone suggests that you have to object, without ANY hint on why, any explanation what´s wrong about it? You said you we´re joking, but how are we supposed to know that, since I remember fondly your objection against other topics you deemed unworthy or unneccessary, and that wasn´t a joke, so you have to excuse the misunderstanding, if there ever was one.
What I wanted to say, is, I said nothing when you came up with that remark, because I knew what would happen. Sunil, on the other hand, was stupid enough to react (beside the fact that he hit my thoughts exactly). What makes it right to object someone´s wishes for a topic? What makes you think that would be funny? What right do you have to constantly lessen other people´s enjoyment of something?
Yeah, you contribute to this board, and a lot. You never seem to care about the fact that I regularly thanked you for this or that thing you did or wrote, because I really appreciated your effort, maybe because you don´t want MY thanks, or think I´m not meaning it, but that´s not true. I see your level of contribution here, and it´s worth a lot.
But I´m shocked to see that now we´re actually comparing the usefulness of board members. Yeah, of course Sunil is a strange person. And sometimes, his behaviour unsettles the mind. But if there´s one thing I can be sure of, the moment I see Sunil acting strange, all I have to do is wait for Erik to comment.
You´re not a moderator, Erik. What makes you think it´s your task to keep an eye on the guy? To constantly point out when he writes bullshit? We don´t need you for that, we´re old enough to ignore him if he does it all by ourselves. Yes, you are absolutely and without any doubt intolerant towards the guy.
Even IF Sunil is acting like a dick sometimes, it´s not your job to point it out. I had to learn that for myself when I tried to do something about your odd remarks. It wasn´t my job to attack you on your actions. It was the moderators´ (even if they didn´t). Today, I know that, but that doesn´t always keep me from saying something.
You want to apologize if I can prove that you insulted me. You see, that´s the point, you can insult people without meaning it. It´s still an insult. It doesn´t matter what you think makes an insult. If people are hurt by your remarks, it´s you who did it, and not them. It´s your constant excuse, to tell that we´re taking things personal, but constantly taking shots and sideremarks IS personal, whether you see it that way or not. We FEEL attacked, and that´s NOT our problem, because the attack is intentional and in full knowledge about the fact that you KNOW we react on your stuff. And you simply don´t care. Of course you have the right to say what you want. But a well-meaning individual would think again about continuing to hurt people just because he is allowed to.
I apologise to you, Erik, for calling you names. (And without any condition, like you always do when asked to apologize.)
But you are intolerant. You show the signs of a racist, not against a race, but against certain people. That doesn´t make it ANY better. And that´s why I´m so angry about Sunil being banned. He hit the mark. He just didn´t know how (or want) to express it correctly. So we´re banning him for his stupidity.
@ Demetris: And because Erik is the better contributor? I really hope you take that back somewhere down the road.
And this IS the last of it. I hope I managed to express myself in a way that helps to explain my point-of-view without agitating someone enough to re-respond. I know I won´t change anything with it, and I didn´t want to reopen the case. I just didn´t want to leave my racist remarks unexplained. -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009 edited
Ralph, you made some valid and thoughtful points, but I (still and always) take great exception to the racist epiteth, even with your explanation above. It's simply blatantly untrue and employs false logic: "a racist is intolerant, therefore everyone intolerant must be a (sort of) racist".
And I won't have it.
By all means discuss the intolerance.
While I personally may not agree, you clearly have some strong feelings about taht and express them very validly in a way that Erik may take to heart, or discuss, or whatever.
But any comparisons with racism should stop.
Really. It's not necessary to get the point across.
It pollutes, degrades and debases what could be a very poignant discussion.'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009 edited
Sorry, but I strongly object (and there is NO pun whatsoever intended).
There are racists and there are racists. It´s outright dangerous to think real racism has to consist of certain elements like actual force or having people to stitch a star on their shirt or worse.
There are levels of racism, and most of the time, it begins with the dangerous seed of intolerance.
Yes, OF COURSE not everyone intolerant is a racist. But I tried to explain how Sunil might have got the idea how to use the word. I said more than once now that I do not think Erik to be racist in the classic sense. But he shows a certain behaviour towards certain people that has a ... certain quality, and that´s what I tried to point out.
But since I have to accept that we can´t talk about it, I don´t see how I can help Sunil any further.
The other matter, whether Erik wants to discuss his intolerance or not, I have no doubt that he´d love to. The problem is that it won´t change anything at all, because it is not the first time I mention it.
My personal problem right now, however, is that I´m so tired of the whole thing that I find it too hard to continue, because I KNOW it is a waste of time, I´ve written tens of thousands words this week already to finish my book (which I did, BTW), and I´m EMPTY now. So please understand if I take my leave for now, to return with a fresh mind and will at a later time. -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
But he shows a certain behaviour towards certain people that has a ... certain quality, and that´s what I tried to point out.
Ralph, as he shows that "certain behaviour" to white anglo saxon males as well, I think we can hereby definitely (and hopefully finally) lay this whole sordid qualification to rest.
I acknowledge your point (that has been made earlier as well, by Thor, for example) that Sunil may have interpreted things in that manner, but that I feel is Sunil's problem. Not Erik's. Or everybody else's.
In short: I would accept that as an explanation, but not an excuse.
Again: I have no problem with discussing intolerance, or people who adopt too dismissive or derogatory a position towards others. But I will never stand for drawing such extreme and uncalled for conclusions.'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009 edited
Ralph Kruhm wrote
, I´ve written tens of thousands words this week already to finish my book (which I did, BTW)
Congratulations!'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009 edited
Martijn wrote
Ralph, as he shows that "certain behaviour" to white anglo saxon males as well, I think we can hereby definitely (and hopefully finally) lay this whole sordid qualification to rest.
I got that point a long time ago. The problem is, how can we name it then? If it´s not a certain "race" of individuals he is intolerant against, but a certain "type" of individuals, is it allowed to call him a typist? Would that save Sunil´s ass? Or is it the level of behaviour that´s usually referred to with racists that really worries you? If that´s the case, we have a different problem altogether.
Martijn wrote
Thank you very much. It´s been a very long three years.
I have to go now, sorry. -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009 edited
Ralph Kruhm wrote
I got that point a long time ago. The problem is, how can we name it then? If it´s not a certain "race" of individuals he is intolerant against, but a certain "type" of individuals, is it allowed to call him a typist?
As Erik has already alluded to, he has also butted heads with Steven and Tom.
I'd honestly be hard-pressed to find any common denominator.
Would that save Sunil´s ass? Or is it the level of behaviour that´s usually referred to with racists that really worries you? If that´s the case, we have a different problem altogether.
I'm not sure what you mean here?
I stated my case (I thought) quite unambiguously, both for banning Sunil, and for not accepting the "racial" connection with regards to Erik. But maybe I misunderstand your point?
I'd be happy to continue that discussion at a later date when you're happy to revisit this.
(I'm also quite happy to leave it. I feel a little exhausted myself.)
Martijn wrote
Thank you very much. It´s been a very long three years.
I have to go now, sorry.
Too bad. I'd have loved to know more about the book!'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
Martijn wrote
Martijn wrote
Thank you very much. It´s been a very long three years.
I have to go now, sorry.
Too bad. I'd have loved to know more about the book!
Me too - but in a different (happier) thread please! -
- CommentTimeNov 6th 2009
We used to have a book thread on SR.
Now that we have a book writing member here, I think we should have one here too!'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn