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The Hangover Thread
- CommentTimeDec 15th 2014
Yes, it was a private home (it's customary to take off your shoes in Norway).
The guy's shoes was similar to a Converse pair I've got, and in my drunken stupor I had forgotten that I had some different shoes that night. He walked home in mine, and hopefully we'll be able to swap back tomorrow.I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeJul 23rd 2016 edited
Geezes, what a night last night. Glorious summer day here, so first rosé wine and various drinks at a friend's balcony, then bicycling downtown to a karaoke place, singing "Circle of Life", then hooking up with a girl, cab to her place out-of-town and hanky-panky, then walking back (a LOOOONG way) to where I left the bike downtown; found the bike in an alleyway (without the lock! have to buy a new one), then biking home at 6:30.
Hangover deluxe!I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeJul 23rd 2016
Did I just read correctly??? You hooked up yesterday??? I know I may have missed episodes being away but good on you lad!!!Any chances of seeing her again? I don't mean to pry of course! You can always tell me to mind my own business!
By the way I had a small hangover today too. Had some hell of a good Mai Tais last night!
Whatever you gaze rests on,do not use your vision, but the eyes of your soul...She knows better... -
- CommentTimeJul 23rd 2016 edited
Yeah, it's the same place I also hooked up a few weeks back. I think it's my favourite place now.Just a bit of fun, no intention of meeting her again; she's not my type (I don't even think we told each other our names).
Love Mai Tais (one of the few cocktails I can drink)!I am extremely serious. -
- CommentTimeJul 23rd 2016
Well it seem you both had fun and that's what matters! Along with being careful of course!Whatever you gaze rests on,do not use your vision, but the eyes of your soul...She knows better... -
- CommentTimeJul 23rd 2016
Just a hot summer night, eh, Thunderer?
Mai Tais are great. I wish my headache today came from those...but sadly it's just residual stress from an absolutely horrific week at work.
Oh well. Looking towards making up for it tonight at a 1920s styled dinner party at some dear friend's who REALLY knows his cocktails.
Copacetic!'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn -
- CommentTimeJul 23rd 2016
Will you be wearing a 1920s style tux? I want photos if this is the case!Whatever you gaze rests on,do not use your vision, but the eyes of your soul...She knows better... -
- CommentTimeJul 23rd 2016
I will, actually!
And photos shall be made, but I'll reserve judgement until I've seen them on whether they can be shared!'no passion nor excitement here, despite all the notes and musicians' ~ Falkirkbairn -
- CommentTimeNov 21st 2016
Geezes, tell me how long you nurture hangovers, and I'll tell you how old you are!
Two days since the big birthday pub crawl, and I still feel like shit.I am extremely serious.